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Jon Fleischman

A few of my colleagues meet with Arnold

Sometimes you write about something on the blog so that you stop having to write about it over (and over) privately. For those who were unaware, last week Governor Schwarzenegger held a private meeting with some of my colleagues on the California Republican Party Board of Directors at the State Capitol. These members included Immediate Past Chairman Duf Sundheim, Republican National Committeeman Tim Morgan, County Chairmans Association President Keen Butcher, and Regional Vice Chairmen Jerry Maltby, Mark Pruner, and Aquinetta Warren. There were a couple of other non-CRP Board Members in the meeting as well.

I do not know what they discussed in their meeting. I do not know why this particular group of CRP leaders was chosen. I do know that I was not invited, nor were any of the CRP’s elected officers (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary). If you have any questions about this meeting, you may want to direct them to one of the attendees.

One hopes that this is the first of many intimate meetings that the Governor has with Republican leaders, and hopefully some others of us will have a chance to dialogue… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Former FR Blogger Karen Hanretty Tapped by Fred Thompson Campaign

Earlier this year, FlashReport alumnus Karen Hanretty took off for Washington, D.C., in search of new challenges. As FR readers know, our former State Capitol Correspondent served as Communications Director for the California Republican Party, and has been regular contributor to the Fox News Channel (her appearances on Hannity and Colmes are too numerous to count).

Well, today it was announced by the Friends of Fred Thompson Committee (soon to be Thompson for President) that Karen has come onboard as their Deputy Communications Director, helping to oversee all aspects of the campaign’s national communications efforts, and also acting as a spokesman. Congratulations, Karen — we’re proud of you!!

Fred Thompson’s quite "Golden State heavy" when it comes to his Communications Team. Last month he brought on Todd Harris as Communications Director.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Roll Call: Support for Doolittle Continues to Slip Away

In today’s Roll Call Magazine (the leading news-source for goings-on in the United States Congress), there’s an article on Congressman John Doolittle. We try to bring you their California coverage when we are alerted to it – especially when reporter David Drucker gives the FR a "shout out" (thanks!):

California: Support for Doolittle Continues to Slip Away David Drucker, Roll Call

Support for Rep. John Doolittle (R) has gone into a tailspin in his suburban Sacramento 4th district, with a prominent conservative activist announcing he could no longer back the CongressmanRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Survey Data Shows Doolittle has Big Mountain to Climb

This is a particularly tough time for Congressman John Doolittle. Doolittle (pictured to the right) is in the midst of dealing with the taint of an FBI investigation of Congress that has included family business dealings with now-disgraced and imprisoned ex-lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Our hearts to go out to John and his family at this time. In America, we have a strong tradition in our courts that you are innocent until you are proven guilty. I would tell FR readers that having known John for nearly two decades, I don’t believe that he is guilty of any crimes. That having been said, Congressman Doolittle is facing a trial — but it is in the court of public opinion… And at a time when the public’s bias is not in the favor of Washington politicians.

DOOLITTLE’S NEGATIVES OVER 50% Over the weekend, I had an… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Survey Data Shows Doolittle has Big Mountain to Climb

This is a particularly tough time for Congressman John Doolittle. Doolittle (pictured to the right) is in the midst of dealing with the taint of an FBI investigation of Congress that has included family business dealings with now-disgraced and imprisoned ex-lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Our hearts to go out to John and his family at this time. In America, we have a strong tradition in our courts that you are innocent until you are proven guilty. I would tell FR readers that having known John for nearly two decades, I don’t believe that he is guilty of any crimes. That having been said, Congressman Doolittle is facing a trial — but it is in the court of public opinion… And at a time when the public’s bias is not in the favor of Washington politicians. DOOLITTLE’SRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

C.C. Myers For Governor-2010

In a success story of good ol’ American can-do, the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge re-opened 11 hours ahead of schedule. It had been closed for the 3 day Labor Day weekend for refitting a major chunk at Yerba Buena Island, a 350 foot long, 6700 ton piece that is integral to the new east span, under construction now. This is the section most affected by the ’89 earthquake when a segment of the bridge collapsed.

Infrastructure specialist C.C. Myers Inc. is the same company that rebuilt the section of the MacArthur Maze [near Oakland] that collapsed earlier this year when an intensefuel tanker fire brought it crashing down. This in an amazing 18 days, from scratch, in one of the most traffic intense areas of the state. Also, they rebuilt a section of Santa Monica Freeway back in ’94 after the earthquake brought it down, [this in 66 days from an alloted 140] All these projects saving huge amounts of costs that gridlock oftraffic causes in time lost.

This is one example of what good can happen when everyone works together. It’s nice to know that in a crunch, there are folks that step up and get things done. In a time when we… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: House Republican Porkers Give GOP A Bad Image

The Republican Party is never going to be able to make the credible case that we are the party of fiscal conservatism and government frugality if we are constantly dining heavily on a diet of Congressional earmarks. Remember, in the court of public opinion, perception is very important. Thanks to vast number of outrageous and egregious pork-barrel earmarks, the entire earmarking process is being viewed by the public, and certainly by Republican donors and activists as being corrupt. Earmarks that are awarded based on back-slapping and horse-trading, rather than through the creation of objective, definable and provable criteria are egregious, and should be stopped.

[How did your California Representative vote on fifty different opportunities to eliminate extremely egregious earmarks to appropriations bills this session? Read More

Jon Fleischman

House Republican Porkers Give GOP A Bad Image

The Republican Party is never going to be able to make the credible case that we are the party of fiscal conservatism and government frugality if we are constantly dining heavily on a diet of Congressional earmarks. Remember, in the court of public opinion, perception is very important. Thanks to vast number of outrageous and egregious pork-barrel earmarks, the entire earmarking process is being viewed by the public, and certainly by Republican donors and activists as being corrupt. Earmarks that are awarded based on back-slapping and horse-trading, rather than through the creation of objective, definable and provable criteria are egregious, and should be stopped.

[How did your California Representative vote on fifty different opportunities to eliminate extremely egregious earmarks to appropriations bills this session? Read More