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Jon Fleischman

Senator Tom McClintock: ‘Thank you!’

We here at the FR have carte blanche to pick up Senator McClintock’s posts from over at the Citizens for the California Republic website, and here’s what he says in the wake of the liberation of the Senators from their chambers: **This is a good chance to remind all of our GOP legislators that if you send in commentary or thoughts on the budget or other issues, we try within reason to get those posted up.**

From the Senator:


Jim Battin

Free, Free, Free at Last!

Well the lockdown is over – we’re FREE!

After a fruitless effort of trying to break us into passing the irresponsible Assembly budget, the seige is over.

Finally, calmer heads have prevailed and instead of the "we’ll break ’em" tactics, Senator Perata has decided that we should negotiate like adults.

We are working toward a budget without a deficit – that’s our goal. Our budget team will be working over the weekend with the Democrats. Hopefully we will get there.

Senator Perata is a bit testy, but at least we’re free.… Read More

Mike Spence

Stan Carroll out of 60th AD race

And then there were two. Radlovic, Escobar and now Stan Carroll have abandoned thier bids for the 60th AD race to replace Bob Huff. That leaves Larry Dick and Curt Hagman to slug it out. See here. See previous post on Carroll here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: McClintock’s Floor Speech On The Big Bad Budget

As the State Senate was debating the budget that was rejected by over two thirds of Assembly Republicans, Tom McClintock gave the following floor speech. As you read this, we are all in solidarity with Tom and his colleagues who have been "locked in" to the Senate chambers…

Mr. President: A year ago, this legislature adopted a budget that ran up the biggest general fund deficit in California’s history. The architects of this budget admit to adding another half billion dollars to the cumulative shortfall, and expect that this looks good in comparison.Read More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock’s Floor Speech On The Big Bad Budget

As the State Senate was debating the budget that was rejected by over two thirds of Assembly Republicans, Tom McClintock gave the following floor speech. As you read this, we are all in solidarity with Tom and his colleagues who have been "locked in" to the Senate chambers…

Mr. President: A year ago, this legislature adopted a budget that ran up the biggest general fund deficit in California’s history. The architects of this budget admit to adding another half billion dollars to the cumulative shortfall, and expect that this looks good in comparison. There are two problems. First, by their ownRead More

Jon Fleischman

Free the GOP Senators


TO: Sam Aanastad, Dick Ackerman, Roy Ashburn, Jim Battin, Dave Cogdill, Dave Cox, Jeff Denham, Bob Dutton, Tom Harmon, Dennis Hollingsworth, Abel Maldonado, Bob Margett, Tom McClintock, George Runner, Mark Wyland

FROM: Jon Fleischman and the FR Team

RE: The Immaturity of Don Perata

You fifteen are now officially martyrs for all California taxpayers. Don Perata (pictured) clearly is acting about four years old with this tactic of ‘locking you in’ the Senate chambers throughout the night.

It’s actually quite unbelievable.

It is a demonstration of how far out of touch liberal Democrats truly are with the reason WHY you folks have not signed off on a budget. They just don’t understand that the state government of California is too big and spends too much. The idea of not spending more than you make is a foreign concept. But then these are the people that see an increase of less than what they want as a spending cut.

Well, I cannot imagine being in your… Read More

Jim Battin

We’re Still Here

It’s 6:55am and I’m sitting on the Senate floor. We’ve been here all night long. All night. We’ve been locked in and there are sergeants at every exit making sure we can’t leave. I slept in a chair for about an hour (and btw – Dennis Hollingsworth snores :/ )

Ah – democracy at work. Normally, I’d make some clever remark about the Assembly here, but we passed all the foolishness I’ve ever seen the Assembly engage in in my 13 years in the legislature. It’s all rather quite embarrassing

To update you —- we’ve done nothing.

Yesterday, the Senate took up the irresponsible budget the Assembly passed the night before and defeated it (actually, it’s still "on call", but short of passage). No Republican supported it.

The budget before us is out of balance, based on gimmicks, ignores existing debts and future obligations. We’ve been real clear all along we couldn’t support it and that we needed to cut spending now to save the state a catastrophic problem next year.

So, after the budget bill went down the Senate Pro Tem Don… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nunez/Villines: “A Drafting Error”

Both Brandon Powers and George Runner below make reference to this issue…. Here is a memo on it from the Prince of Darkness, co-signed by Mike Villines…

FROM: Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines

DATE: July 20, 2007

RE:Drafting Error in Senate Bill 98 Related to Research and Development Credit

We write both to bring to your attention an inadvertent drafting error by Legislative Counsel in Senate Bill 98, which passed off the Assembly Floor last night with strong bipartisan support, and to express our mutual understanding to address this drafting error in August.

As you know, SB 98 contains numerous provisions, all of which provide enhanced taxpayer incentives to bring new jobs and capital investment to California. One particular area of emphasis in Senate Bill 98 is the area of research and development tax credits, and in particular conforming California’s tax law to the federal Alternative Incremental Credit (AIC). SB 98 provides a full five-year conformity to this enhanced federal credit.

However, in the final draft of… Read More