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Mike Spence

AD 60: Does Larry Dick or Curt Hagman have all the slates?

A funny thing happened while looking at the campaign reports for AD 60 candidates Larry Dick and Curt Hagman. During this early stage of the campaign there is a lot of focus on money and of course strategy. One strategy is to buy slate cards early so your opponent can’t buy them On April 18 of this year Larry Dick’s campaign sent $5,128 to the coveted “Save Prop 13 Committee” Slate and on April 26th sent a grand to probably “reserve” a slot on the "Republican Women’s Voice"Slate card. Not to be outdone Curt Hagman’s campaign on May 11 sent $1,000 to “Save Proposition 13” Slate Card and $1000 to the “Republican Woman’s Voice” Slate Card. Campaign Reports show these to be the same slates. If a candidate … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Some Unsolicited Input for Senate Republicans

As you spend today mulling over their options, weighing the importance of demanding much needed reforms in state government spending in return for providing needed votes for a big fat state budget, I know that there is concern about the perception of their efforts to the public. Our "friends" in the main stream media have yet to publish one legitimate story from the perspective of principled fiscally prudent legislators who are refusing to approve a massive budget unless it comes with some significant reforms to reduce deficit spending in future budgets, and important reforms to mitigate the potentially devastating effects of the implementation of costly regulations in the name of the ‘global warming’ battle. There is the potential to eliminate thousands of vacant positions in the state bureaucracy, and more. But we don’t read that story in the newspapers, either. We are only treated to a daily dose of "who isn’t being paid today" in an effort to create feeling that delaying the budget simply is not worth the reforms sought by responsible Senate Republicans. Guess what? At some point, there will be a state… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Northstate Highway Construction Accident

You may well have seen TV news statewide of a structure collapse on a highway construction project up here in Butte County on Hwy 149, between Oroville and Chico. The early Wednesday morning accident was a result of a collapsing heavy-steel structure that would support the forms to pourconcrete upon for a new overcrossing where 70 meets 149. It was not a collapse of an actual overcrossing as first reported [or even hyped], nor justa scaffolding forpersonnel to work from.

A Fed Ex truck was struck by the falling steel girders, 3000 lbs each or more, as the driver was proceeding north. He was trapped for 3 hours as safety personnel worked to extract him, pinned under wreckage held down by the steel I-beams. The happy ending for him was only an ankle sprain, some cuts and bruises and a harrowing experience. He is already at home tonight with his family.

A construction worker atop the collapsing structure, rode it 50 feet down and he suffered several broken bones and is still hospitalized in serious condition.

A third injurya few minutes later, was to a woman who drove upon the scene and rearended a parked CalTrans vehicle and broke… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Adds Field Representatives To California Team

The latest release from the Giuliani campaign explains that they have hired on eight California Field Representatives to carry the banner of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to the far reaches of the Golden State.

TheGiulianiField Representatives are as follows:

Cathy Hayes Hayes was Regional Field Director for California GOP Victory 2006, handling the Central Coast . She has also served as the Executive Director of the Santa Barbara County Republican Central Committee, Regional Finance Coordinator for the National Republican Congressional Committee in Washington , DC , Deputy Director of the Majority Leader’s Fund and Joint Fundraising Manager of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Ashley Ingram Ingram served as head intern with the California GOP Victory 2006. She worked specifically on youth issues for Governor Schwarzenegger. She coordinated precinct walks and phone banks, while recruiting high school andRead More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Overview of Campaign Reports In OC Races

It’s that time of year again: the semi-annual campaign reports — the documents politicos pour over to see which candidates are raising how much from whom, grist for the candidate-positioning mill.

Over at Red County/OC Blog I’ve posted about the reports in Orange County’s 33rd Senate District and the 71st and 60th Assembly District reports. or more specifically, the candidates in the GOP primaries, which is the only election that really matters in those districts. Red County/San Bernardino also has an update on AD34, AD60 and SD29.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The budget kabuki continues as Senate Republicans visit Arnold’s Office…

Earlier this afternoon, the fifteen members of the Senate Republican Caucus went down to Governor Schwarzenegger’s office to discuss the state budget. (Only in the State Capitol would fifteen people go downstairs instead of one man coming upstairs. Then again, he is the Governator. Besides, maybe they smoked cigars, and he does have the only smoking tent in the immediate vicinity…). Apparently the name of the game is still, "Do ANYTHING to get Senate Republicans to vote for the already-passed budget out of the Assembly — we don’t want to crack-open budget negotiations again!" So, we can assume that Governor’s "pitch" to Senate Republicans was made with a big blue pencil in his hand, making the case for how the Governor would trim the state budget over the ears a bit in order to satisfy concerns of GOP Senators. Unfortunately, one has to acknowledge that the blue-pencil (line item veto) approach has its limitations. Yes, the Governor could… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblywoman Audra Strickland: Stand Tall, Senate Republicans

We received this commentary from Assemblywoman Audra Strickland…

There seems to be this notion promoted in the media that Republicans are not all on the same team. And, that support for our Republican colleagues in the Senate and their efforts to balance the state budget is a repudiation of the Governor and the Assembly Republicans that voted for the budget. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is because of Governor Schwarzenegger and his commitment against raising taxes that Democrat proposals for new taxes are not a serious part of budget negotiations. During the Davis administration, Democrat politicians seemed to compete to see who could propose the largest and most creative new tax levy. Today we are at the cusp of fiscal responsibility and a state government that lives within its means largely because we have a Republican Governor committed against raising taxes. Assembly Republican Leader MikeRead More

Mike Spence

AD 36: $$ Update Why Loan When You Can Give?

The fundraising numbers are coming in. In the 36th AD only Steve Fox’s are currently available. He raised a over 57K. He is an attorney and Hospital board member , so some of the donations come from….lawyers and medical.

Now, many candidates will loan themselves some money. Not Steve Fox. No games being played here.Fox contributed $37,864.18 to the campaign. There is no moving money around to look good. Just plain old burning the boats so you can’t leave.

We will see how that works out?… Read More