10 Point Plan for Earmark Reform
Illegal Immigration: Lately, our Republican leadership has been offering amendments on the floor to a number of bills that were clearly going to pass on the subject of illegal immigration. This is not surprising. What is surprising is that they almost always pass. Last week, an amendment to a Section 8 (government) subsidized housing bill would require that applicantsfor such housing show some proof of citizenship before they can obtain a subsidy. This clearly makes sense as we should not be giving such benefits to those who are here illegally. This amendment passed by a vote of 233-186 because virtually all Republicans and nearly 50 Democrats voted for it. We’ll see whether this amendment remains in the bill through the Senate and a conference committee. But, if there is a majority in the House for such measures, might there not be that same majority for a broader enforcement-first immigration bill? The problem is that no bill even… Read More