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Jon Fleischman

GOP Legislators: ACA is a watershed vote — Don’t let the “Redevelopment Lobby” bully you into a vote that will define you for years to come…

Word is getting back to FlashReport HQ (far from the State Capitol) that a full-court press is underway to strongarm/cajole/extend-false-promises to Assembly Republicans to try and cajole out the necessary votes to get ACA 8 out of the Assembly.

Assembly Republicans know better. Property rights is a corner-stone issue for our party and for our party’s activists and donors. I would be extremely surprised if the redevelopment lobby, who for years has been abusing private property owners, will be able to turn GOP votes for this terrible bill simply by spending a lot of money to hire pseudo-GOP lobbyists.

The reality is that a vote to pass out ACA 8 is what we would call here a "watershed" vote — it will define those Republicans who do so as being non-respectful of one of the most basic core-values of the GOP. What does this mean? A VOTE FOR ACA 8 WILL BE USED TO DEFINE CANDIDATES IN FUTURE PRIMARIES AS BEING BAD ON PROPERTY RIGHTS. Heck, given the passion on this issue out here (away from the Capitol), a bad vote on this core issue might even INVITE a primary unbidden.

Given that this is a #1 priority for the Howard Jarvis… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senator Tom McClintock: State GOP must endorse the CA Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act

All FlashReport readers should take a few minutes to read this correspondence below from State Senator Tom McClintock (see the .pdf version here). This letter recognizes an important reality — that that a coalition of groups led by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and others has raised the necessary funds and is currently qualifying a ballot measure for next year to provide California property owners with the necessary rights to so that they can fight-off unfair "takings" via eminent domain. This is significant because the redevelopment industry is trying to twist GOP arms to get a fake fix (ACA 8) on the ballot via legislative vote (which takes a 2/3 vote of each chamber) to try and STOP the real eminent domain reform bill currently being qualified for the ballot… The good news — GOP legislators aren’t buckling under their pressure.


Jon Fleischman

Doolittle Responds to News of Additional Staff Subpeonas…

Just over the transom, the office of Congressman John Doolittle has put out this release, in response to reports that two of his top aides have been subpeonaed by a Federal Grand Jury. Doolittle brings up a good points — both of the staff members in question are relatively new additions to his team, so you have to wonder what they could add to the knowledge-base of prosecutors?

Doolittle Calls for Closure Justice Department Continues to Move Slowly, More Than Three Years into the Investigation WASHINGTON, D.C. – For more than three years, federalRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Tom McClintock: State GOP must endorse the CA Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act

All FlashReport readers should take a few minutes to read this correspondence below from State Senator Tom McClintock (see the .pdf version here). This letter recognizes an important reality — that that a coalition of groups led by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and others has raised the necessary funds and is currently qualifying a ballot measure for next year to provide California property owners with the necessary rights to so that they can fight-off unfair "takings" via eminent domain. This is significant because the redevelopment industry is trying to twist GOP arms to get a fake fix (ACA 8) on the ballot via legislative vote (which takes a 2/3 vote of each chamber) to try and STOP the real eminent domain reform bill currently being qualified for the ballot… The good news — GOP legislators aren’t buckling under their pressure.


Jon Fleischman

Is the fix in? The Perata/Nunez Term-Limits End Run Is Certified for February…

I think this release from the California Term Limits Defense Fund speaks volumes…

QUALIFICATION TAINTED OF PERATA/NUNEZ INITIATIVE TO WEAKEN TERM LIMITS BY UNPRECEDENTED AND SUSPICIOUS UPWARD REVISIONS ON RANDOM SAMPLE SIGNATURE COUNTS Sacramento- The initiative to weaken term limits sponsored by Senate President Don Perata and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez has been based on deception of the electorate and manipulation of the political system from the beginning. But the abuse of power by Perata and Nunez has reached a new low with the manipulation of the random signature counting process to qualify the initiative in time for the February 5th election. If a full count had been required it is doubtful that it would be completedRead More

Tab Berg

Giuliani wins “California straw poll”

Local news carried the story about Mayor Rudy Giuliani winning the "California straw poll" conducted by the Sacramento Republican Party at the California State Fair.

Volunteers at the GOP booth asked fair attendees to cast their ballot for a Republican presidential candidate.

The winner was former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani with 31 percent of the vote. Former U.S. senator and actor Fred Thompson came in second with 24 percent. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had 19 percent and Sen. John McCain received 8 percent of the vote.

"Our straw poll will give candidates and leaders of the California Republican Party an indication as to how California Republicans will vote come next February 5," said Carl Burton, Vice Chairman of the Sacramento County Republican Party.

Poll organizers say more than 1,622 valid ballots were cast during the fair.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A big “shout out” to our GOP legislators for holding firm against ACA 8

I am not sure what it is about the message "we’re not interested" that the League of Cities and the redevelopment lobby just don’t get about the desire for Republicans to have real, comprehensive Kelo reform. That is why there is so much support for the Jarvis-backed measure that WILL be on the ballot last year. Unlike ACA 8 which only protects some property owners, but not all property owners (and the property owners it does protect does not enjoy protections for all of his or her potential property), the real solution is already headed for the ballot.

It is understandable the the redevelopment lobby has hired a boatload of consultants and lobbyists to try and work over Republican members in order to place the faux-reform on the ballot — this measure would make it really hard to pass a real fix.

The FlashReport would like to commend our Republican legislators for holding firm on this very important issue. The time to ‘negotiate’ on ACA 8 is past — as soon as the coalition behind the "pure" reform made it clear that they have raised the necessary funds to go to the ballot, the need to settle for 1/4 of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Top Doolittle Aides Subpoenaed

Erica Werner over at the Associated Press is reporting that two senior aides to Congressman John Doolittle were subpeoned recently by Federal authorities who are investigating ties between Congressman Doolittle, his wife and jailed ex-lobbyist Jack Abramoff. The existance of these subpeonas was announced today after the aides gave a required notification to the House.

Clearly this demonstrates that an investigation is still active and ongoing — presenting a serious, ongoing challenge to Congressman Doolittle’s ability to get past this issue, as he tries to make the case that he can be re-elected next year.… Read More