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Jon Fleischman

Brian Nestande Jumps Into AD 64 Race; Bono And Benoit Endorse Him

Just in over the transom, FR friend Brian Nestande (pictured below with Congresswoman Mary Bono) has decided to throw his had into the ring for the GOP nomination in the 64th District. Things are really busy in FlashHQ today, so hopefully you’ll excuse our simply reprinting Nestande’s release. Look for a lot on this race from his brother, Barry, who writes for us. We’d expect nothing less… Brian Nestande announced his campaign for the State Assembly today. He was joined by Congresswoman Mary Bono, who stated, “I wholeheartedly endorse Brian Nestande in his race for the State Assembly. Brian has the knowledge and experience needed to make a real difference for the voters of this District and I look forward to working with him in his new role”.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bob Novak on CD 4: “Leaning Democratic Takeover”

Acclaimed nationally syndicated columnist and GOP political expert Bob Novak had this to say about Congressional District Four (CA) in his latest e-newsletter, as he now rated the district LEANING DEMOCRATIC TAKEOVER

House 2008

California-4: The power vacuum in the House GOP showed itself last week in the announcement by Rep. John Doolittle (R-Calif.) that he will seek re-election while under federal investigation in connection with the Jack Abramoff probe.

Republican leaders had wanted Doolittle, whose home was raided by the FBI and whose staff has been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury (apparently connected to his wife’s work with Abramoff), to step down even though he has not been indicted. When asked recently on the record… Read More

Shawn Steel

SF State College Reps Rip the Left

Among the most active of the College Republican chapters is the hard fighting San Francisco State College Republicans. Chairman Leigh Wolf is an innovator and leader which should give us hope that future generations are in good conservative hands.

Those College Reps are a serious thorn in the belly of the Leftist, Hate America crowd. Have a look at yesterday’s 9/11 commemoration video (below) on campus. And see which loonies show up…and yes you will always find a local tenured professor beating the drums for America’s enemies. Wolf wisely teamed up with the College Dems to have a non-political 9/11 Memorial. But the other side of the democrats turned out also. Watch it here:

Ryan Clumpner is the state chair for College Republicans from UC Davis. For any questions about College Reps email him… Read More

Jim Battin

Time For Budget Reform

This ran today in the Riverside Press Enterprise – – –

No Budget StandoffsLegislators should stop their empty chatter and adopt real fiscal reform


This year’s protracted budget negotiations finally concluded with the signing of a $145 billion spending plan on Aug. 24.

The deliberations were marked by unusually personal attacks. Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and Senate Pro Tem Don Perata freely branded Republican senators "terrorists" and "vandals" for demanding a balanced budget. The state Democratic Party went so far as to fund a recall effort against Sen. Jeff Denham for refusing to cave to pressure, which included Perata booting Denham from the Governmental Organization Committee.

Despite the name calling that permeated negotiations as they dragged beyond July and into August, virtually every lawmaker in Sacramento agrees that the government’s chronic failure to deliver an on-time budget cannot be laid at the feet of… Read More

Jill Buck

In Praise of the Governor

It is no small thing that the Governor vetoed the bill that would put the Iraq deployment on the California ballot, and he is to be praised for the courage and conviction it took to take this action.

No one can deny that Iran is the biggest threat in the region.Fromtheir illegal nuclear weapons ambitions, their funding of terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihadto their open calls for the destruction of Israel and the United States, their aims could not be clearer and they cannot be ignored. We currently hold positions on their western and eastern fronts, and can pull carrier battle groups in to deal with their southern front. None of the countries in the region want to see Iran fill the vacuum we would leave by pulling out of Iraq, but they are afraid of them. We will continue to build allies in the region through a show of strength and determination; therefore, we must not pull out now. Mistakes have been made in every war throughout history, but the fact that we’ve made some in this war is no reason to retreat.Despite those who wish to deny the truth, it is not hyperbole to realize thatthis war will determine the fate of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Joel Fox — Workers’ Comp Reforms Have Saved Billions

Study Shows Public Employers Saved Billions from Workers’ Comp Reform Joel Fox, President, Small Business Action Committee

As California’s workers compensation crisis came to a head in the winter of 2003-2004, thousands of stories and complaints echoed throughout the state about the crushing impact workers comp costs had on California businesses. Workers compensation costs tripled for some businesses in just a few years. For others, workers comp premiums totaled more than salaries. In traveling the state promoting the Small Business Action Committee’s workers comp reform initiative, I held up a copy of a state of Idaho advertisement from a California business journal promoting reasonable workers comp rates there and offering to help California businesses move. Some did.

However, little attention was focused on the difficulties workers comp costs… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Gaveled Down!

We are done until January 7, notwithstanding any special session action on water and health. The process of going though bills at the end wasvery fast and furious, not a great way to debate or contemplate bills. Workingtill 3:30 AM, whether trying to disc a straight line in a rice field, or do legislation, can get marginal results. … Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Guv Vetoes Iraq War Ballot Measure

SB 924 was vetoed tonight by the Governor. Appropriately, in his veto message, he leaves it to the President and military experts to determine military deployment.… Read More