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Mike Spence

“Republicans for AB 1634” website takes down RNC logo.

I received two emails today. One forwarded from the RNC legal department, the other from the person who created the website. They say they are taking down the logo and didn’t realize it wasn’y allowed. See previous post here. I may get to speak to "S.L. Reeves" soon.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Today’s Commentary: Late Budget Blues

Here it is, July 13th, and the Legislature still has not approved a state budget. Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez says he’s cancelled his vacation plans and told his colleagues that they may have a long summer in front of them. But it is not only the members who pay the price of a late budget—legislative staff, governor’s office and agency staff and lobbyists also pay the price for a late budget.

But a late budget is better than a bad budget. Given the fact that the state continues to have an ongoing operating deficit of $2 billion, the annual budget process is an opportunity to, at the least, not continue to add to our fiscal problems.

But that’s not the Democrats’ take on the budget. As usual, they are pushing for more and more spending. The governor proposed total spending of $103.8 billion in spending, while the Democrats are promoting a budget of $104.4 billion. This week, the Assembly GOP proposed $2.2 billion in cuts to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Correa puts all GOP Senators on record in support of “faux” Eminent Domain fix?

This story is developing, but I want to give FR readers a preliminary heads up…

Since I am not a Capitol denizen and neither are the vast majority of our readers, I will try to keep this post as non-technical as possible.

Yesterday, it would appear that Orange County’s lone Democrat Senator, Lou Correa, was the only one present at a “check in” session of the Senate (check in sessions are another long story but suffice it to say that the Senate chambers were empty, with Senators only signing an attendence sheet for the day). Correa announces that “without objection” a waiver of Senate Rules are granted to allow a very bad bill, one that had been effectively killed for the legislative year, to be granted a new lease on life. Of course, since Correa was the ONLY Senator present, his “announcement” went unchallenged.

The bill was part of the “Trojan Horse” package being put forth as a companion to ACA 8, the effort by California’s Redevelopment Industry to stave off the end of all abusive takings of private property by local governments through eminent domain.

Thanks to… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Late Budget Blues

Here it is, July 13th, and the Legislature still has not approved a state budget. Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez says he’s cancelled his vacation plans and told his colleagues that they may have a long summer in front of them. But it is not only the members who pay the price of a late budget—legislative staff, governor’s office and agency staff and lobbyists also pay the price for a late budget.

But a late budget is better than a bad budget. Given the fact that the state continues to have an ongoing operating deficit of $2 billion, the annual budget process is an opportunity to, at the least, not continue to add to our fiscal problems.

But that’s not the Democrats’ take on the budget. As usual, they are pushing for more and more spending. The governor proposed total spending of $103.8 billion in spending, while the Democrats are promoting a budget of $104.4 billion. This week, the Assembly GOP proposed $2.2 billion in cuts to… Read More

Jill Buck

RJC event at Reagan Library

This week I had the privilege of attending one of the best political events I’veseen to date. The RJC’s dinner at the Reagan library, featuring Natan Sharansky and Hugh Hewitt, was unabashedly patriotic, inspiring, and thoroughly enjoyable. I couldn’t possible sum up the evening better than the author of the following hyperlink; please click here. Many thanks to CA RJC President, Larry Greenfield, for a first-rate program!… Read More

Brandon Powers

A Different Kind of Chinese Food

Earlier today I received a press release from Senator Abel Maldonado’s office. Normally, I take only a perfunctory look at these releases, and generally ignore them. But this one caught my eye.

According to the release, all sorts of disgusting and dangerous food products are making their way into our food supply from China, not exactly a country with the most exemplary record of keeping its people in good health.

I never thought I’d be one to be posting about what a Senator from the Central Coast is saying about international food shipments, but take a look at the letter Abel sent to the California Congressional Delegation and his press release on the topic.

If nothing else, it certainly gives some food for thought.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Campaign Announces California Staff

The FR has been informed that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s California campaign staff will be announced publicly soon, but we wanted to give our readers a heads up. The senior Giuliani California campaign staff are as follows:

Brent Lowder California Executive DirectorLowder will be overseeing the campaign’s daily statewide operation.He has over ten years of experience working in the California political arena. During this time, Lowder has served in senior staff positions on various state and local Republican campaigns. In 2002, he served as a senior aide to Bill Simon during his campaign for Governor of California. Prior to his work on the Simon campaign, Lowder worked on Matt Fong’s campaign for U.S. Senate in 1998 and on the Pete Wilson Gubernatorial Committee in 1994.

Thomas Roberts – Political DirectorRoberts hasRead More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: U.S. Rep. Jerry “The King of Pork” Lewis caught at the trough – on CNN!

Check out this ‘must watch’ investigative report on CNN where they look into how Congressman Jerry Lewis ("R" – Redlands) secured a half million dollars in earmarked pork for the local park by his home — no, not wherever he lives in California, but right by his "other" home — in Washington, D.C. You should call your Congressman and tell them to lead a charge to have Lewis dumped from the Appropriations Committee. As Chairman of the key spending committee back when we had a Republican majority, his pork barrel ways helped to contribute to our loss of the House.

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