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Jon Fleischman

Another update on the Career Politican Init Signatures – a loong September…

A third update on the saga of the poor ol’ Term Limits Weakening Initiative… Looks like the odds are getting pretty long that a manual count can be avoided… ’tis such a shame… (not) Just in from CapWeekly’s Anthony York, update #3:

Just got off the phone with the County Registrar’s office in San Berdoo. Drumroll please….. 61.7 percent! Not exactly where proponents need to be. Once again, quick math time:Read More

Jon Fleischman

Update on signature counts on Nunez Term-Limits End Run

Another update from Anthony York at CapWeekly… Things aren’t looking good for those hoping to qualify the term limits end-run promptly…

According to the Secretary of state’s office, Sacramento and Kings have reported! In all, 50 counties have reported their random sample numbers for a total of 518,233. So again, if we add that number to the projected 166,320 from Los Angeles (assuming the 63 percent estimate given by Conny McCormack), that gives us 684,553, with eight counties remaining. The remaining counties have about 102,000 votes out standing, 83,000 of which are in San Bernardino County. Soto avoid the count, they need 79,443 –or 78 percent from the remaining eight counties.

It’s all about San Berdoo. If San Bernardino comes in at less than 78 percent, we could be looking at a full count…Read More

Jon Fleischman

Update On Nunez Career Extension Initiative…

This update just in from FR friend Anthony York over at Capitol Weekly on the challenges (first reported on this website) that the Nunez Career Politician Term Extension Act is having with qualifying for the February ballot…

Just got off the phone with Conny McCormack at the LA County elections office. Here’s the latest:

First, a quick reminder on the numbers.As I wrote in my earlier story, the proponents need 763,790 to avoid the full count. So far, from the counties that have reported, they have a projected 486,508 — a validity rate of about 71.5 percent.

LA has about 264,000 of the signatures. According to McCormack, they are close to completeing their sample count. In fact, they may be reporting to the SOS as early as tomorrow. Though they are not finished, she said signatures are coming back at about a 63 percent validity rate.

That would mean… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

ACA 8, Eminent Domain Bill Passes Assembly Appropriations Committee

On a party line vote, all 5 committee Republicans voting no. Amends to address protection of church property, amongst many other issues, falls far short for Rep support.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Vote “No” on ACA 8 — And Susan Kennedy SHOULD go work for Hillary!

A "NO" VOTE IS CALLED FOR ON ACA 8 The League of Cities and the pro-eminent domain redevelopment industry have been lobbying very hard for the passage of Democrat Assemblyman Hector De LaTorre’s proposed constitutional amendment (ACA 8) that would put a faux (fake) eminent domain reform measure on the ballot. Their bill would NOT COME CLOSE to offering ALL private property owners the protections that they deserve against governments coming in and TAKING their property for economic gain (we’re not talking about a ‘taking’ to widen a highway, but the idea that some city planner sees a different use for the land with more economic benefit to the city, and just taking it…). ACA 8 will NEVER be amended to pass muster — because there are two diametrically opposed interests here. Property rights advocates want and demand legislation to END the proactive of governments being able to forcibly take someone’s private… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Vote “No” on ACA 8 — And Susan Kennedy SHOULD go work for Hillary!

A "NO" VOTE IS CALLED FOR ON ACA 8 The League of Cities and the pro-eminent domain redevelopment industry have been lobbying very hard for the passage of Democrat Assemblyman Hector De LaTorre’s proposed constitutional amendment (ACA 8) that would put a faux (fake) eminent domain reform measure on the ballot. Their bill would NOT COME CLOSE to offering ALL private property owners the protections that they deserve against governments coming in and TAKING their property for economic gain (we’re not talking about a ‘taking’ to widen a highway, but the idea that some city planner sees a different use for the land with more economic benefit to the city, and just taking it…). ACA 8 will NEVER be amended to pass muster — because there are two diametrically opposed interests here. Property rights advocates want and demand legislation to END the proactive of governments being able to forcibly take someone’s private… Read More

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Before anyone tries to play “gotcha,” here is a disclaimer to my postings on the term limit topic. A week ago I sought out the folks pushing the term limit proposal that changes the number of years a lawmaker can spend in the legislature from 14 to 12 years — and now I’m working for them recruiting Republicans in support of the measure.

Over the next couple weeks, I’m going to respectfully offer a counter opinion to the publisher of this esteemed web log for his position opposed to the term limit reform measure. The topic seems to generate a lot of comments and as it is going to be considered at the upcoming CRP convention, I think it should be timely.

As you will see, there is more than one layer to this onion that needs to be peeled back. Here is my first point for Republican readers to consider:

Term limit reform is directly linked to efforts to get fair redistricting reform. The primary reason that redistricting reform is on the table this year is because Governor Schwarzenegger has forced the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Kaufman and Dowd’s Memo To Nunez as Measure Misses Febuary Ballot

The lead consultants for the Speaker’s Term Limits Weakening Initiative, which apparently won’t make the February ballot, have to write a memo to their client. We decided to draft one for them…

URGENT MEMORANDUM To: Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez From: Gale Kaufman and Matthew Dowd RE: Failure to Save Your Career Dear Fabian, We are in the midst of a top-to-bottom review of our collective failure to place our carefully orchestrated end-run on termRead More