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Jon Fleischman

Consultants for Career Politican Term Limit Extension Act turns in sigs…

[UPDATED 3:45 PM — Attached below this post is the official statement of the California Term Limits Defense Fund – worth a read…]

I note with interest that, despite the absence of a budget, Fabian Nunez has green-lighted the turning in of signatures for the ballot measure to extend his time in office by six years (and those of many of his termed-out colleagues as well). I know from personal experience that the pitch being made by paid signature gatherers at my local store was, "Sir, will you sign a petition to cut the time career politicians can spend in office?" So with that in mind, there is simply no way for proponents of the "Career Politician Term Extension Act" to argue that in turning over a million signatures, there is some level of ‘popular support’ for their measure. Not when the gatherers are misleading the signers. We all know, of course, that a huge percentage of California legislators (including the Senate President and Assembly Speaker face the term-limits axe next November, and gauging every possible… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Rick Keene on the Budget Dance

Assemblyman Rick Keene was one of nine Republicans in the lower house to cast a vote for the budget that passed out last Thursday night (or was that Friday morning)? He has submitted the following commentary to add to the discussion on the state budget:

Seeing confusion about the budget the Assembly passed last Friday morning, I wanted to clear a few things up. First, either chamber can pass a budget to be considered by the other. The second body can then choose to pass it or not; both have that right as co-equal houses of the Legislature. Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund on Sheehan/Pelosi Dust-Up

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary…

Cindy by the Bay

I recently predicted that the independent challenge against San Francisco Rep. Nancy Pelosi by peace activist Cindy Sheehan would cause the House Speaker no end of heartburn between now and the 2008 election. Democrats would themselves regret ever legitimizing the bombastic mother of a U.S. soldier who died in Iraq, once given a ready platform by Democrats as a way to embarrass President Bush.

It looks as if Ms. Sheehan is fulfilling that prediction. In a widely read op-ed published in Sunday’s San Francisco Chronicle, she took a two-by-four not only to Ms. Pelosi for her failure to cut off funding for the Iraq War. Ms. Sheehan used her cudgel to whack the… Read More

Cork it, Skelton!

Today, George Skelton opines on the budget deal passed out by the Assembly last Friday (see Skelton article here). In the article, Skelton suggests that "…it was about the time of the wine-tasting that the legislative leaders hatched their plan to roll California’s most vulnerable" adding that while his comment may be a cheap shot, it was no more so than "…picking the pockets of the poor in order to bring spending and taxes closer into balance."

Did I just wake up in bizarro world? Or does it still make perfect sense that the way to ensure that the government can provide safety-net care to the needy is to ensure that our financial house is in order?

I would be willing to bet that Mr. Skelton doesn’t make it a practice to budget more for his charitable giving than would exceed his income. It stands to reason than none would.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR Gets Shout-Out in the L.A. Times

We admit that most of the time that we draw attention to an L.A. Times story, it is to point out something we didn’t like about what a reporter or columnist wrote… But I have to give an FR "shout out" to Times reporter Evan Halper, whose state budget update story "GOP members maintain their opposition but agree to offer a plan of their own" which ran yesterday contained a generous amount of "ink" on the FlashReport!

It’s at the end of the story, and excerpted below. You can read Halper’s full Sunday story here.

…Conservative activists, meanwhile, told the lawmakers to hold their ground. "You 15 are officially martyrs for all California taxpayers," Jon Fleischman, a member of the state party’s board, wrote to the caucus on his blog FlashRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: A Memo from Gale Kaufman and Matt Dowd to Fabian Nunez

Last night I tried to imagine what an urgent communiqué to the Speaker from the lead consultants of Fabian Nunez’ pending measure to extend his term limits, in light of the failure to pass a state budget. So this morning, I took a few minutes to craft one for them. This is a fictional account, and is not a real memo. But it isn’t hard to imagine one similar to this being sent… URGENT MEMORANDUM To: Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez From: Gale Kaufman and Matthew Dowd RE: Consequences of failure to pass budget on Term Limits Extension MeasureRead More

Jon Fleischman

A Memo from Gale Kaufman and Matt Dowd to Fabian Nunez

Last night I tried to imagine what an urgent communiqué to the Speaker from the lead consultants of Fabian Nunez’ pending measure to extend his term limits, in light of the failure to pass a state budget. So this morning, I took a few minutes to craft one for them. This is a fictional account, and is not a real memo. But it isn’t hard to imagine one similar to this being sent… URGENT MEMORANDUM To: Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez From: Gale Kaufman and Matthew Dowd RE: Consequences of failure to pass budget on Term Limits Extension MeasureRead More

Jon Fleischman

Joel Fox: Passage of Tax Cuts In The Assembly Is Notable

Longtime anti-tax leader Joel Fox, who serves as President of the Small Business Action Committee, sent over this column, to consider as part of our coverage of the state budget process…

Lost in the dramatic scene of locked-in Senators and the contentious budget debate in the Senate is the very important acknowledgement by Assembly members, especially amongst the majority, that, yes, it is tough to do business in California. The tax cuts/incentives for California companies approved in the Assembly budget could be a crack in the wall for those who think money that comes to government grows on trees. California is in a tough competitive business climate and the efforts in the Assembly to recognize this fact is a potential bright spot that should notRead More