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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Need a reason to oppose more gov’t regulation of healthcare? Take a number.

Where I live, instead of bringing mail to my house, the United States Postal Service has set up one of those pedestals with a box lock box with twelve slots where my incoming mail is deposited. So I have to walk about 100 feet from my front door to retrieve my mail. I am sure this is done so that the mail carrier can zip up in their truck and efficiently deal with mail delivery, and zoom off again. Of course, any efficiency in the process for me is offset by the fact that I typically only bother to check the box two or three times a week. Saturday I went to check my mail, and as I walked over, I realized it had been since Tuesday that I had done this last… Well, apparently three days of mail to the Fleischman household is about the limit for my mailbox, as I was greeted on Saturday with an empty box, except for one brown slip of paper, which indicated that because my box was full, all of my mail would have to be picked up at the local post office. Groan! So, I got in my car, and drove over to my local post office. Of course I was nervous heading over there because nothing good ever comes out of a trip to the post office. This trip, of course,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Need a reason to oppose more gov’t regulation of healthcare? Take a number.

Where I live, instead of bringing mail to my house, the United States Postal Service has set up one of those pedestals with a box lock box with twelve slots where my incoming mail is deposited. So I have to walk about 100 feet from my front door to retrieve my mail. I am sure this is done so that the mail carrier can zip up in their truck and efficiently deal with mail delivery, and zoom off again. Of course, any efficiency in the process for me is offset by the fact that I typically only bother to check the box two or three times a week. Saturday I went to check my mail, and as I walked over, I realized it had been since Tuesday that I had done this last… Well, apparently three days of mail to the Fleischman household is about the limit for my mailbox, as I was greeted on Saturday with an empty box, except for one brown slip of paper, which indicated that because my box was full, all of my mail would have to be picked up at the local post office. Groan! So, I got in my car, and drove over to my local post office. Of course I was nervous heading over there because nothing good ever comes out of a trip to the post office. This trip, of course,… Read More

Barry Jantz

Today’s Commentary: Sunday California: A Pete Wilson Statue and Prop 187

Pete Wilson was protested yesterday by immigration and other liberal activists.

Uhh, just in case you’re wondering if this is a 1994 déjà vu, it wasn’t Pete himself that was protested as much as it was a bronze likeness of him, dedicated yesterday afternoon in downtown San Diego. The much anticipated statue unveiling was attended by some of the usual suspects…and I don’t mean Mayor Jerry Sanders, San Diego councilmembers, and members of the Board of Supervisors, although they were there as well.

The media seemed to be overly focused on the protesters who were decrying the dedication as unbecoming a "diverse, border city" to recognize Wilson.

Pete’s tenure as mayor is widely considered legendary, as he presided as a strong mayor years before the city charter mandated one, fostering a time in San Diego’s history when the city positively grew and prospered in ways unmatched before and — most certainly — since.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday California: A Pete Wilson Statue and Prop 187

Pete Wilson was protested yesterday by immigration and other liberal activists.

Uhh, just in case you’re wondering if this is a 1994 déjà vu, it wasn’t Pete himself that was protested as much as it was a bronze likeness of him, dedicated yesterday afternoon in downtown San Diego. The much anticipated statue unveiling was attended by some of the usual suspects…and I don’t mean Mayor Jerry Sanders, San Diego councilmembers, and members of the Board of Supervisors, although they were there as well.

The media seemed to be overly focused on the protesters who were decrying the dedication as unbecoming a "diverse, border city" to recognize Wilson.

Pete’s tenure as mayor is widely considered legendary, as he presided as a strong mayor years before the city charter mandated one, fostering a time in San Diego’s history when the city positively grew and prospered in ways unmatched before and — most certainly — since.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Ken Campbell Pulls Doolittle Endorsement/New Website for Placer County Politicos

This morning, the Sacramento Bee has an article about former Placer County GOP Chairman Ken Campbell’s decision to pull his endorsement of Congressman John Doolittle for re-election next year. Ken’s a long-time friend (as is Doolittle, for that matter) and sent over the following statement about his decision… Campbell references the Club for Growth RePork Card, that measured how all memberse of Congress voted on up and down votes on 50 of the most egregious pieces of pork barrel spending. You can read how your Congressman voted here. MY DECISION TO PULL MY ENDORSEMENT FROM JOHN DOOLITTLE By Ken CampbellRead More

James V. Lacy

Fund on Stone

Sometimes a story is so interesting it deserves going up on my posts at FlashReport whether it has to do with California or legal developments or not, so, here it is, John Fund on former YR Chairman and (the tie-in) early Reagan for President field director Roger Stone……whom a few of us California Reaganites have had some experience with.

Title: Stoned: Republicans who hire Roger Stone, the not-so-merry prankster of American politics, should have their political sanity checked. The latest Stone client to learn that lesson is New York State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, who had to fire Mr. Stone as his $20,000-a-month political consultant after he allegedly made a bizarre and threatening call to Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s 83-year-old father, Bernard. “You will be subpoenaed to testify before the Senate Committee on Investigations on your shady campaign loans… And there is not a [expletive] thing your phony, psycho, piece of [expletive] son can do about it, Bernie” is how a portion of the call went. Mr. Bruno was getting advice from Mr. Stone on how to exploit Governor Spitzer’s own alleged dirty tricks efforts to discredit the… Read More

Jill Buck

The Pioneer Spirit of the Republican Party

Today marks the first time that the Boss has let me write the Daily Commentary, and it’s a privilege that I do not take lightly. Thanks, Boss!

What Jon has done with the Flash Report in the short amount of time that it has been “live” embodies the pioneer spirit that drew me from my native Illinois to the Golden State. It is that same pioneer spirit-that celebration of individual freedom and liberty-that drew me away from my parents’ Democratic Party to join the Republican Party on my 18th birthday. My, how quickly 10 (or so) years go by… (:

As this article goes up on the Flash Report today, I’ll be driving up to Sacramento in my 9 year old, beat up minivan to attend an open meeting regarding the CRP platform that will soon be revisited. Based on the phone calls and emails I’ve received lately, there is no shortage of diversity of opinions on possible revisions to the platform, and I think that is a great thing! While there are some who drop the “RINO bomb” on anyone who doesn’t plug into their uni-mind, I think the majority of delegates and platform committee members will remain open-minded as we respectfully consider the thoughts of our… Read More

Jill Buck

Today’s Commentary: The Pioneer Spirit of the Republican Party

Today marks the first time that the Boss has let me write the Daily Commentary, and it’s a privilege that I do not take lightly. Thanks, Boss!

What Jon has done with the Flash Report in the short amount of time that it has been “live” embodies the pioneer spirit that drew me from my native Illinois to the Golden State. It is that same pioneer spirit-that celebration of individual freedom and liberty-that drew me away from my parents’ Democratic Party to join the Republican Party on my 18th birthday. My, how quickly 10 (or so) years go by… (:

As this article goes up on the Flash Report today, I’ll be driving up to Sacramento in my 9 year old, beat up minivan to attend an open meeting regarding the CRP platform that will soon be revisited. Based on the phone calls and emails I’ve received lately, there is no shortage of diversity of opinions on possible revisions to the platform, and I think that is a great thing! While there are some who drop the “RINO bomb” on anyone who doesn’t plug into their uni-mind, I think the majority of delegates and platform committee members will remain open-minded as we respectfully consider the thoughts of our… Read More