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Jon Fleischman

Update: Caucus Time

An update for the night-owls, the Assembly Republican Caucus is now meeting and legislators are ‘locked in’ which means there is likely a budget vote immenent. We’ll see what happens..… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Fletcher Raises Big Bucks in AD75

I guess the subtitle on this one should be ‘Yeah I Know It’s A Self Serving Post’ but Fletcher is really burning it up finance-wise and shouldn’t not get posted because of his affiliation with me. I’m also not so good with changing font sizes on this thing so bare with me…



Over $300,000 COH from Strong Grassroots Support

SAN DIEGO – State Assembly candidate Nathan Fletcher (R-San Diego) today releasedRead More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – Outgoing College President Rewarded for Ineptitude

It all began with a palm-tree caper – now the trustees of MiraCosta College have bestowed a lavish “prize package” on the outgoing president that seems more fitting of a television game show.

According to the San Diego Union Tribune (June 21, 2007), the MiraCosta College President’s “departure ends a year of turmoil that began in May 2006, when she announced an investigation into the illegal sale of palm trees from the campus’s Horticulture Department. Three months earlier, the college had authorized its lawyers to hire a private investigator to look into a whistle-blower’s allegations. The investigation centered on allegations that a college administrator and her fiance had struck a deal to nurture and sell thousands of palm trees donated to the college. Estimates of the investigation’s cost have ranged from $200,000 to $1 million.” The results were “underwhelming… conviction of a former administrator for felony grand theft involving $306.”Read More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock’s Call to Action on Budget

This just came over from State Senator Tom McClintock, pardon any odd formatting as I am posting it up from my Blackberry….

ASSEMBLY REPUBLICANS COLLAPSING ON BUDGET TONIGHT! THE VOTE IS SCHEDULED FOR 8:15 PM TONIGHT. PLEASE CONTACT ASSEMBLY AND SENATE REPUBLICAN OFFICES AND DEMAND THAT THEY HOLD FIRM FOR A BALANCED BUDGET. The Assembly is convening tonight to adopt another seriously out-of-balance state budget (SB 77). Worse, it sets in motion obligations that will cause a catastrophic shortfall for the following year. And worst of all, it plans on continuing the process of “escheat,” in which the state controller loots safe deposit boxes, retirement and college funds – any assets that are idle for just three years – to deposit in the general fund. Even though a federal court has ordered them temporarily to halt this practice, they are still counting on resuming it – or having taxpayers pick up the difference. Because it takes a 2/3 vote to adopt the budget, Republicans can hold firm to demand what they promised California – a state government that lives within its means. If this budget is adopted as it now stands, it will be due entirely to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The “Poison Pill” in the State Budget

For those legislators thinking about voting for the 2007 – 2008 budget, I could spent a lot of time listing out programs in it that simply represent the worst of centralized state planning and control.

But today I was made aware of what would have to be the worst "poison pill" of the whole bunch.

In the budget is an increase of $18.9 million in funds from the General Fund for the "Medi-Cal Minor Consent Program." This money, and I am dead serious here, is to fund abortion services for the minor children of illegal aliens. The program specifically PROHIBITS contacting parents for consent, and has never asked for verification of citizenship.

As a matter of fact, this is not a new program, but the cost of it is shifting to the state because new federal guidelines require proof of citizenship.

So as you cast a budget vote, you are funding what we are called the "Trifecta" (no documentation, no notification, for abortion). I just couldn’t cast that vote. Just the thought of the program existing, quite frankly, makes me nauseous.… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

10 Point Plan for Earmark Reform

Illegal Immigration: Lately, our Republican leadership has been offering amendments on the floor to a number of bills that were clearly going to pass on the subject of illegal immigration. This is not surprising. What is surprising is that they almost always pass. Last week, an amendment to a Section 8 (government) subsidized housing bill would require that applicantsfor such housing show some proof of citizenship before they can obtain a subsidy. This clearly makes sense as we should not be giving such benefits to those who are here illegally. This amendment passed by a vote of 233-186 because virtually all Republicans and nearly 50 Democrats voted for it. We’ll see whether this amendment remains in the bill through the Senate and a conference committee. But, if there is a majority in the House for such measures, might there not be that same majority for a broader enforcement-first immigration bill? The problem is that no bill evenRead More

Jon Fleischman

We urge a NO vote on the budget…

Republicans in the Senate and Assembly should not be in any hurry to vote out a budget that contains deficit spending, that is for sure. But assuming that the Republican Leaders can negotiate a budget that contains no deficit spending at all, which would be a tremendous achievement to be sure, let us step back away from the trees and look a the forest.

For all of the hard work, we are really tinkering with a massive spending package that is bloated with programs and projects that feed the modern welfare State of California.

I don’t envy Dick Ackerman or Mike Villines because the budget they are negotiating over bears very little in common with the one that they would personally pen if they could adopt one on their own. We are taking a terrible budget and trying to make it as good as we can, right? Well, as I said below, there is no reason to support any budget that contains deficit spending.

Frankly, if the hurdle of eliminating the spending of money we don’t anticipate even having is crossed, then beware if you are a super close friend of the leaders. They will have done the best job they could to put "lipstick on a pig"… Read More

Jon Fleischman

There’s no Republican planet?

Here is green Arnold. I almost cried when he says there is no such thing as a Republican planet. LOL. Last Friday, Governor Schwarzenegger went on another ‘Green Thumb’ tour taking his enviromental activism on the road to Florida. I found this video taken by a greeny at the event, and thought I would let you all hear what he had to say… … Read More