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Jon Fleischman

Barry Manilow’s candidate for President, Jerry Lewis’ name turns up in Cunningham FBI paperwork, more…

Some passing thoughts on today’s news…

Today, our friends over at the Capitol Weekly have released a ‘scorecard’ on the state legislature. We’re still digesting it, but are open to any observations from FR readers before we release our ‘rating of the CW ratings’ — though my first observation… In a world where traditionally the higher you score on something, the better, it is notable that on a scale of 0 – 100, it is the 0 that makes you the right winger, and a 100 that makes you a socialist. Go figure… From the "Tales of the Bizarre" files — LA Times writer Don Frederick is reporting that Barry Manilow has written a big check to the candidate of libertarian-Republican Ron Paul’s candidacy for the Presidency. I guess watching Uncle Sam take such a big cut of those checks from the MGM in Vegas finally got the better of our favorite 70’s icon. I was very impressed with the … Read More

Jon Fleischman

For the 2007-8 budget, the line in the sand… No deficit spending.

As the budget dance continues with the legislative leaders trying to work through various issues, it would appear that there is one big question for this year’s budget… Will it be balanced? Will it spend no more than projected revenue? That ultimately is the core mission of Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines. We can have a discussion another day about what an ideal budget would look like, the kind we will never see as long as the partisan gerrymander of California ensures a liberal majority in both legislative houses. But the discussion for this year is deficit spending. There is no reason why budgeted expenditures for California government cannot fall within its income, will room to spare for a prudent reserve. Not only is this is a reasonable ‘non-negotiable’ line in the sand, but it is hard for me to figure out how this year, ANY legislator can vote for a budget that contains a budget deficit… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Barry Manilow’s candidate for President, Jerry Lewis’ name turns up in Cunningham FBI paperwork, more…

Some passing thoughts on today’s news…

Today, our friends over at the Capitol Weekly have released a ‘scorecard’ on the state legislature. We’re still digesting it, but are open to any observations from FR readers before we release our ‘rating of the CW ratings’ — though my first observation… In a world where traditionally the higher you score on something, the better, it is notable that on a scale of 0 – 100, it is the 0 that makes you the right winger, and a 100 that makes you a socialist. Go figure… From the "Tales of the Bizarre" files — LA Times writer Don Frederick is reporting that Barry Manilow has written a big check to the candidate of libertarian-Republican Ron Paul’s candidacy for the Presidency. I guess watching Uncle Sam take such a big cut of those checks from the MGM in Vegas finally got the better of our favorite 70’s icon. I was very impressed with the … Read More

Barry Jantz

Larson Apparently Out in 52nd C.D.

The "Is he in or is he out" talk has swirled for weeks regarding Mark Larson’s potential run for an open Duncan Hunter seat next year, especially after he left KOGO radio in early June. Many conjectured the move was solely for a congressional run, but he was pretty clear he needed to make the change, regardless of any shot at public office.

In his blog yesterday, Mark reveals a new and exciting partnership with John Lynch, CEO of Broadcast Company of the Americas, to "build" a new radio station: San Diego 1700 AM (which Lynch already owns, so nodrawn out FCC approval needed). Larson will serve as program director and do the weekly 5-9 am show at the redesigned station, among his many other ongoing roles.

Considering the title of his blog post, "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED TO ME…ON THE WAY TO CAPITOL HILL: I got an offer I couldn’t refuse," it should be clear he’s not running, but then there’s this….

"John and I also agree in understanding the ‘call of community service’. He knows there may be a point in theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Roll Call article on U.S. Rep. John Doolittle

From today’s Roll Call Newspaper back in DC… Weak Fundraising Doolittle’s Latest Woe By David M. Drucker Roll Call Staff Republicans in Rep. John Doolittle’s (R-Calif.) district are continuing to sour on the nine-term Congressman * but GOP leaders and potential primary challengers are for now refraining from making any public moves to push the lawmaker aside. Reflecting his weakened political position, Doolittle closed theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Dem Strategist Kaufman holds petitions on term limits weakening measure until budget is passed…

Much space has already been given on this site to the shifty and smarmy efforts by Don Perata and Fabian Nunez — our esteemed "legative leaders" — to try and avoid having term limits kick them out of their powerful political offices at the end of next year.

We have it on good authority that Gale Kaufman and the political team behind the Perata/Nunez "term-limited incumbent career extending" term limits weakening measure have gathered enough signatures through their paid efforts, and are ready to turn them in…

But they are waiting…. "Why," you ask?

They apparently want to wait until after a budget is passed so that the ‘spin’ from the announcement of turning in signatures isn’t tainted with the whole idea that the legislature cannot pass a budget on time.

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker — the public isn’t going to be fooled by this self-serving measure no matter when you turn in your signatures. It won’t change the fact… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

With every tragedy comes a legislator with a new law…

Is there never a tragedy that doesn’t require a new law? It is almost funny how quickly legislators—at both the state and federal level—have to put out a press release announcing a new law after some individual tragedy. Such is the case with the death of 4-year-old Carlos Alejandro Flores at the Great America amusement park in San Jose last week. Despite the fact that Great America has announced that children shorter than 4 feet twill now be required to wear life vests in all of its 17 locations nationwide, State Sen. Elaine Alquist, D-Santa Clara, says that she plans to introduce legislation to address the problem. Her bill would legally require children under 4 feet to were life vests at amusement parks, set a mandatory ratio of lifeguards to swimmers and require that young children not be left unattended. The key to this sad situation is that the 4-year-old boy was left unattended. We can pass a law to require parents to say with their young… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrat Double-Speak as Budget Balloons

Thanks to this great chart produced by the Senate Republican Caucus, it is really easy to visualize the significant growth in the state budget and in state spending between last year’s budget and the budget proposed by the Democrats for next year (those numbers below are in millions, so add six zeroes to each)…

It appears they have "Potomac Fever" because they once again are using double-speak. It is easy to see that Democrats want to massively increase spending, and are accusing the Republicans of wanting to cut spending. The reality is that the Republicans are simply proposing LESS OF AN INCREASE. Actually, we should have actual cuts, and a lot of them, give the largesse in the budget. But clearly, in this case, the Democrats are whores for any increased spending, and the Republicans are being very modest in their efforts to apply a degree of fiscal discipline to state finaces.… Read More