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Jon Fleischman

GOP primary for Battin seat heats up with convention hit on Benoit

Last weekend, the Republican Party’s State Convention was held out in Indian Wells, where former Assemblyman Russ Bogh and current Assemblyman John Benoit are engaged in what promises to be an entertaining and nasty primary to succeed the termed-out local State Senator Jim Battin.

There is an axium that says, "there is never a good time to vote for a budget."

Slipped under hotel room doors at the conventon was a full glossy campaign piece from the "Riverside Taxpayers Association" fileting John Benoit for an "aye" vote on a state budget some years back – when Gray Davis was still Governor. Kinda proves that axium above to be true!

This primary promises to be exciting, and we’ll try to bring you all of the fun… (The .pdf of this hit piece is attached below.)Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

ACA 8 Eminent Domain Trojan Horse Bill Up

A longand passionate discussion preceded a vote on the Assembly floor on ACA 8, with the vote going 45-30, a 2/3 vote of 54 required to place it on the ballot. The argument that it’s hard to define what property should be protected, when it’s OK to use your land for a given purpose, etc, is an arrogant view by land grabbers that trample a cornerstone issue for our Founders.

The Jarvis-Farm Bureau-CA Alliance initiative is the solution to restore that safety from wrongful takings. Signature gatherers, full speed ahead! And watch out for the phonyinitiative that will now be pushed by the losers of ACA 8.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats pull out of talks for redistricting reform…

Senator Don Perata took the lead in pulling hte plug on redistricting reform. So, unless a redistricting reform measure qualifies for the ballot via signature petitions, don’t look for it on the ballot next year.

Of course, it is now full-speed ahead to kill the Perata/Nunez Term Limits Weakening Initiative that is on the February ballot. If we aren’t going to have fair districts, the last thing we need to four and six more years of Perata and Nunez, respectively.

These guys need to go find jobs in the private sector, where they cannot torture the taxpayers anymore.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Special Session Called

From a trusted legislative advocate….

Governor Schwarzenegger, just a few minutes ago, called the Legislature into Special Session, starting tomorrow, to work on State Health Insurance Reform. He also called a Special Session on water projects.

The Governor also announced at his press conference that he would veto AB 8, as expected, the Democrat’s health insurance proposal.

It is anticipated that the Special Session on health care will operate mostly behind the scenes, with the political leaders trying to craft a solution.Read More

Brandon Powers

Q: How much does the CCPOA love Bonnie Garcia? A: $425,878.99

UPDATE: See attachment

I’ve been reading on the FlashReport and hearing around that the prison guard union is trying to codify the sweetheart deal contract that they got from Gray Davis into a law. It’s very ironic that in this situation, our global warming alarming "green action hero" Governor is actually doing the right thing — which is negotiating firmly with a union, trying to undo some of the lavish pay hikes that they were given by Davis. More insidious than the big bucks in that contract was that Davis literally bargained away much of the management authority of the Corrections Department. I figured it would be a labor-loving Democrat that would be carrying this dog-with-fleas legislation. So it piqued my curiosity when I heard that termed-out GOP Assemblywoman Bonnie "Ban the Trans-Fats" Garcia was carrying this last-minute gut-and-amend bill. Thanks to the internet, I took a peek over at the Secretary of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

To the GOP friends of the CCPOA… Will someone drop me a line?

I keep hearing persistent feedback that there are some legislative Republicans who think that the legislature granting a big pay raise (plus) to the CCPOA is a grand idea. Clearly the Governor does not, I and I have been critical.

This is the Governor’s statement: "I did not veto $700 million from the budget to give it all to CCPOA in a backroom deal. This bill makes an end run around negotiations and mediation, reverses an arbitration decision that saved the state hundreds of millions of dollars, kills any hope for management reform, and reinstates, in full, the contract signed by Governor Gray Davis. This is the same contract that Republicans and Democrats derided as the biggest sweetheart deal in California history." Please educate me on the CCPOA side of this equation…. Someone? I am truly open to hearing both sides of this issue. Drop me a line here.

Thanks in advance.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Angelides crying? Redistricting Reform. ACA 8. Prison Guards.

IS PHIL ANGELES CRYING? I’m sure Phil Angelides is crying somewhere right now, depressed that he is not in Sacramento to sign the outrageous shift towards socialized medicine that has been passed by legislative Democrats and placed on the Governor’s desk. Much time has been spent on this page criticizing Governor Schwarzenegger for his own proposal to significantly increase the size of government and state government’s role in health care. That said, today is a good time to take a pause, and appreciate that the extreme agenda of Don Perata and Fabian Nunez is too far to the left, even for the port-side shift of Schwarzenegger. The Governor has vowed to veto AB 8 and he should be applauded for doing so. Perhaps if Mr. Angeles is bored, he can print out a copy of AB 8 on his computer, and sign the bottom of it. That’s about all of the relevance that he will have in this process — thank goodness! THE LINE IN THE SAND ON REDISTRICTING REFORM Lost… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Ruben Barrales: AB 8’s Flaws Would Make Health Care Problem Even Bigger

We’re committed to presenting a spectrum of views (within reason) on the healthcare debate taking place in Sacramento. With the Governor’s promised veto of AB 8, we’re very pleased to share with you this column from long-time FR friend Ruben Barrales, who is President of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce… A couple of weeks ago, I met at a local Chinese restaurant with many fellow San Diego-area colleagues, including the North San Diego Chamber, Scripps Health System, Sharp Health Care and Bumble Bee Foods. We were not there to eat (although the place does have great food), but rather we were gathered to show our support for the Governor’s approach to health care reform.Read More