Why aren’t our legislators in the Capitol? And that budget deficit’s a lot bigger than $700 million…
GOVERNOR: CALL THE LEGISLATORS BACK TO SACRAMENTO Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger should use his powers to call an immeidate, emergency session of the state legislature to deal with the fact that we have no state budget. It is pretty outrageous that we have 120 legislators that are paid a full-time wage and yet, without a deal worked out on the state’s annual spending plan, and the constitutional deadline for passing a budget now over a month behind us, our legislators are not even in the Capitol? That is outrageous. FR readers should call their Senator and Assemblymembers, and urge them to go back to Sacramento, and to each individually call for the legislature to return to session.
BILL LEONARD ON THE BUDGET I was emailing with State Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard, an acknowledged expert on state finances and the budget — he shared these sobering thoughts with me (and said I could pass them along to you):… Read More