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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Budget Update, and Kuehl’s Racist Comment

State Budget Update There is not a lot to report on this topic, but what there is, I will bring to you. Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez is off in Europe, thus a strong indicator of his feelings about what kind of a role he should be playing to trying to resolve the budget stalemate. That said, I spoke with Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman last night, and he said that things are "moving in the right direction" compared to the rest of this week. He had a meeting with Senate President Don Perata yesterday, and has another one schedule for tomorrow. Ackerman also added that the Governor has rolled up his sleeves and is now engaged in a meaningful way in the dialogue, which he characterized as helpful. Ackerman has assured me that the resolve in his caucus to see a state budget that does not include deficit spending is still strong, so we’ll see where things go from here. Of course, we’ll be keeping FR readers up to date. StateRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Harman: Senate GOP Caucus More Unified Than Ever Before

This just in from State Senator Tom Harman

MORE UNIFIED THAN EVER BEFORE By State Senator Tom Harman Last week, in a futile attempt to break the resolve of the Republicans in the State Senate, Don Perata, the President Pro Tem, locked all of the members in the Senate chambers for the night. Believe me, 30 hours without sleep is not fun. Senate Republicans were outraged and angry at this childish and stupid maneuver by Perata. In my opinion, this tactic actually strengthened or better unified our caucus, moreRead More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Duvall Investigating Controversial Orange County Superior Court Contract

For those of you outside of Los Angeles and Orange County or irregular listeners of the John & Ken Show, yesterday a proverbial hornets’ nest was stirred when a member of the law enforcement community tipped off John & Ken (audio here and… Read More

Shawn Steel

Rescue Dawn – – The best summer movie

Last night I had an amazing experience. I saw a war movie, made in Hollywood, that wasn’t anti-American. How could this be?

The folks from the Liberty Film Festival warn us to expect a flood of hate America war films blaming Americans for shooting Islamic terrorists, increasing global warming and trying to upset leftists dictators. Assuredly, those films will lose tons of money, take George Clooney’s embarrassing Syriana failure last year.

Rescue Dawn is a true story of an American POW pilot Dieter Dengler. WIth his first mission for the Navy. he was shot down by Soviet anti aircraft weapons in Vietnam. His story of capture, refusing to submit, torture, humiliation but tempered with a spirit of optimism and survival is inspiring. In fact, not a single word was expressed against the Vietnam War. The commies looked like lousy commies. The good guys were good.

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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Heritage Foundation on the United Nations

Today Governor Schwarzenegger is going to meet with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon of the Republican of Korea (South Korea). Here’s a quick video for the Governor to watch before they sit down… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senator Bob Dutton: Controlling Government Growth

State Senate Republicans are filled with resolve. They have drawn a line in the sand that is reasonable, and modest. Given the significant increases in state revenue the past few years, there is no reason for California to adopt a 2007-08 budget that spends more than projected revenues. Today’s Commentary is guest-authored by FR friend and State Senator Bob Dutton

Controlling Government Growth By Sen. Bob Dutton

With the budget now 27 days late the mudslinging in the halls of the Capitol is in full swing.

My Republican colleagues and I have stood firm under the leadership of Dick Ackerman convinced that we must do all we can to get ourRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Bob Dutton: Controlling Government Growth

State Senate Republicans are filled with resolve. They have drawn a line in the sand that is reasonable, and modest. Given the significant increases in state revenue the past few years, there is no reason for California to adopt a 2007-08 budget that spends more than projected revenues. Today’s Commentary is guest-authored by FR friend and State Senator Bob Dutton

Controlling Government Growth By Sen. Bob Dutton With the budget now 27 days late the mudslinging in the halls of the Capitol is in fullRead More

Jon Fleischman

Sen. Aanestad: They’re Not Listening, But I Am

This just in from Republican State Senator Sam Aanestad, on the current budget situation…

They’re Not Listening, But I Am by Senator Sam Aanestad I find it confusing that the Majority Party is suddenly angered over Senate Republican demands for a truly balanced budget. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. We have been repeating the same line as a unified caucus since we passed the previous budget.Read More