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Jill Buck

GOP lawmakers are wrong…The U.S. should not boycott the Beijing Olympics

In response to one of the articles on the front page of the Flash Report today, I must vehemently disagree with GOP lawmakers who call for a boycott of the Beijing Olympics. The U.S. should not be guilty of making the games a political or diplomatic weapon. We have grown ups with big salaries who are supposed to be professionals at diplomacy. If they are so inadequate that we have to shield them with hard working, stellar young American athletes, then I say we need to clean house in the embassy.

I’m frankly aghast that GOP lawmakers would follow in the steps of President Carter. His Lilly-livered relationship with the Soviets in 1980 was a disgrace, and what we should have done was send our athletes to the Moscow games to kick some tail and break every record.

The U.S. should never shirk from being represented on the world stage the Olympics afford. Our lawmakers should insist on competent diplomats rather than sideline our young superstars.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold’s Credibility Gap

Credibility is really important in our elected officials. After all, when they run for election (or re-election) much weight is placed on what they tell us they will do in office. I must tell you, as someone who endorsed, supported and encouraged others to do the same for Arnold Schwarzenegger in the recall election of 2003, and his re-election in 2006, I am starting to feel like a chump. It’s not that I am mad at him, it’s more like I am hurt. I feel like he made a promise to all of us, and now he’s not keeping his word.

Arnold’s embrace of a large tax increase as part of a big state-government foray into the healthcare marketplace the size of which would make Milton Friedman cry was so unbelievable that I still am in shock. Worse yet was the ‘justification’ used — that raising actual taxes is somehow netted out by a reduction in a so-called "hidden tax" that Californians already pay. Combine that terrible method of justification with any liberal spending program and I guess you can justify tax hikes all day long. But it doesn’t make it right, and this is not the policy agenda of aRead More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s Credibility Gap

Credibility is really important in our elected officials. After all, when they run for election (or re-election) much weight is placed on what they tell us they will do in office. I must tell you, as someone who endorsed, supported and encouraged others to do the same for Arnold Schwarzenegger in the recall election of 2003, and his re-election in 2006, I am starting to feel like a chump. It’s not that I am mad at him, it’s more like I am hurt. I feel like he made a promise to all of us, and now he’s not keeping his word.

Arnold’s embrace of a large tax increase as part of a big state-government foray into the healthcare marketplace the size of which would make Milton Friedman cry was so unbelievable that I still am in shock. Worse yet was the ‘justification’ used — that raising actual taxes is somehow netted out by a reduction in a so-called "hidden tax" that Californians already pay. Combine that terrible method of justification with any liberal spending program and I guess you can justify tax hikes all day long. But it doesn’t make it right, and this is not the policy agenda of aRead More

Jon Fleischman

John Campbell’s “Fund” Is Right On!

I am blogging live from the Balboa Bay Club right at the water’s edge here at the beautiful Newport Harbor, in the heart of Newport Beach.

Congressman John Campbell represents an amazing House seat, that spans from Newport Beach all of the way down the coast to Dana Point. He is having the regular gathering of his Congressional Club, and I am pleased to be here supporting John. He has been and outstanding United States Representative.

Campbell’s special guest is a mutual close friend, John Fund, an editorial board member of the Wall Street Journal. We frequently feature John’s writings on our blog page, and he is one of our most honored “Golden Pen” award winners on our main page.

Fund’s remarks were on a myriad of topics, starting with what impact Rupert Murdock’s aquisition of the Wall Stret Journal. He thinks the effects will be positive — especially an anticipated short-term infusion of funds into the Journal.

John talked about the Presidential primaries – both the Democratic and Republican side. After spending time talking about “Hillary-zilla and “O-Bambi”… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Mark Wyland on the State Budget Impasse

This is just in from State Senator Mark Wyland on the California budget impasse. It is definately worth reading — it just makes a lot of sense! My fellow Republican Senators have explained in columns on the Flashreport why we have resisted voting for the state budget which is several weeks overdue. The budget passed by the Assembly contains a projected deficit for next year in the $5-6 billion dollar range. How can we pass a budget with a deficit in a state that mandates a balanced budget? We can’t – both in the short term and the long term. In the past, budgets have includedRead More

Congressman John Campbell

Democrats and the “T-word”

"I don’t think Democrats should mention the T-word for two or three years"

Rep. Jim Cooper D-TN

Jim Cooper is actually probably the least liberal Democrat in Congress. He has actually voted for many of the earmark reductions that I or Jeff Flake (R-AZ) have offered. But what he said here is very revealing. The "T-word" of course is taxes. The message is that Democrats ought to wait until after the next election before they do what they really want to do because raising taxes is not popular. In other words, hide your real agenda from the public because they won’t like what they hear. I have often said that the greatest fearfor Republicans is that the public won’t understand what we’re saying. Democrats, on the other hand, fear that the public will understand what they areRead More

Jon Fleischman

Test of Audio File

Test test… Read More

Mike Spence

AD 60 Watch: Margett goes with Hagman

The slugfest for AD 60 continues with Curt Hagman earning the endorsement of State Sen. Bob Margett. Margett represents most of the 60th and cited Hagman’s fundraising and service as the reasons for his endorsement. See previous post with links to other posts here.Read More