Today’s Commentary: Newt has a lot of good ideas, but his seeking the Presidency was not one of them…
This morning, I was reading a column from my good friend, Debra Saunders who expresses why she is pleased that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has decided NOT to seek the Presidency. I think that Debra is the only Republican columnist for that left-wing paper who writes consistently on political issues. While not as conservative as yours truly, when you consider the arena in which she is expressing herself, she is a very conservative writer. Anyway, I read her column and realized that I that I was harboring many of the same feelings. Newt Gingrich had his shot, when he was Speaker of the House of Representatives, to show what kind of leader he can be — and he fell short. I don’t want to turn this Sunday morning column into a negative diatribe on Newt, as I do not bear him personal animus. But I will say that when it was revealed that he had been in the midst of a torrid affair with a mistress at… Read More