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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: A Look Back At The 2007 State Budget Dance

You knew it was going to be a tough budget year for fiscal conservatives from the minute that Governor Schwarzenegger introduced his budget to the legislature — one that was more or less embraced by the ultra-liberal legislators that dominate the State Senate and State Assembly. As a Governor who campaigned in two different elections as a fiscal conservative, we were looking to him to propose a budget that reduced the size and scope of state government. But instead, again, he introduced a budget that contained deficit spending. Using some football parlance, I equate the introduction of this bloated budget by the Governor the equivalent of a football team downing the ball on their own 20 yard line! Where we wanted strong negotiation between Democrats advocating big government on one side and the government championing taxpayers on the other — instead we got a ‘status quo’ budget.

(Need some ideas on how to shrink state spending? Remember this? Or how about theseRead More

Moorlach to County Treasurer: Resign

Orange County Supervisor and legend who predicted that his predecessor would bankrupt the county coffers, John Moorlach has asked his successor to resign.

For more than a decade Moorlach served in the post of Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector after having been appointed by the Board of Supervisors to fill out the term of Bob Citron, the now infamous County Treasurer who bankrupted the county through risky investments.

Last year Moorlach was elected to the Board of Supervisors and his successor, Chriss Street eased into office with limited opposition. But Street had been dogged by allegations of fraud in his dealing as a trustee for a bankrupt trucking concern.

Recently it has been reported that Street is under investigation by Federal authorities as well as the District Attorney. Although it is unclear what the investigations are about.

Orange County looks to Moorlach for guidance on everything related to public finance and he is an honorable man who is known for his integrity. So when he points the finger, people listen.

Next: The Orange County Board of Supervisors meets on Sept. 11 to discuss whether to pull investment authority… Read More

Barry Jantz

SDSU Ad: “Bachelors Degrees Awarded to Minorities”

This evening I was tooling eastbound along I-8 from San Diego into East County, passing San Diego State University on the right, just as I have done hundreds if not thousands of times over the years. The last several years the campus edge along the freeway has been adorned with a large electronic sign, flashing information about SDSU ongoings and upcoming events a few seconds at a time for passersby to see, even if only subliminally. "TUESDAY VOLLEYBALL 8 PM," and the like. A large e-vertisement for a moving but linearly captive audience.

Many San Diegans will remember the installation of the sign (with the opening of Cox Arena, if memory serves) as slightly controversial, especially to the Del Cerro residents across the freeway who complained of the outlandish night-time light in their otherwise residential community. The details are now a bit fuzzy, but I seem to recall finger pointing about SDSU as a State school ignoring local sign ordinances, a lack of a hearing and approval process for the public, etc. I believe SDSU agreed to have the sign off after a certain time of night.

The sign tiff has been quiet the last few years, although the… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Legislators As Generals

Should Californiansvote to withdraw troops from Iraq?

A bill to place an "advisory measure" on the February Term Limit Extension Election ballot [that the presidential primary will share] passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee today, with all of usRepublicans voting no.

The ballot question would ask voters whether the President should end the "occupation" of Iraq, and also whether the President and Congress should provide "necessary diplomatic and non-military assistance to promote peace and stability in Iraq and the Middle East."

This measure, known in bill form as SB 924,will now proceed to the Assembly floor, where it needs only a majority vote [plus a Senate vote concurring on Assembly amendments] to place it on the Governor’s desk.

Even placing this measure on the ballot in front of 37 million Californians would very likely be seen as giving aid to those whom our soldiers are fighting and a very bad signal to the confidence of those forming the fledgling new government of Iraq. Should it pass, the impact to our fighting men and women’s moralecould be even… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: KQED Hour with Perata, Nunez and Maviglio postpones my post-budget piece…

For those of you who know John Myers of KQED, if you are happy (liberals) that I have to pospone my state budget wrap up piece until tomorrow, blame John. If you are unhappy to have to wait (normal people), you can also blame John. I had an opportunity to spend an hour on KQED radio this morning along with Myers, Senate President Don Pereta, Senate GOP Leader Dick Ackerman, and Steve Mavigilio, Deputy Chief of Staff to Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.

If you have some time to kill you can listen to the recording of the show here (Myers counsels that the program may not appear until this afternoon).

Look for my budget wrap-up tomorrow morning.Read More

Jon Fleischman

KQED Hour with Perata, Nunez and Maviglio postpones my post-budget piece…

For those of you who know John Myers of KQED, if you are happy (liberals) that I have to pospone my state budget wrap up piece until tomorrow, blame John. If you are unhappy to have to wait (normal people), you can also blame John. I had an opportunity to spend an hour on KQED radio this morning along with Myers, Senate President Don Pereta, Senate GOP Leader Dick Ackerman, and Steve Mavigilio, Deputy Chief of Staff to Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.

If you have some time to kill you can listen to the recording of the show here (Myers counsels that the program may not appear until this afternoon).

Look for my budget wrap-up tomorrow morning.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Reagan Legacy Golf Classic and Dinner in San Diego, Sept. 9, 10

The annual Reagan Golf Classic and dinner to benefit sailors serving aboard the USS Ronald Reagan, the San Diego Navy League, and the San Diego Armed Services YMCA, will be held September 9 and 10th, The dinner will be held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds starting a 6:00 pm on Sunday the 9th, and will feature actor Gary Sinise’s band! The Golf Classic will start with lunch at 11:00 am the next day and begin at 12:30 pm at the Coronado Municipal Golf Course. Two winners will receive an all expense paid trip to compete in the 2008 Mercedes-Benz National Championship in Kaanapali, Maui. Hosts are Michael Reagan and Mercedes-Benz of San Diego. Details: 800-659-6145.… Read More

Brandon Powers

Republicans Win In Sacramento!

Earlier tonight in Sacramento,the Republicans beat the Democrats.

I’m serious.

No, it wasn’t on the budget, oron a floor vote, or on some legislative procedure, or anything that might’ve helped California families, businesses, or taxpayers.

But the Republicans did beat the Democrats at something else. Softball!

Last night was the annual legislative softball game – where the Republicansquad continued their dominance andextended their series lead to 6 – 1.

Orange County Republican Assemblyman Todd Spitzer put the Republicans out to an early lead with a 1st inning home run.

Freshman Assemblyman Cameron Smyth carried much of the of burden for the team through the middle innings – making two catches in center field that according to one in attendence “would’ve made Twins Gold Glove centerfielder Torii Hunter jealous.” And, as if that weren’t enough, Smyth… Read More