Passing Thoughts On A Quiet Saturday…
Here are a few passing thoughts for a quiet Saturday…
Former State Senator and FR friend Ross Johnson is Chairman of the State’s Fair Political Practices Commission. He is opposed moving to electronic-filing only for required FPPC filings from candidates, PACs, etcetra. I agree with Johnson, mainly because of a law that prohibits some informations from the paper reports from being placed on the internet. Such a change should not limit any degree of public disclosure. Putting aside the fact that I am a Lakers fan, I think that all taxpayers need to be very worried over discussions that the Kings might move to a new arena at the government-owned Cal-Expo site. The Maloofs were salivating over a taxpayer subsidy of their franchise not too long ago, and I’m sure they are still anxious to gauge Joe and Jane Public. If House Republicans are going to make a stand on earmarking, they should do so by calling for some objective criteria that all earmarks must meet in order to be in order. The problem is that everyone’s focus on reforming the earmarking process doesn’t address our biggest challenge — that a vast … Read More