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Barry Jantz

Rudy’s CA Business Team

Just in from the Giuliani camp…..

The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee today announced California Business Leaders for Rudy. The team will be chaired by Kim Quinones, Vice President of Ramirez and Company and help spread Rudy’s commitment to fiscal discipline, ending wasteful government spending and cutting taxes. “As Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani achieved what many said could not be done. Rudy used fiscal conservative principles to turn a $2.3 billion dollar deficit into a multi-billion dollar surplus,” said Bill Simon, Giuliani’s California State Chairman and Director of Policy. “As President, Rudy will restore fiscal discipline to Washington and cut taxes, as he did in New York 23 times.” California Business Leaders for Rudy: State Chair: Kim Quinones, Vice-President, Ramirez and Company, Pacific Palisades Members: Susan Allen, Owner, Bayside Communications, Capitola Pam Corradi, Owner, Corradi Arms, Inc., Burbank James Crean, Vice President, Deep Gold Exploration, Inc., Rancho Palos Verdes Jack Davis, Owner, Jeda GenerationRead More

Jon Fleischman

Photo: Pete and Gayle Wilson at the unveiling of the Pete Wilson Statue in San Diego

Congressman Darrell Issa looks on. Photo Credit: Anthony Porrello.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Letter to State GOP Delegates: CRP must oppose Perata/Nunez Term Limits Extension Initiative

In less than two weeks, the California Republican Party Convention will take place in Indian Wells, in the Palm Springs area. At the convention, delegates will have an opportunity to take positions for or against ballot measures set to appear on the February 2008 ballot. I have authored a resolution to oppose what I call the Perata/Nunez Career Politican Term Limits Extension Act. (Will you support my resolution? Drop me a line.) I have signed the following letter to all CRP voting delegates:


James V. Lacy

California Contributes Big to Presidential Candidates

The Federal Election Commission has established a new service that reveals total contributions to Presidential candidates generated by state, and even within a “first three” zip code, and you can click through to see actual donations by individuals within the zip codes! The generosity of Californians to Presidential candidates in both parties is most interesting.

Through the mid-year reports, Californians were responsible for a total of $37 million in contributions to all registered Presidential candidates, of a total of almost $296 million raised nationwide (about 12.5% of total contributions). Democrat candidates earned $23 million of this support, with Clinton and Obama essentially tied at $8.8 million; and Republicans drew $14 million, with Romney taking the cake with $5.4 million and Giuliani next in line with a little over $4.1 million.

The zip code contributions from California are fascinating. In coastal Orange County’s signature zip codes (926XX series, such as 92660 (Newport Beach)) contributions to Republican Presidential candidates for the first half of this year topped $2.4 million, and Democrats were just $800,000 from the same… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Letter to State GOP Delegates: CRP must oppose Perata/Nunez Term Limits Extension Initiative

In less than two weeks, the California Republican Party Convention will take place in Indian Wells, in the Palm Springs area. At the convention, delegates will have an opportunity to take positions for or against ballot measures set to appear on the February 2008 ballot. I have authored a resolution to oppose what I call the Perata/Nunez Career Politican Term Limits Extension Act. (Will you support my resolution? Drop me a line.) I have signed the following letter to all CRP voting delegates:


Shawn Steel

Big Changes in LA County – Bernard Parks is running for Supervisor

California would be one of American’s most conservative states were it not for Los Angeles County. With a total of 29% of the California population and a huge Democrat registration goosed by well oiled labor machines, LA is the place to that ruins statewide Republican dreams. In fact, if reps get only 40% of the LA vote, they usually win statewide.

Naturally you would think the LA County Supervisors would be controlled by union slathering zanies like in San Francisco. In fact, the dems do have a 3-2 advantage. Each Supervisor represents 2,000,000 souls with wide political discretion in their districts. Because of demographics, there is one seat that typically elects an African American — and it is currently held by moderate-left Yvonne Braithwaite Burke. She announced that she is leaving the Supervisorial seat in 2008. That announcement is unleashing a furious passions of want- to- be politicos who covet one the most prized political jobs in California.

The big news is that former LAPD Chief, and present LA… Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – A Pricey Game of Hooky

The classic movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, has captivated our imaginations for two decades. Ferris lives out the dream of the ultimate sick day–one that few would dare to attempt. Most notably, while his day begins with innocent fun, it ends with a very expensive mistake–a classic Ferrari is totaled. It’s amazing how one day off could have such serious financial repercussions.

More than twenty years later in real life, we have a story of "hooky" that involves more people and a much greater financial loss. We’ll call it the San Jose City Auditors’ Months Off. This time, the loss is not a car–instead it’s hundreds of thousands of San Jose taxpayer dollars.

The San Jose City Auditor’s Office staff is staying home "sick" due to internal office turmoil over a sexual harassment lawsuit, and taxpayers are footing the bill. According to the San Jose Mercury News (July 20, 2007), "In the first month after [the] sexual harassmentRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

SB 924, The “Pull Out Of Iraq Now” Advisory Bill, Voted Out Today

By a vote of43 to 32 of the Assembly today [43 Democrats voting "aye", all Republicans present plus one Demvoting"no"] a bill, AB 924,goes to the Governor, [if the Senatevotes to concur onthe amendments],that would place on the February ballot, a measure asking voters if they want to advise the President to withdraw from the "occupation" ofIraq.

Assemblyman Plescia, in his floor speech,made a strong point. He expects that those legislators voting for this measure would also be endorsing Cindy Sheehan for the Pelosi Congressional seat.

For the reasons I stated in my previous post, I call on our Governor to vetothis measure, oneharmful to our troops morale and to the prospects ofthe newly forming free Iraqi goverment. … Read More