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Matt Rexroad

City Manager Code of Ethics

The post by Adam below brought back some memories/nightmares from the desert….

In 1996 I was involved in a campaign for the State Senate against someone that was serving as the City Manager of Victorville. One of the issues that came up during that campaign was the International City Managers Association (ICMA) Code of Ethics.

It turns out that our opponent in the race actually dropped out of his professional association in order to seek elective office and not be in conflict with his professional code of ethics.

You can read the entire code here but the relevant section that came into question and the explanation from the ICMA is below —

7. Refrain from participation in the election of the members of the employing legislative body, and from all partisan political activities which would impair performance as a professional administrator.


Elections of the Governing Body. Members should… Read More

Three-for-all: Campaign To Replace Bill Maze In State Assembly Getting Crowded; Can Someone Send Maps To Would-be Dreier Opponents?

For months, retired San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy Bob Smithhas been the lone candidate running to replace termed-out GOP Assemblymember Bill Maze in the sprawling 34th Assembly District. As I have reported earlier, Smith, also a Republican, has amassed a significant campaign warchest, garnered numerous impressive endorsements, and assembled a top-notch campaign team in his bid for the overwhelmingly GOP-registered and heavily rural constituency.

Note from the Full Disclosure Department: I work with Bob Smith in the Office of San Bernardino County Assessor Bill Postmus and I have personally and enthusiastically endorsed the career law enforcement’s campaign for State Assembly.

Despite Bob Smith’s significant advantages heading into the primary election, many of which I have reported over the course of the past several months, two determined opponents have stepped forward to declare that they too want a shot at this district.

With the formal entries of Tulare County Supervisor Connie Conway and Tulare County resident… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Three-for-all: Campaign To Replace Bill Maze In State Assembly Getting Crowded; Can Someone Send Maps To Would-be Dreier Opponents?

For months, retired San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy Bob Smithhas been the lone candidate running to replace termed-out GOP Assemblymember Bill Maze in the sprawling 34th Assembly District. As I have reported earlier, Smith, also a Republican, has amassed a significant campaign warchest, garnered numerous impressive endorsements, and assembled a top-notch campaign team in his bid for the overwhelmingly GOP-registered and heavily rural constituency.

Note from the Full Disclosure Department: I work with Bob Smith in the Office of San Bernardino County Assessor Bill Postmus and I have personally and enthusiastically endorsed the career law enforcement’s campaign for State Assembly.

Despite Bob Smith’s significant advantages heading into the primary election, many of which I have reported over the course of the past several months, two determined opponents have stepped forward to declare that they too want a shot at this district.

**There is more – click the link**Read More

Jim Battin

Kevin McCarthy Makes Good

Anyone that knows Kevin McCarthy won’t be surprised that even in his very first term in Congress he has already made a national impression.

The Weekly Standard – one of the premiere conservative magazines in the country – features Congressman Kevin McCarthy prominently on this week’s cover.

Kevin McCarthy and congressmen Eric Cantor (Virginia) and Paul Ryan (Wisconsin) are profiled as the "Young Guns of the House GOP".

Kevin is "The Strategist".

It’s great to see Californians continue to lead on the national scene. Kevin McCarthy has only just begun.

Congrats my friend.… Read More

Jim Battin

Patients without Doctors: The Flawed Plan of Governor Schwarzenegger

The article below was written by Linda Halderman, M.D., FACS. Dr. Haldermanis a Board-Certified General Surgeon practicing in rural south Fresno County, California.

It originally appeared in the American Thinker and was sent to me by my friend and all around good guy, Senator Dave Cogdill.

Dr. Halderman provides important insights to the practical, real-world workings of the health care industry. Her article is well worth the read.


Patients without Doctors: The Flawed Plan of Governor Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to terminate the problem of uninsured Californians needing better health care. According to Governor Schwarzenegger’s Senior Health Policy Advisor, the Governor’s Health Care Proposal will add 900,000 Californians to Medi-Cal, the State’s version of Medicaid. This expansion of government-funded medicine helps meet the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Ward Connerly – The Questionable Pursuit of ‘Diversity’ by the University of California

Today we are pleased to feature a guest commentary from former Unversity of California Regent and Proposition 209 author Ward Connerly. We asked Mr. Connerly to comment on news yesterday that that a committee of the University of California Board of Regents has accepted a report calling on more the student population of the U.C. system too be more ethnically and racially diverse…

Californians, beware!

The Board of Regents of the University of California (UC) has unanimously endorsed a report that proposes a significantly more aggressive approach to creating “diversity” in the faculty and student body of UC. What this all means is that the entire UC system, including all of its campuses, will now be doing everything they possibly can toRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Ward Connerly – The Questionable Pursuit of ‘Diversity’ by the University of California

Today we are pleased to feature a guest commentary from former Unversity of California Regent and Proposition 209 author Ward Connerly. We asked Mr. Connerly to comment on news yesterday that that a committee of the University of California Board of Regents has accepted a report calling on more the student population of the U.C. system too be more ethnically and racially diverse…

Californians, beware! The Board of Regents of the University of California (UC) has unanimously endorsed a report that proposes a significantly more aggressive approach to creating “diversity” in the faculty and student body ofRead More

Hotwire Hit with a Frivolous Lawsuit

I frequently use travel websites like hotwire to keep costs down. Many of these sites rate their hotels on "stars" — a four star being their best. when you book your room, you don’t know what hotel you will stay in but you know how many stars you are going to get and it usually is at a bargain price. After the trip I usually get an email asking if I agreed with the ranking and it is almost always spot on.

I like the service, it works well for me and saves my company and clients money.

So I was irate when I received a class action lawsuit notice today in my email in-box because some guy believes that he was given a lesser star hotel than he was promised when he booked on-line. GIVE ME A BREAK. People like this and the money hungry attorneys that represent them drive up prices for all of us.

For those that join the class, they will likely get a few dollars or a voucher for future travel while it is the attorneys who will make hundreds-of-thousands of dollars arguing the case. Hotwire will now have to build these types of suits into its business plan resulting in increased costs for all… Read More