State GOP Unanimously Opposes Perata Nunez Term Limits Init, and also opposes League of Cities Attempts to Thwart Eminent Domain Reform…
For those curious – the California Republican Party has just taken positions on state ballots measures: the delegates unanimously opposed the Nunez-Perata Term Limits end-run! Delegates also voted unanimously to support the Jarvis-backed CA Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act. They – equally as important – opposed ACA 8, the legislative attempt to stop real eminent romain (both a legislative attemot and a potential initiative attempt). Also they supported an initiative to allow development of Nuclear Power plants, they supported a measure to allocate California’s Presidential Electors on a Congressional District basis, support for negotiated Indian Gaming Compacts (and opposition to a potential referendum to undo them), and support the Citizens Fair Districts Initiative.
Delegates unanimously opposed a measure to change funding for community colleges.… Read More