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Jon Fleischman

The Case For Senate Republicans And A Better Budget

With a lot of the spin (especially in the liberal media) out there being that, "the Republicans are holding up a state budget," I thought I would take an opportunity to walk FR readers through this budget process, and how this simply isn’t the case. The reality is that the process of negotiating a budget acceptable to all parties simply fell apart. Let us start with the understanding that the California State Constitution provides that a state budget must receive the votes of two-thirds of the votes in both chambers of the State Legislature. Then let us look at the budget process as it took place (such that it did) during the Spring. First of all, and most unfortunate in this process, is that Governor Schwarzenegger introduced a budget that contained billions of dollars in deficit spending. From there, the ‘formal’ process of approving a budget through hearings and such was a partisan game, where as part of posturing on the eminent budget negotiations, every decision made was in favor of liberalism and spending. Make no bones about it, Republicans have and continue to have the same concerns about the size and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Case For Senate Republicans And A Better Budget

With a lot of the spin (especially in the liberal media) out there being that, "the Republicans are holding up a state budget," I thought I would take an opportunity to walk FR readers through this budget process, and how this simply isn’t the case. The reality is that the process of negotiating a budget acceptable to all parties simply fell apart. Let us start with the understanding that the California State Constitution provides that a state budget must receive the votes of two-thirds of the votes in both chambers of the State Legislature. Then let us look at the budget process as it took place (such that it did) during the Spring. First of all, and most unfortunate in this process, is that Governor Schwarzenegger introduced a budget that contained billions of dollars in deficit spending. From there, the ‘formal’ process of approving a budget through hearings and such was a partisan game, where as part of posturing on the eminent budget negotiations, every decision made was in favor of liberalism and spending. Make no bones about it, Republicans have and continue to have the same concerns about the size and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senate GOP Leader Dick Ackerman: We Must Act Now To Protect Our Future

We just received this from Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman:

Last night Senate Republicans held firm once again to our conviction that the proposed budget fails to either balance or reduce the structural deficit. Nor does the budget include language to prevent frivolous lawsuits that delay building roads, schools and hospitals. We cannot continue to ignore the state’s precarious economic standing. A thirty-percent growth in the state budget over recent years and a projected more than $5 billion deficit for next year, has forced a day of reckoning. Faltering revenues and a slumping housing market has only perpetuated the crisis. California cannot continue to live onRead More

Carl Fogliani

Houston to Announce Run for Contra Costa County Supervisor

Backs Andal in Race for Congress

At 2 P.M. this afternoon in Danville, Assemblyman Guy Houston will declare his candidacy for Contra Costa County Supervisor by challenging sitting incumbent Mary Piepho. Houston, a veteran of a targeted seat in the 15th district, will have a huge advantage in fundraising and name identification (as well as the gratitude of the GOP for giving Dean Andal a clear shot at McNerney). Piepho has had trouble solidifying her seat and will now be facing a formidable opponent in Houston. As the long-time Mayor of Dublin before his tenure in the Assembly, Houston is no strager to the importance and differences that a non-partisan race entails and has always had a strong base of democrat support due to his hard work and fiscal conservatism.

After speaking to the Assemblyman, it is apparent that the major financial problems of Contra Costa County were an important factor and he feels he "can do a lot of good" on the Board of Supervisors. He was also keenly aware that a primary in the 11th congressional district would not help the GOP and would waste valuable resources. When discussing… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senate GOP resolve is to be applauded – especially when facing a budget that is $2.9 billion in the red…

SENATE GOP RESOLVE AND SOLIDARITY The built-in deficit in the budget passed by the California Assembly is actually about $2.9 billion. This is significantly more than the numbers being thrown around by those advocating the passage of that document in the Senate. One of the problems is that with a budget that is so huge, there are so many areas that can be interpreted and analyzed in different ways. I can tell you that over the years, I have come to rely on the financial acumen of State Senator and FR friend Tom McClintock for some clarity and truth on fiscal matters. $2.9 billion is his number. He also reminds us that this year’s proposed budget represents a $21.7 BILLION dollar increase in state spending since the recall election that brought Arnold Schwarzenegger to Sacramento. So with this as some very sobering context, we have to applaud what are being referred to as the "Magnificent 14" for their solidarity. Republicans sticking… Read More

Mike Spence

Is Sen. Abel Maldonado worth $1 million?

That is the question all GOP donors and activists need to ask themselves after last nights budget vote. Don’t get me wrong. I like Abel personally. He is a nice guy. If he is the nominee CRA is bound to support the nominees of the party. But his district is a tough one and he will have a tough time in his re-election campaign. It will cost the GOP big bucks to keep him there. Registration has been slipping etc… So is he worth a cool million dollars? Because of the 2/3rds vote needed to approve a state budget, it is the one time that our GOP Senators can make a difference and make a stand. There are no judicial confirmations or leadership control issues at stake. These issues are often used by liberal Republican to persuade us to vote for their candidates. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Houston to take on former staffer for Supervisor; CD 11 primary field clear for Andal

Today, termed-out Republican Assembly Guy Houston (pictured to the right), who represents an east Bay Area legislative district, announced plans that he is running to unseat incumbent Republican Supervisor Mary Piepho. This, of course, is bad news for Piepho (who had not been making any sounds about retirement) and very good news for former Board of Equalization Member Dean Andal.

Piepho, from what I understand though FR sources, is not too popular amongst the GOP activist and donor communities in Contra Costa County, and may have big troubles fending off a strong challenge from the charismatic Houston. That said, the power of incumbency is strong, and particular for County Supervisors who typically have mastered the art of performing "cashectomies" on the large group of people who care a lot about the decions made by county government.

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senate GOP resolve is to be applauded – especially when facing a budget that is $2.9 billion in the red…

SENATE GOP RESOLVE AND SOLIDARITY The built-in deficit in the budget passed by the California Assembly is actually about $2.9 billion. This is significantly more than the numbers being thrown around by those advocating the passage of that document in the Senate. One of the problems is that with a budget that is so huge, there are so many areas that can be interpreted and analyzed in different ways. I can tell you that over the years, I have come to rely on the financial acumen of State Senator and FR friend Tom McClintock for some clarity and truth on fiscal matters. $2.9 billion is his number. He also reminds us that this year’s proposed budget represents a $21.7 BILLION dollar increase in state spending since the recall election that brought Arnold Schwarzenegger to Sacramento. So with this as some very sobering context, we have to applaud what are being referred to as the "Magnificent 14" for their solidarity. Republicans sticking… Read More