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Jon Fleischman

Get Over It

The last few days there has been quite a bit of discussion about the sudden circumstances surrounding the abrupt departure of the California Republican Party’s Chief Operating Officer. To those who are still interesting in rehashing this matter… Get over it. It’s time to move on. The guy omitted key information when he applied for the job. When it was revealed, he quit. The CRP has hired a new, well qualified, intirim COO. The Chairman has expressed his regret over the situation. A higher degree of scrutiny will be given to future applicants. End of story. We’re now at the point where people who do not have the best interests of the California Republican Party at heart want to make a long, drawn out issue (like our "friends" at the San Francisco Chronicle). If any readers of this website still have any real lingering questions or concerns about this matter, go ahead and drop me an e-mail and I will be happy to speak with you about it.

I am making this post deliberately short to emphasize my point. … Read More

Round Two: Defeated 2006 Democratic Congressional Candidate Sets Sights On Congressman David Dreier’s CD 26

Tuesday June 26, 2007 must have been Inland Empire Congressional candidacy announcement day.

First, Democratic Congressman Joe Baca (CD 43)draws two opponents (one GOP and one DEM), and a familiar face threw his hat into the ring for the Democratic Party nod to face veteran incumbent GOP Congressman David Dreier.

Wealthy magazine distribution magnate Russ Warner of Rancho Cucamonga announced his candidacyfor the 26th Congressional District for the second time in two years; his first attempt just over a year ago having ended in total failure. Warner, who held the official endorsement of the California Democratic Party, saw his 2006 bid come to a screeching halt after a surprise defeat by perennial Congressional candidate Cynthia Matthews.

In announcing his most recent campaign, the liberal party activist played to his party’s far-left base by boasting of an endorsement by ultra-left-wing California Democratic… Read More

BREAKING – Congressman Joe Baca Draws Two Opponents for 2008

Exclusive to the Flashreport:

Just received an e-mail correspondence from Republican John Roberts, a councilmember for the city of Fontana (population: 163,860). Councilmember Roberts announced that he will be standing for the GOP nomination in the 43rd Congressional District, a seat currently held by five-term Democratic Congressman Joe Baca. Roberts, who has served on the council since 1992, is elected on an at-large basis in the 43rdCongressional District’s second largest city.

Fontana Councilmember John Roberts (not to be confused with the United States Supreme Court Justice of the same name)also stated that he has the endorsements of all four of his council colleagues (all are Republicans), including the city’s popular mayor, Mark Nuaimi.

An… Read More

Barry Jantz

Nehring’s Statement on the COOs

From State GOP Chairman Ron Nehring……

California Republican Party- Chairman’s Report Greetings!

I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on a few important events at the CRP.

With my background serving as a county chairman for more than five years, I take the role of state party chairman with enormous seriousness, and feel a great sense of personal responsibility for ensuring the party’s success.

As a county chairman, I was accustomed to working in a fairly tight circle, keeping things moving rapidly in a campaign environment where we had more than 10 elections in just five years. Although I was Chairman of a large county party, the CRP is much, much larger, requiring a wider circle of people and adjusting expectations of how quickly things can happen accordingly.

As a result of this, and a short timeframe to fill the position, we moved too quickly in the hiring of our previous COO, and certain assumptions were made that proved notRead More

Duane Dichiara

Let’s Move Forward Now

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Duane Dichiara

On Flaying…

This morning, I went through my usual routine of getting up, turning on ‘The Higglytown Heros’ for Ella, putting a pot of coffee on to boil, and reading the news. Near the top was the latest installment from the San Francisco Chronicle, entitled “State GOP Chief Flayed Over Scandal”.

Now I grew up in a small country town of fewer than 900 souls. I’ve seen a hog bled, boiled, and flayed. It’s not a pretty sight. And unless you have dogs around, there usually there is considerable clean-up involved. So the Chronicle painted a pretty ugly picture in my head of what they were about to do to Chairman Ron Nehring.

But then I actually had to laugh out loud. Literally. The best quote the Chronicle could get ‘flaying’ Nehring was from San Diego’s own pro-illegal immigration activist and all around gadfly Raoul Lowery Contreras. Specifically:

"I have talked to a number of money people, and they have told me as long as Nehring stays chairman, they will not give a dime," said Raoul Lowery Contreras, a Southern California GOP activist who writes the blog and has called for Nehring’s resignation.Read More

Romney’s California Team in Boston

Monday was another historic day in presidential politics. Nearly a thousand Romney supporters gathered on the floor of the Boston Garden to raise money for his campaign.

We had done it before in January (at the Boston Convention Center that time) and raised over $6,000,000 on that day. Although the numbers are not all in, we probably pulled in at least a few million yesterday. This is not your usual name-tag-at-the-door, chicken-veggies-and-a-speech fund raiser.

The Romney Team does everything better, faster, bigger.

Sunday evening over 1,000 Romney supporters had a barbecue at Fenway Park where the Boston Red Sox Play. Governor Romney rallied the troops, his wife Ann did too. His son’s four of five of whom are working full-time campaigning for their dad told some funny stories about the campaign trail.

But the best part about Sunday evening was getting to go down on the field at Fenway and walk where so many legends of Baseball have played.

This photo shows us at the ball park. From… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Bill Jones: The Facts About Ethanol

Last Wednesday I featured a guest commentary is this space from State Senator Tom McClintock. Entitled Ethanol Economics, McClintock made the case against a recent decision by the California Air Resources Board to mandate that by 2010, every gallon of gasoline sold must be made up of at least 10% ethanol.

Bonus link: What is ethonal? The Wikopedia entry is here.

Today I am pleased to feature a ‘rebuttal piece’ penned by former California Secretary of State Bill . Jones, the Republican Party’s nominee for U.S. Senate a few years back, is now the Chairman of the Board of Pacific Ethanol:

**There is more – click the link**Read More