Patients without Doctors: The Flawed Plan of Governor Schwarzenegger
The article below was written by Linda Halderman, M.D., FACS. Dr. Haldermanis a Board-Certified General Surgeon practicing in rural south Fresno County, California.
It originally appeared in the American Thinker and was sent to me by my friend and all around good guy, Senator Dave Cogdill.
Dr. Halderman provides important insights to the practical, real-world workings of the health care industry. Her article is well worth the read.
Patients without Doctors: The Flawed Plan of Governor Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to terminate the problem of uninsured Californians needing better health care. According to Governor Schwarzenegger’s Senior Health Policy Advisor, the Governor’s Health Care Proposal will add 900,000 Californians to Medi-Cal, the State’s version of Medicaid. This expansion of government-funded medicine helps meet the… Read More