The California Healthcare Fallacy
Besides the foundering State budget, one of the biggest debates “raging” in Sacramento surrounds a handful of proposals for Universal Healthcare.
But first, let’s be clear – these proposals have little to do with improving healthcare – they are about who is going to pick up the tab (no pun intended) – and who can get a few headlines.
The Governor wants businesses, hospitals and physicians to pay; the Democrats want government to foot the bill. Both plans will result in taxpayers shouldering most of the burden.
Both are trying to sell the proposals as providing kids and families the healthcare. Both are wrong — and they probably know it.
None of the proposals will improve the quality of healthcare. None of them will contain escalating costs. None of them will reduce long waits at overcrowded doctor’s offices or the shortage of trauma centers, specialty doctors (especially OB-GYN) or healthcare workers.
Everyone should be concerned with the outcome of this debate, because implementing either the Schwarzenegger or Democrat plans will result in healthcare being rationed by same people who run the DMV, long delays… Read More