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Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger to speak to U.N. General Assembly Monday Early

Arnold Schwarzenegger will address the United Nations tomorrow morning at 9am EST (6am here in Cal-ee-foo-rn–ya) — assuming it starts on time, you can see it on "UN-TV" here — there is also an archive feature that appears to update pretty quickly if you happen to prefer sleeping at that hour. Rumor has it that after the speech (on ‘global warming’) that Arnold will seek out Bono and Al Gore for a group photo…

Oh yes, could the U.N. spend any more on their headquarters? There is no worse deal, financially, for the United States than our subsidies of the U.N.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

McCarthy: What Will You Do With A Majority?

It was exciting to see the piece on Kevin McCarthy in the Weekly Standard yesterday. I worked with him and against him while he was a Bill Thomas staffer, and always held him in high regard. Along with Devin Nunes in the Central San Joaquin Valley, there is some good talent to work with in advancing toward a goal of retaking the House.

But I have a question. What are you going to do with it if you succeed?

Its not enough to "get control" of policy and appropriations. We out here in the GOP wasteland really don’t care what you bring back to the District. We openly wonder why you don’t tell Jerry Lewis and John Doolittle to get out of the way. I like that you are running ads against the 30 Democrat House freshman elected in 2006. They ran to the right of most of their Republican opponents and now stand with Nancy Pelosi – so the ads are a good contrast.

I still want to know what you are going to do with the majority.

What I want to hear is this: "We vehemently disagree with the performance of the Republican Congress from 2000-06. We understand the base is upset, and we agree. We are going back to the… Read More

Barry Jantz

Today’s Commentary: Sunday California…Same-Sex Marriage Fallout In San Diego

Until the initial vote several days ago, it was relatively unknown that the San Diego City Council would even be discussing the filing of an amicus brief in support of same-sex marriage. Perhaps that was because Councilmember Toni Atkins brought the issue to the council with little lead time, as some have claimed. Perhaps, as well, the matter was quiet because to the media it was just another pending side decision in an ongoing sea of fiscal and pension woes. The side issue has officially transitioned from side show to center ring. The 4-4 council vote on September 4 changed things, not solely because it put the matter in the limelight, but also because of the makeup of the two sides. Donna Frye joined the opposition, while Republican Jim Madaffer voted with three Democrats in supporting homosexual marriage. After first blush, the Frye vote made perfect sense, because it’s classic Donna.Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday California…Same-Sex Marriage Fallout In San Diego

Until the initial vote several days ago, it was relatively unknown that the San Diego City Council would even be discussing the filing of an amicus brief in support of same-sex marriage. Perhaps that was because Councilmember Toni Atkins brought the issue to the council with little lead time, as some have claimed. Perhaps, as well, the matter was quiet because to the media it was just another pending side decision in an ongoing sea of fiscal and pension woes. The side issue has officially transitioned from side show to center ring. The 4-4 council vote on September 4 changed things, not solely because it put the matter in the limelight, but also because of the makeup of the two sides. Donna Frye joined the opposition, while Republican Jim Madaffer voted with three Democrats in supporting homosexual marriage. After first blush, the Frye vote made perfect sense, because it’s classic Donna.Read More

Matt Rexroad

City Manager Code of Ethics

The post by Adam below brought back some memories/nightmares from the desert….

In 1996 I was involved in a campaign for the State Senate against someone that was serving as the City Manager of Victorville. One of the issues that came up during that campaign was the International City Managers Association (ICMA) Code of Ethics.

It turns out that our opponent in the race actually dropped out of his professional association in order to seek elective office and not be in conflict with his professional code of ethics.

You can read the entire code here but the relevant section that came into question and the explanation from the ICMA is below —

7. Refrain from participation in the election of the members of the employing legislative body, and from all partisan political activities which would impair performance as a professional administrator.


Elections of the Governing Body. Members should… Read More

Three-for-all: Campaign To Replace Bill Maze In State Assembly Getting Crowded; Can Someone Send Maps To Would-be Dreier Opponents?

For months, retired San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy Bob Smithhas been the lone candidate running to replace termed-out GOP Assemblymember Bill Maze in the sprawling 34th Assembly District. As I have reported earlier, Smith, also a Republican, has amassed a significant campaign warchest, garnered numerous impressive endorsements, and assembled a top-notch campaign team in his bid for the overwhelmingly GOP-registered and heavily rural constituency.

Note from the Full Disclosure Department: I work with Bob Smith in the Office of San Bernardino County Assessor Bill Postmus and I have personally and enthusiastically endorsed the career law enforcement’s campaign for State Assembly.

Despite Bob Smith’s significant advantages heading into the primary election, many of which I have reported over the course of the past several months, two determined opponents have stepped forward to declare that they too want a shot at this district.

With the formal entries of Tulare County Supervisor Connie Conway and Tulare County resident… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Three-for-all: Campaign To Replace Bill Maze In State Assembly Getting Crowded; Can Someone Send Maps To Would-be Dreier Opponents?

For months, retired San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy Bob Smithhas been the lone candidate running to replace termed-out GOP Assemblymember Bill Maze in the sprawling 34th Assembly District. As I have reported earlier, Smith, also a Republican, has amassed a significant campaign warchest, garnered numerous impressive endorsements, and assembled a top-notch campaign team in his bid for the overwhelmingly GOP-registered and heavily rural constituency.

Note from the Full Disclosure Department: I work with Bob Smith in the Office of San Bernardino County Assessor Bill Postmus and I have personally and enthusiastically endorsed the career law enforcement’s campaign for State Assembly.

Despite Bob Smith’s significant advantages heading into the primary election, many of which I have reported over the course of the past several months, two determined opponents have stepped forward to declare that they too want a shot at this district.

**There is more – click the link**Read More

Jim Battin

Kevin McCarthy Makes Good

Anyone that knows Kevin McCarthy won’t be surprised that even in his very first term in Congress he has already made a national impression.

The Weekly Standard – one of the premiere conservative magazines in the country – features Congressman Kevin McCarthy prominently on this week’s cover.

Kevin McCarthy and congressmen Eric Cantor (Virginia) and Paul Ryan (Wisconsin) are profiled as the "Young Guns of the House GOP".

Kevin is "The Strategist".

It’s great to see Californians continue to lead on the national scene. Kevin McCarthy has only just begun.

Congrats my friend.… Read More