Posted by Michael Der Manouel, Jr. at 12:00 am on Sep 18, 2007 1 Comment
The media, public and politicians have all lost their minds on
the "health care" issue. The media doesn’t understand it, the
public is being goaded into socialism and the same politicians that
haven’t fixed anything in years think they have answers. I
don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Stupidity reigns in the
I blame the GOP. We had six promising years in charge of
the entire federal government and didn’t reform a damn thing, in
fact, we actually created the largest new entitlement program in 50
years, Medicare Part D, and then underestimated its cost by
half. In doing so we abandoned the argument that government
and health care are a terrible mixture, and so now we can’t even
oppose HillaryCare on the grounds of limited government.
In Sacramento, the Governor’s "idea" is a new tax on
providers. Can we channel his mentor, the late Milton
Friedman, into the discussion? This is about as anti-free
market and anti-capitalist as it gets. Worse, the California
Restaurant Association and Hospital Association actually voted to
support the tax. I can hear it now: "its the best
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