Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory
Before anyone tries to play “gotcha,” here is a disclaimer to my postings on the term limit topic. A week ago I sought out the folks pushing the term limit proposal that changes the number of years a lawmaker can spend in the legislature from 14 to 12 years — and now I’m working for them recruiting Republicans in support of the measure.
Over the next couple weeks, I’m going to respectfully offer a counter opinion to the publisher of this esteemed web log for his position opposed to the term limit reform measure. The topic seems to generate a lot of comments and as it is going to be considered at the upcoming CRP convention, I think it should be timely.
As you will see, there is more than one layer to this onion that needs to be peeled back. Here is my first point for Republican readers to consider:
Term limit reform is directly linked to efforts to get fair redistricting reform. The primary reason that redistricting reform is on the table this year is because Governor Schwarzenegger has forced the… Read More