Hang In There Senators!
I am at a wedding reception and one of the other guests is State Senator Bob Margett (one of his staff members is the bride!). Anyways, I just took the opprtunity to commend Senator Margett for, along with his colleagues, voting against a bloated state budget in need of cuts and programmatic reforms.
Senator Margett pointed out that people need to be looking beyond just this year’s budget and the need to make changes now to cut projected major defecits for future budgets.
If you come across a Senate Republican, I urge you to praise them as well. Well, I guess every Senate Republican Abel Maldonado, who rather infamously voted with all of the Democrats for the bad budget. If you run into Abel, urge him to reconsider his vote, and stress the importance of standing tall with his fellow Republicans, for fiscal prudence.… Read More