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Mike Spence

Is Sen. Abel Maldonado worth $1 million?

That is the question all GOP donors and activists need to ask themselves after last nights budget vote. Don’t get me wrong. I like Abel personally. He is a nice guy. If he is the nominee CRA is bound to support the nominees of the party. But his district is a tough one and he will have a tough time in his re-election campaign. It will cost the GOP big bucks to keep him there. Registration has been slipping etc… So is he worth a cool million dollars? Because of the 2/3rds vote needed to approve a state budget, it is the one time that our GOP Senators can make a difference and make a stand. There are no judicial confirmations or leadership control issues at stake. These issues are often used by liberal Republican to persuade us to vote for their candidates. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Houston to take on former staffer for Supervisor; CD 11 primary field clear for Andal

Today, termed-out Republican Assembly Guy Houston (pictured to the right), who represents an east Bay Area legislative district, announced plans that he is running to unseat incumbent Republican Supervisor Mary Piepho. This, of course, is bad news for Piepho (who had not been making any sounds about retirement) and very good news for former Board of Equalization Member Dean Andal.

Piepho, from what I understand though FR sources, is not too popular amongst the GOP activist and donor communities in Contra Costa County, and may have big troubles fending off a strong challenge from the charismatic Houston. That said, the power of incumbency is strong, and particular for County Supervisors who typically have mastered the art of performing "cashectomies" on the large group of people who care a lot about the decions made by county government.

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senate GOP resolve is to be applauded – especially when facing a budget that is $2.9 billion in the red…

SENATE GOP RESOLVE AND SOLIDARITY The built-in deficit in the budget passed by the California Assembly is actually about $2.9 billion. This is significantly more than the numbers being thrown around by those advocating the passage of that document in the Senate. One of the problems is that with a budget that is so huge, there are so many areas that can be interpreted and analyzed in different ways. I can tell you that over the years, I have come to rely on the financial acumen of State Senator and FR friend Tom McClintock for some clarity and truth on fiscal matters. $2.9 billion is his number. He also reminds us that this year’s proposed budget represents a $21.7 BILLION dollar increase in state spending since the recall election that brought Arnold Schwarzenegger to Sacramento. So with this as some very sobering context, we have to applaud what are being referred to as the "Magnificent 14" for their solidarity. Republicans sticking… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats oppose funding vital programs during budget impasse

Legitimate, real and important policy differences separate Senate Republicans and Democrats in the budget debate.

After it was clear that no forward momentum on a budget would take place (Senator Dennis Hollingsworth attempted to bring up GOP programmic changes and belt-tightening trailer bills to no avail), Senator Jeff Denham tried to bring up a motion to fund vital government services during this impasse. The Democrats voted as a block against this reasonable accomodation.

So to all of you TV, radio and newspaper reporters, you should report that it is the Democrats who want to use those in need of services as “pawns” to try and put on pressure for a bad budget resolution.

The Senate is in recess.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Caucus Holds Firm – Except Maldonado

The State Senate is in session tonight, and despite knowing that the Republican Caucus has not agreed to a budget deal, Perata forced yet another vote on the fat, bloated state budget.

The vote failed, but it is notable that moderate Republican Abel Maldonado decided that hanging tough for real spending cuts and programmatic reforms was a bit too much for him. I don’t know what his pressure points were but when choosin’ time came, and he voted, he went with all of the Democrats instead of his colleagues.

To be commended are the 14 solid Senate Republicans who are keeping faith with each other, and are commited to some real reforms and spending cuts.

More to come, I’m sure…… Read More

Riverside County Finance Reports

With the reports in, here is how the fundraising is shaping up in the Riverside County State races for the period of January 1 through June 30. I posted only Republicans in the 37th SD and 64th AD since they are Republican seats. I will post the Democrats in a day or so for the 80th AD which is more highly Democrat than Republican:

SD 37 to replace termed out Jim Battin

Current 64th State Assemblyman John J. Benoit $441,000 Cash on Hand, $218,019 raised in the period.

Former 65th State Assemblyman Russ Bogh $427,000 Cash on Hand, $157,664 raised in the period.

Bothhave raised a mix of Sacramento and local funds.

AD 64 to replace termed out John J. Benoit

Rose Ramirez Girard$78,920 Cash on Hand, $101,901 raised. Loaned campaign $66,000, raised $37,000 from district

Kelly McCarty$81,078 Cash on Hand, raised $81,795. No personal money. Virtually all came from individual collision centers throughout the state.

John Pate$100,394 Cash on Hand, $106,840 raised. Loaned campaign… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Fred Thompson visits Orange County

Yesterday afternoon, I was invited to a small private reception with former United States Senator Fred Thompson at the beautiful home of the Davis family, nestled on the coastal hillside overlooking Crystal Cove State Park and the pacific ocean in Newport Beach. It truly was an intimate affair, with about twenty folks in attendance, including the Presidential aspirant, his beautiful wife, and two of Thompson’s political point people in California, longtime political strategist Ken Khachigian and local consultant Dave Ellis. All told had nearly an hour with Senator Thompson, and it was spent the way you would like it to be… We all gathered up chairs in the back patio of this gorgeous home and had an intimate chat with the man who aspires to the top elective office in our nation. Having never spent any real quality time with Thompson before, I have to say I was very impressed by him. It was very clear in hearing him talk about issues (and this was an environment where he was free… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fred Thompson visits Orange County

Yesterday afternoon, I was invited to a small private reception with former United States Senator Fred Thompson at the beautiful home of the Davis family, nestled on the coastal hillside overlooking Crystal Cove State Park and the pacific ocean in Newport Beach. It truly was an intimate affair, with about twenty folks in attendance, including the Presidential aspirant, his beautiful wife, and two of Thompson’s political point people in California, longtime political strategist Ken Khachigian and local consultant Dave Ellis. All told had nearly an hour with Senator Thompson, and it was spent the way you would like it to be… We all gathered up chairs in the back patio of this gorgeous home and had an intimate chat with the man who aspires to the top elective office in our nation. Having never spent any real quality time with Thompson before, I have to say I was very impressed by him. It was very clear in hearing him talk about issues (and this was an environment where he was free… Read More