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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Veteran Taxfighter/Private Property Advocate Nielsen Returning to the Legislature

Jon asked me to offer a few thoughts on the happenings in the race to replace me in the 2nd District Assembly seat up here in North California. I’m nearly halfway through my third term and out the door in November ’08, so I was particularly pleased with former Senator Jim Nielsen’s decision this week to throw his Stetson in the ring to replace me.

A lot of folks in the Northstate remember Jim from his 12 years representing the area in the State Senate. There weren’t many elected Republicans in this part of the state back then, but thanks in large part to Jim, that changed. My parents knew Jim since he first ran in ’78. I was just a high school kid not paying much mind to it other than knowing the names and rooting for Reagan when I could vote in ’80. Jim "came out of nowhere"to win his Senate seat in ’78 ina district that was a Democrat stronghold, barely 30% Rep and 60% Dem, besting incumbent Democrat Senator John Dunlap.

Jim has won more friend of the taxpayer awards than one can count, being a "Prop 13 baby" in that ’78 sweep when 13 passed. Jim works today as Chairman of the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

California Mayor’s for Rudy

Rudy Giuliani’s Presidential Campaign just fired off a press release announcing "California Mayor’s for Rudy" here in the Golden State. The endorsers are…

Jean Blois, Mayor of Goleta Dene Bustichi, Mayor of Scotts Valley Roger Campbell, former Mayor of Fillmore Jim Desmond, Mayor of San Marcos Dr. Donald J. Kurth, Mayor of Rancho Cucamonga Larry Lavagnino, Mayor of Santa Maria Robert McKaben, Mayor of Colusa Ila Mette-McCuteon, Mayor of Marina Curt Pringle, Mayor of Anaheim David Smith, Mayor of Newark Michael Termini, Mayor of Capitola Ernie Villegas, Mayor of Fillmore … Read More

San Bernardino County Legislative Delegation Gaining Clout – Will Trend Continue in 2008?

As San Bernardino County’s population continues to grow, the region’s clout and influence in the State Legislature is increasing as well. Perhaps the most significant victories of the last election cycle occurred in Republican Party primaries for seats in the State Legislature. Among the 2006 victories San Bernardino County residents can be proud were the surprise wins of Yucca Valley’s Paul Cook for the 65th Assembly District and Hesperia’s Anthony Adams for the 59th AD. Both Adams and Cook replaced non-San Bernardino County incumbents (The 65th was held by termed-out incumbent Russ Bogh of Riverside County and the 59th was held by Dennis Mountjoy of Los Angeles County). Thus, the victories of Anthony Adams and Paul Cook increased the number of lawmakers in the State Capitol who call San … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: “Mr. Houston Goes To Washington” – a book that may never get written…

I’ve known Richard Pombo since before he ever a Congressman. He’s a great guy, with a lot of integrity, and there isn’t a dishonest bone in his body. That said, by the time the onslaught against him was over in Congressional District 11 last November, Pombo was out of office because of a lot of accusatory voter communication that made it out like Richard was tainted by a rather iffy connection to the now-imprisoned Jack Abramoff. Pombo is a great example of how it is perception, not reality that often times matters the most in the arena of politics. To be honest, I don’t really know Guy Houston (pictured to the left) too well. We’ve met a few times, and I find him to be quite pleasant. He’s a good conservative, and he has some great people on his staff. Like the rest of us, he has seen Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, I’m… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor signs bill after EVERY REPUBLICAN voted against it. More “Bipartisan, party of one.”

Yesterday, Governor Schwarzenegger decided that he would ‘stick it in the eye’ of legislative Republicans by signing a bill authored by liberal Democrat Carol Migden of San Francisco, SB 376. We’ve spoken here before about Schwarzenegger’s "bi-partisan, party of one" and signing this bill is a great example — in the State Senate, EVERY Republican voted against is, and in the State Assembly EVERY Republican voted against is, as did one Democrat. That’s right, SB 376 arrived on Governor Schwarzenegger’s desk WITHOUT A SINGLE LEGISLATIVE REPUBLICAN VOTE. (Don’t take my word for it, the Senate and Assembly votes are attached below…) What does the bill do? In essence it would give the authority to the City Attorney of the County and City of San Francisco to file "unfair competition actions" and "pursue recovery of a civil penalty therefor without authorization from the district attorney." Given that particular city’s unique ability to elect total left wing nuts to office, why would we… Read More

Jon Fleischman

“Mr. Houston Goes To Washington” – a book that may never get written…

I’ve known Richard Pombo since before he ever a Congressman. He’s a great guy, with a lot of integrity, and there isn’t a dishonest bone in his body. That said, by the time the onslaught against him was over in Congressional District 11 last November, Pombo was out of office because of a lot of accusatory voter communication that made it out like Richard was tainted by a rather iffy connection to the now-imprisoned Jack Abramoff. Pombo is a great example of how it is perception, not reality that often times matters the most in the arena of politics. To be honest, I don’t really know Guy Houston (pictured to the left) too well. We’ve met a few times, and I find him to be quite pleasant. He’s a good conservative, and he has some great people on his staff. Like the rest of us, he has seen Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, I’m… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Winners and Losers of the Amnesty Bill

WINNERS: The GOP Senators who stepped up and told the President: "Amnesty, proposed by a Republican, is still amnesty." LOSERS: The "dirty dozen" Republican Senators that cast the pro-amnesty vote: Bennett, Craig, Graham, Gregg, Hagel, Kyl, Lott, Lugar, Martinez, McCain, Snow, Specter. WINNERS: Grassroots activists all around America who got active, and made a difference with their lobbying of Washington politicians. THE BIG LOSER: President George W. Bush. My faith in the judgement of the George W. Bush has been profoundly, negatively impacted by this totally outrageous and misguided effort. WINNERS: All legal immigrants to the United States, whose journey to come here would have been immeasurably cheapened with an amnesty for the lawbreaking… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

War Profiteer Visits Capitol – II

My initial commentary on war profiteer Michael Moore’s visit to the State Capitol a few weeks back drew the ire of liberals all over the state. Now a new op ed in the Wall Street Journal adds to the mountain of evidence of Canada’s failed single payer health system. I dare say there is as much evidence of the disaster of single payer throughout the world as let’s say – global warming!

So let me use the liberal line on this: the debate is over. Single payer health insurance funded by government is an abject failure.… Read More