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Mike Spence

AB 1634 Supporters Rip Off GOP Logo

AB 1634 is the bill that requires pet owners to rip off (ok neuter or spay) thier pets you know whats. The supporters of this bill have set up a fake Republicans for AB 1634 web site that illegally uses the GOP trademark of an elephant with stars.

Both this site and the official AB 1634 site used the same private registrant company. You can clearly see the illegal use of the trademarked GOP elephant logo. See here. Only official GOP chartered groups may use the logo.

This site is set up by an "S. L. Reeves." No word on if the elephant still has his??.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Breaking News: Override of Sanders’ Veto Looks to be Failing on anti-Wal-Mart Ordinance

This just in from Tony Krvaric….

I’m at city council chambers:

Donna Frye announced she will NOT vote for the override. Vote will come down 4-4, essentially NOT overriding the Mayor’s Veto. Newsflash! Will e-mail you as soon as the final vote is done.


12:42 am Update:

Final vote will come at 2 PM. They recessed for lunch, but Donna Frye already went on record (TV) that she’s changing her vote to NO, i.e. NOT voting for the override of the veto.

TonyRead More

Mike Spence

And Nominees for GOP Nanny are….

The nomination process is overand the nominees for CRA’s Who’s Your GOP Nanny are…..

State Senator Tom Harman; State Senator Abel Maldonado; Assemblyman Bill Emmerson; Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia; Assemblywoman Shirley Horton.

You can cast a vote for one here.The winner will be announced at the California Republican Convention in September. Good luck. Keep reading FR as these nominees compete for your vote, by promoting the nanny state.

There were several honorable mentions as well. For a previous post on this award click here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

McCain implosion? Top two campaign staffers quit.

UPDATE: Two more departures – political director Rob Jesmer and deputy campaign manager Reed Galen.

This morning, the top two figures in the McCain for President campaign, Campaign Manager Terry Nelson (pictured) and John Weaver, abruptly and unexpectedly — quit.

Senator McCain’s longtime advisor Rick Davis is stepping up to fill the role, begging the question of whether McCain’s campaign is (rather quickly) transitioning from a major nationwide effort that had him topping the polls for some time, to one of those pained campaigns where the esteemed U.S. Senator runs around America running for President, when everyone knows he is not a factor.

Momentum is important for a campaign — more positive things beget more positive things. The reverse is also true — bad news can quickly… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Asm. Guy Houston: Republican Opposition Can Stop Misleading Eminent Domain “Reform”

In place of our regular daily commentary, we feature the following special guest commentary from Republican Assemblyman Guy Houston. Houston, who serves as Vice-Chairman of the Assembly’s Local Government Committee, is an important voice in the debate over the future of ACA 8, the "Trojan Horse" faux-Eminent Domain "reform" measure put forth by the League of Cities as a blocking-maneuver to prevent a real reform measure that would have protections for all property owners against abusive government takings. In Houston’s commentary, just see how many kinds of property are NOT protected from "Kelo" type government action? Without any further introduction, here is Houston’s piece:

Republican Opposition Can Stop Misleading Eminent Domain “Reform”Read More

Jon Fleischman

Are you kidding?

I am at John Wayne Airport here in Orange County with my wife and her dad, Eugene. Eugene is 67 years old, and while he doesn’t look a day over 50, he is a far cry from 21.

That said, we were all dumbfounded when our server, upon Eugene ordering a Heinekin, was told he had to present his drivers license. Seriously? At first, we thought he was kidding. But, um… No.

So here is our special message to Airport Director Alan Murphy, a good guy… Are you kidding? I can understand the wobblers… But asking senior citizens to show ID when ordering a beer is out of line.

P.S. I am sure fault ultimately lies with a union official or a trial lawyer!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Asm. Guy Houston: Republican Opposition Can Stop Misleading Eminent Domain “Reform”

In place of our regular daily commentary, we feature the following special guest commentary from Republican Assemblyman Guy Houston. Houston, who serves as Vice-Chairman of the Assembly’s Local Government Committee, is an important voice in the debate over the future of ACA 8, the "Trojan Horse" faux-Eminent Domain "reform" measure put forth by the League of Cities as a blocking-maneuver to prevent a real reform measure that would have protections for all property owners against abusive government takings. In Houston’s commentary, just see how many kinds of property are NOT protected from "Kelo" type government action? Without any further introduction, here is Houston’s piece: Read More

Carl Fogliani

Former Stockton Mayor Podesto Switches to Independent

At tonight’s meeting of the San Joaquin County Republican Central Committee, members were informed that former Stockton Mayor and 2004 5th Senatorial district candidate Gary Podesto has changed his registration to independent and resigned from the committee. Podesto had also served a short period as Chairman of the committee.

An election will be held next month to replace him as an ex-officio member of the committee.… Read More