Today’s Commentary: The Dirty Dozen
Borrowing the title from the 60’s movie classic to describe some bills fits the end of the ’07 legislative session. The movie depicted Lee Marvin leading a group of convicts to run a high risk mission in WW II Europe, played by Charlie Bronson, Telly Savalas, Jim Brown and others, bad guys doing a good thing. Sort of a reversal of likablepeople proposing bad things legislatively. Let’s talk about 12 of ’em or so in noparticular order.
SB 924-The Iraq war pullout advisory measure. A ploy that would be placed on the February ballot to have voters tell the President to quit "the occupation" of Iraq, seen as a way to drive up voter turnout for the Term Limit Extension measure.
Status: Thankfully ithas justfreshly been vetoed by the Guv.
The Crazy 8’s ACA 8-Eminent Domain. After the legislature has ignored true EmDo reform for 2… Read More