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Katy Grimes

Former Sen. Isadore Hall, Now ALRB Member, Levels Threats in Obscenity-laced Tirade

California Senate President pro Tempore Kevin De Leónis facing another scandalous issue.

A letter from Sen. Andy Vidak (R-Hanford) spelled out an appalling episode, in which several fruit growers whom Hall allegedly threatened, on the eve of his confirmation hearing to the Agricultural Labor Relations Board.

Vidak said he personally heard from several witnesses that on the eve of his confirmation hearing before the Senate Rules committee, that ALRB Commissioner Isadore Hall, “in an obscenity-laced tirade, threatened to use his position to ‘get’ several farmers who oppose his confirmation. The incident occurred at the Hyatt on February 28,” Vidak wrote.

Feb. 28 was the date of the California Fresh Fruit Association Annual Government Relations Trip in Sacramento. In the evening, many of the members met in the bar at the Hyatt, where they were confronted by former Senator Hall.

I also heard about Hall’s “obscenity-laced tirade.” I was told Hall said, “Are you… Read More

Katy Grimes

Feminist Gender Hustlers On the March Wednesday

In 2015, it was discovered that in the California Assembly, under Democrat control, women made 92 cents on the dollar compared to men. In the Senate, women made 94 cents on the dollar compared to men.

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, and feminist against unequal pay for women, paid her own female employees $15,708.38 less than her male staffers when she was a U.S. senator from New York.This happened under Democrats. Gender Hustlers.

Rather than write another lengthy article about phony gender hustlers known as feminists, let me instead dispel that myth that women make less than men, with some facts… Read More

Katy Grimes

California Sheriffs Warn Sanctuary State Bill Protects Criminals Illegal Aliens

Senate Bill 54threatens public safety, protects criminal illegal aliens, and puts federal grants for California’s local law enforcement agencies in danger, according to Senator Joel Anderson (R-Alpine), Senator Jim Nielsen (R-Gerber), and three California sheriffs who traveled to the State Capitol Monday to discuss just how dangerous the bill really is.

California Senate Democrats are rushing a bill through to restrict local law enforcement in the state from cooperating with federal immigration authorities on criminal illegal aliens. Why? Out of little or no concern for the welfare of immigrants, most say illegal immigrants are the Left’s most reliable voting bloc, especially in California where illegal aliens can obtain a drivers license and vote.

Despite President Donald J. Trump’s recent warning that his administration will defund Sanctuary cities,Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Léon (D-Los Angeles), the author of… Read More

Edward Ring

A Modest Proposal for California from a Public Servant

When I see someone attacking the benefits the Fire Department receives or the Police Department receives, my concern is: Why wouldn’t you expect the same for yourself? We should act as a beacon.” – Mike Mohun, president of the San Ramon Firefighters Union, quoted in theNew York Times, March 2, 2017

There are many compelling reasons to examine this statement by Mr. Mohun, since pension benefits for state and local government workers are consuming ever increasing percentages of tax revenue. For starters, using the term “attack” is unfair. More accurate might be “counter-attack,” since the costs for these pensions are what has become extreme, not our reaction. If these pensions were financially sustainable, California’s citizens would not beunder attack by continuously escalating taxes, and continuously diminishing public services.

But why shouldn’t we expect the same for… Read More

Richard Rider

The yin and the yang of our California employment picture

California’s employment figures have definitely improved from the depths of our disastrous recession. Our Left Coast state suffered worse from the downturn than the rest of the country, and have until recently lagged in the recovery. Democrats like to paint California today as experiencing a “miracle” rebound, with CA leading the nation in the employment surge. They are in some ways right. And dead wrong.

Let’s drill down a bit into the numbers to get a more complete picture. The devil is in the details, as they say. After lagging for years, we had a surge in CA jobs in 2015. But that surge seems to be petering out, as the numbers below indicate.

First, let’s be clear. We have NOT fully recovered from the recession. Nor are we doing better than the country’s average unemployment figures. But we have had a recent surge to narrow the gap. Here’s my latest figures from the BLS:

The CA unemployment rate(Dec, 2016) has been improving. We are tied for tenth worst – 5.2%. National unemployment rate is 4.7%.Nat’lRead More

Katy Grimes

Sen. Pres. de León Claims Sen. Janet Nguyen ‘enjoyed the 15 minutes of fame,’ Over Senate Ejection

Several hundred members of the Vietnamese American community traveled to the State Capitol in SacramentoMondayto demonstrate their support of Sen. Janet Nguyen (R-Garden Grove), including more than 100 Vietnamese Americans who rode the bus from Nguyen’s Orange County district.

Nguyen was forciblyremoved from the Senate Floor Feb. 23, 2017 for speaking about the late Senator Tom Hayden, and his involvement with communists in Vietnam. Hayden’s memory triggers outrage in the Vietnamese community.

The rally Monday was a patriotic event, with most of the Vietnamese carrying American flags, and the flag of Vietnam, and many wearing American flag clothing. As the rally officially… Read More

President Trump Shines in Congressional Address

As an earlier supporter of President Trump’s candidacy, it was such a great sound to hear the introduction of “Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States of America.” President Trump being escorted into the Chamber by Congressmen Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise, the President wearing a very fashionable blue stripe tie received a warm standing ovation.

Putting aside my bias, I must say that we heard a very Reagan style speech, he stared by celebrating the end of Black History month, condemning hate and evil, the threats of violence and vandalism against Jewish Community Centers .

He spoke about patriotism; “Each American generation… Read More

Katy Grimes

Hypocrisy in California State Senate Leads to Commie Suppression of Dissent

In an astonishing violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, California State Sen. Janet Nguyen (R-Garden Grove), was forcibly removed from the Senate last Thursday morning for challenging the sycophantic Senate memorial of the late Sen. Tom Hayden, a Democrat with a well-known and lengthy history of communist sympathies.Sen. Nguyen and her family escaped communist Vietnam and came to the United States in search of freedom in 1981 during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Sadly, what Nguyenexperienced last week was communistic suppression of dissent inside the chambers of the California State Senate, in the state she thought epitomized freedom. Read More

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