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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Call for GOP Solidary, Novak Highlights CA GOP House Delegation Friction, Spitzer: Legal Update

LEGISLATURE RETURNS – TIME FOR SOME GOP SOLIDARITY AND UNITY With the legislature reconvening today in the State Capitol, it means that Assembly Republicans will all be back together for the first time since Fabian Nunez abruptly (and unwisely) adjourned the Assembly before a final budget was put on the Governor’s desk. Today would be a good day for Assembly Republicans to hold a press conference to make some key points.

We stand in solidarity with our Republican colleagues in the Senate — the reforms for which they are holding out are important, and we believe the Democrats should be listening to them. We do not support the Governor’s efforts to go into the districts of our Republican colleagues to pressure them to give up on these important reforms. We call on all Senators to reject the proposed budget as long as the tax-cut package negotiated by Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines is being held up by Don Perata. A strong statement that without that tax-cut package, there would not have been a budget passed out of the Assembly at … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Call for GOP Solidary, Novak Highlights CA GOP House Delegation Friction, Spitzer: Legal Update

LEGISLATURE RETURNS – TIME FOR SOME GOP SOLIDARITY AND UNITY With the legislature reconvening today in the State Capitol, it means that Assembly Republicans will all be back together for the first time since Fabian Nunez abruptly (and unwisely) adjourned the Assembly before a final budget was put on the Governor’s desk. Today would be a good day for Assembly Republicans to hold a press conference to make some key points.

We stand in solidarity with our Republican colleagues in the Senate — the reforms for which they are holding out are important, and we believe the Democrats should be listening to them. We do not support the Governor’s efforts to go into the districts of our Republican colleagues to pressure them to give up on these important reforms. We call on all Senators to reject the proposed budget as long as the tax-cut package negotiated by Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines is being held up by Don Perata. A strong statement that without that tax-cut package, there would not have been a budget passed out of the Assembly at … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Dems Berg, Evans Campaigning On Assembly Floor

Apparently campaigning is done a little bit "differently" if you are a Democrat legislator from Northwestern California. Democrat Assemblywomen Noreen Evans and Patti Berg apparently were so anxious to make sure that their legislative colleagues attend their upcoming fundraising events that they just distributed their event invitations right on the Assembly floor!

Looking at these photos of the campaign materials distrubuted on the desks of Democrat Members in the Assembly Chambers, there may be a bargain to he had. To be a "Plato Fuerte" sponsor for Noreen Evan’s upcoming fundraising event will cost you a cool $3600 bucks (if you are in Sacramento and free tomorrow night. But note the word "complimentary" emblazoned on both the Evans and Berg flyers. Perhaps you can print this e-mail, and take it to the event and get admitted for no charge. … Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: Back In The Saddle

Well, tomorrow is when the State Legislature reconvenes. The Assembly and Senators return from the four corners of the earth to finish out this years legislative session after a 30 day summer recessduring which, shamefully, abalanced budget was not agreed upon. There has been some discussions lately amongst budget negotiators. Will that result in a balanced budget soon, or by Halloween? Will there instead be, as Senator Denham proposed,a "continuing resolution" as a stop gap spending measure to pay the states bills to the vendors, the clinics, etc.,those that expect them?

If no budget agreement, I hope so…the legislature’spoll ratings hang in the balance! The polling done on the deceptive term limit extension initiative fortifies the opinion the public has of the legislature…people do believe that it kicks legislators out sooner, so they favor the initiative…for now. Wait til they hear… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Back In The Saddle

Well, tomorrow is when the State Legislature reconvenes. The Assembly and Senators return from the four corners of the earth to finish out this years legislative session after a 30 day summer recessduring which, shamefully, abalanced budget was not agreed upon. There has been some discussions lately amongst budget negotiators. Will that result in a balanced budget soon, or by Halloween? Will there instead be, as Senator Denham proposed,a "continuing resolution" as a stop gap spending measure to pay the states bills to the vendors, the clinics, etc.,those that expect them?

If no budget agreement, I hope so…the legislature’spoll ratings hang in the balance! The polling done on the deceptive term limit extension initiative fortifies the opinion the public has of the legislature…people do believe that it kicks legislators out sooner, so they favor the initiative…for now. Wait til they hear… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…Union Now!, Hunter Seat Latest, and More

Union Now!… While on vacation, I did take note that the fellow travelers in attendance at the first annual dailykos convention a couple of weeks ago called for a bloggers union. They don’t get compensated for their blogging, no fringe benefits, not even anemployer for most of them … but they want a union. Kinda difficult at the bargaining table when there’s no management sitting across from you. Maybe they want the government to pay for their web opinions. This, apparently, is another example of that referred to as "the dumbing down of America." Or, perhaps, Amerika.

Jon, waddayya think, do you have a large enough blogpen of correspondents here at FR for us to form a union? Mike Spence can be Johnny Friendly, and in between Jim Lacy and Mike Houston we’ll have the legal waterfront covered. I coulda been somebody, if you had only paid me.

Kudos to North County Times on GOP Budget Holdouts…. It’s worth repeating that a local paper gets it. From Thursday’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

My photo on the front page of the Merc! How cool…

Check out my photo on the front page of yesterday’s San Jose Mercury News (at the bottom). You can see the large version of that shot on our About The FlashReport page… (h/t to Edwin Garcia of the Merc for sending the link to this graphic!).Read More

Jon Fleischman

AUDIO: Ronald Reagan speaks out against socialized medicine…

On this quiet Saturday, enjoy some of the top stories on the main page, including a FRONT PAGE profile of the FlashReport in the San Jose Mercury News, great news about the State GOP alleviating itself of a $3 million debt, and a profile in the LA Times on State Senate Republicans in this budget impasse.

If you have a few minutes, below you can listen to a great speech given by Ronald Reagan, before he was elected President, speaking out against socialized medicine.

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Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More