Voting Machines Fate Due Out Today
There should be a report out this afternoon on what the Secretary of State will require for California’s voting systems for next years 3 elections. The law requires that any changes must be done 180 days before an election, which means today is it for next February’s Term Limit Extension Election…oh, that the Presidential primary election is piggybacking upon.
Elections require a process that voters can be confident in their fairness and accessibility. California has had 8 statewide elections since the 2000 Presidential election, plus numerous local and special elections in between the statewides. During that has been the transition to more electronic/paperless ballots at polling places as required by HAVA, the Help America Vote Act, federal law passed after the Florida election fiasco. Much money has beenspent to change out election systems nationwide, including here, to hopefully boost security and confidence in election results, lower costs with much less paperballots being printed etc. and laudable improved accessibility for the blind and others withdisabilities
There are as many as 8 different election… Read More