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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Legislators As Generals

Should Californiansvote to withdraw troops from Iraq?

A bill to place an "advisory measure" on the February Term Limit Extension Election ballot [that the presidential primary will share] passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee today, with all of usRepublicans voting no.

The ballot question would ask voters whether the President should end the "occupation" of Iraq, and also whether the President and Congress should provide "necessary diplomatic and non-military assistance to promote peace and stability in Iraq and the Middle East."

This measure, known in bill form as SB 924,will now proceed to the Assembly floor, where it needs only a majority vote [plus a Senate vote concurring on Assembly amendments] to place it on the Governor’s desk.

Even placing this measure on the ballot in front of 37 million Californians would very likely be seen as giving aid to those whom our soldiers are fighting and a very bad signal to the confidence of those forming the fledgling new government of Iraq. Should it pass, the impact to our fighting men and women’s moralecould be even… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: KQED Hour with Perata, Nunez and Maviglio postpones my post-budget piece…

For those of you who know John Myers of KQED, if you are happy (liberals) that I have to pospone my state budget wrap up piece until tomorrow, blame John. If you are unhappy to have to wait (normal people), you can also blame John. I had an opportunity to spend an hour on KQED radio this morning along with Myers, Senate President Don Pereta, Senate GOP Leader Dick Ackerman, and Steve Mavigilio, Deputy Chief of Staff to Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.

If you have some time to kill you can listen to the recording of the show here (Myers counsels that the program may not appear until this afternoon).

Look for my budget wrap-up tomorrow morning.Read More

Jon Fleischman

KQED Hour with Perata, Nunez and Maviglio postpones my post-budget piece…

For those of you who know John Myers of KQED, if you are happy (liberals) that I have to pospone my state budget wrap up piece until tomorrow, blame John. If you are unhappy to have to wait (normal people), you can also blame John. I had an opportunity to spend an hour on KQED radio this morning along with Myers, Senate President Don Pereta, Senate GOP Leader Dick Ackerman, and Steve Mavigilio, Deputy Chief of Staff to Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.

If you have some time to kill you can listen to the recording of the show here (Myers counsels that the program may not appear until this afternoon).

Look for my budget wrap-up tomorrow morning.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Reagan Legacy Golf Classic and Dinner in San Diego, Sept. 9, 10

The annual Reagan Golf Classic and dinner to benefit sailors serving aboard the USS Ronald Reagan, the San Diego Navy League, and the San Diego Armed Services YMCA, will be held September 9 and 10th, The dinner will be held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds starting a 6:00 pm on Sunday the 9th, and will feature actor Gary Sinise’s band! The Golf Classic will start with lunch at 11:00 am the next day and begin at 12:30 pm at the Coronado Municipal Golf Course. Two winners will receive an all expense paid trip to compete in the 2008 Mercedes-Benz National Championship in Kaanapali, Maui. Hosts are Michael Reagan and Mercedes-Benz of San Diego. Details: 800-659-6145.… Read More

Brandon Powers

Republicans Win In Sacramento!

Earlier tonight in Sacramento,the Republicans beat the Democrats.

I’m serious.

No, it wasn’t on the budget, oron a floor vote, or on some legislative procedure, or anything that might’ve helped California families, businesses, or taxpayers.

But the Republicans did beat the Democrats at something else. Softball!

Last night was the annual legislative softball game – where the Republicansquad continued their dominance andextended their series lead to 6 – 1.

Orange County Republican Assemblyman Todd Spitzer put the Republicans out to an early lead with a 1st inning home run.

Freshman Assemblyman Cameron Smyth carried much of the of burden for the team through the middle innings – making two catches in center field that according to one in attendence “would’ve made Twins Gold Glove centerfielder Torii Hunter jealous.” And, as if that weren’t enough, Smyth… Read More

Barry Jantz

Hollingsworth’s Take

Some may say the Budget vice-chair’s take is cautiously "post-partisan"-like, yet it is well-crafted and succinct. It all comes down to one sentence:

"While this is a budget that has been brought under control and reflects our list of priorities sought in the negotiations, it is still one that will result inevitably in a near $5 billion deficit next year, and as such it is not one I wanted to affix my name to for posterity." Here’s the full release:

Senator Hollingsworth Comments on the Passage of the State Budget

SACRAMENTO —- Senator Dennis Hollingsworth (R-Murrieta), Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, made the following the statement after the passage of the budget today by the Legislature:

“This is the first time in my seven year legislative career that I’ve seen Republicans achieve so many of our budget priorities. With further clarification of the Governor’s blue penciling the spending plan to a zero operatingRead More

Jon Fleischman

Tom McClintock on the State Budget

Over at his Citizens for the California Republican website, State Senator Tom McClintock has posted an column entitled A Small Victory And A Big Risk…

Budget developments moved so fast and were so uncertain over the past 24 hours that there was no opportunity to offer a clear picture of the situation or suggest what people could do to weigh in. Yesterday rumors of a “deal” circulated but were denied by the Republican leadership. This afternoon, with very little notice, a bare majority of the Senate Republican caucus decided that further negotiations were unlikely to produce any additional progress. Abel Maldonado and Richard Ackerman ultimately combined with the Democrats and votedRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Assembly Finishes Trailer Bills

Four main items were taken up in the Assembly as the Senate finished up on the budget.

A bill, SB 97 was passedto provide a moratorium on lawsuits by Attorney General Brown over greenhouse gas emissions not being factored into construction. So, for a window of time, infrastructure can be built until the regs are actually sorted out on the ill-conceived AB32, and bond dollars voted for by Californians won’t be used to settle frivolous global warming lawsuits or more studies on how much CO 2 comes from projects. That moratorium is only until the end of ’09.

SB 83, the amended health trailer bill squeaked out 54 votes, not much Rep support.

Two other bills amending the Transportation trailer bill and the General Government trailer from the original Assembly versions a month ago passed with strong bipartisan support. These amendments did improve original trailers that had only checkered Republican support.… Read More