In the late 1990’s, a Senator who represented a small portion of Riverside County sold out the taxpayers of California. He received a one time $15 million appropriation for a museum in Riverside County to get his vote on the budget. The taxpayers got stuck with a $20 billion/year increase in spending. That increase led to the collapse of the budget in the early part of the last decade. Some Riverside County elite lauded this Senator. He was, however, as shortsighted as he was irresponsible, and California has paid a price for his shortsightedness for 20 years.
The old joke tells of the guy who approached a woman in a bar, and offered her $100,000.00 to sleep with him. She said ok. He then said how about $10, she responded “what do you think I am?” The man responded, “we have already established what you are, now we’re just negotiating the price.” Of all the things that can be said about Senator Anthony Cannella, as opposed to the colleague with whom I served in the ’90’s, we already know what you are, you just got a higher price. As for Senator Roth and Assemblymember Cervantes, they negotiated like a Hollywood… Read More