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Jim Battin

Waste Watch – LAUSD Now Failing Employees (and Students)

Amidst the steady stream of stories of ineffective bureaucracy, poor tracking, and management mishaps that cost the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) millions, we rarely see a story about the school district failing to pay its own. Just when we thought it could do that part of its job correctly, the LAUSD proves us wrong again.

According to The LA Daily News (August 27, 2007), "Seven months after Los Angeles Unified rolled out a $95 million computerized payroll system, school officials are prepared to pour at least another $37 million into the project to fix thousands of problems as [the district braces] for the start of the school year." We have become anesthetized to absurd figures concerning LAUSD’s waste, the United Teachers Los Angeles President explains, "[However, this situation is] an 8.9 on the Richter scale… It’s very bad[,] and it promises to get worse when [the] traditional school [year] starts." LAUSD’s interim chief operating officer explains that "theRead More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: Arnold as Governor Moonbeam II

From today’s WSJ Political Diary… (Thanks for the shout-out!)

Governor Moonbeam II

California Republicans met at their convention near Palm Springs this weekend and heard two starkly different messages. Their own "post-partisan" governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, called on them to embrace the fight against global warming, support huge tax increases required by his universal health care plan and otherwise move to the center. Otherwise, he warned, the GOP would be "relegated to the margins of California’s political life."

The governor’s message was received with tepid applause, with some delegates sitting on their hands. The atmosphere dramatically changed only minutes… Read More

Jim Battin

Tricks and Tricksters – End of Session Attack on Taxpayers

**ALERT** Late Session Assault on Taxpayer Rights **ALERT**

The end of session is a good opportunity to amend into bills controversial issues that authors hope will go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of hundreds of bills. A perfect example is AB 1546 (Calderon).

This is legislation that started off trying to resolve a situation where the state found itself on the losing end of a billion dollar court decision. The court found unconstitutional the LLC "fee" which taxed income from both inside and outside the state. The bill had problems from the start. While it correctly addressed the commerce clause violation by limiting income determination to in-state revenues, it also limited the LLC’s ability to be reimbursed from the state.

Late last week, however, AB 1546 was quietly expanded to limit the ability of all taxpayers — business and personal — to recover fees or taxes that are declared unconstitutional. What this bill means is that if the government of California unjustly taxes your income and it takes five years to have aRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

AB 1471 “License Plates On Bullets” Bill Passes

Passing off of the Assembly floor again was the idea of microstamping an ID number on every bullet shell casing as it is discharged by a gun. This as an idea to solve crimes. Never mind that a conviction could never be upheld by finding a shell casing with your ID number on itat a crime scene…I hope.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Despite Arnold’s “stink bomb” GOP has great convention…

Last weekend, about a thousand members, alternates and guests gathered at the California Republican Party Convention at the Renaissance Esmerelda Hotel in Indian Wells in the Coachella Valley/Palm Springs area. As is typically the case, we’ll be sharing some stories and happenings from this event over the next few days. First and foremost, we’re pleased to announce the return of our highly-acclaimed, caddy and pithy "Winners & Losers of the CRP Convention" column, which we should be featuring at the end of this week. While your trusted FR team had many of our team members on the ground, looking over the convention for nominees, we typically get some of our best suggestions from FR readers. If you have a nomination, you can e-mail us here. As always, we ensure the confidentiality of anyone who contacts us. I’ll start by fast forwarding to a couple of results from the weekend that I want especially emphasize. The first is that convention delegates unanimously put the party on record as opposingRead More

Jon Fleischman

Despite Arnold’s “stink bomb” GOP has great convention…

Last weekend, about a thousand members, alternates and guests gathered at the California Republican Party Convention at the Renaissance Esmerelda Hotel in Indian Wells in the Coachella Valley/Palm Springs area. As is typically the case, we’ll be sharing some stories and happenings from this event over the next few days. First and foremost, we’re pleased to announce the return of our highly-acclaimed, caddy and pithy "Winners & Losers of the CRP Convention" column, which we should be featuring at the end of this week. While your trusted FR team had many of our team members on the ground, looking over the convention for nominees, we typically get some of our best suggestions from FR readers. If you have a nomination, you can e-mail us here. As always, we ensure the confidentiality of anyone who contacts us. I’ll start by fast forwarding to a couple of results from the weekend that I want especially emphasize. The first is that convention delegates unanimously put the party on record as opposingRead More

Congressman John Campbell

$23 BILLION – House Republicans along with our President can save that much for America’s taxpayers…

It isn’t every day you can save $23 billion. But Republicans in the House, in combination with the President, can do it in the next 60 days, if we stay resolved to hold our ground.

The Democrat majority in the House has passed 11 appropriations bills (I voted for one of them) which together spend $23 billion more than the President requested in his budget. The President’s budget request is $22 billion more than last year’s spending amount so it’s not as though he proposed some draconian cut. I led the effort to obtain 146 signatures on a letter assuring President Bush that Republicans in the House would uphold his veto of any appropriations bill that exceeded his budget request. That is the minimum number of signatures needed to sustain a Presidential veto. We obtained 147 signatures on that letter. The president then issued a statement that he would veto the overspending. The Pelosi-led House Democrats, as has been their pattern, ignored the realities of other meaningful opinions and defiantly passed the bills anyway.

But the Senate has passed only 1 of the 11 bills. However, the well- known “cloture” rule requiring 60… Read More

Jon Fleischman

No Commentary Today

FR Publisher Jon Fleischman is at the California Republican Party’s Fall Convention, and so there is no commentary for today, Sunday. But look back in this spot for a new commentary Monday morning.

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More