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Shawn Steel

LA Times goes bonkers or just another day at the office?

L.A.Times Publisher David Hiller must have whipped his reporters into a Leftist frenzy for today’s paper.This must be part ofthe publisher’s bold strategyto win over the Move On Dot Com crowd to increase circulation.

On the front page alone are 4 major articles ranging from the growing popularity of Hillary contrasted to the boom-let for Che’s legacy in Latin America. Normally Janet Hook and Mark Barabak demonstrate alittle independence but not in today’s lead article. Two reporters who should know better, happily interview a soledemocrat in their first 3 paragraphs of why all democrats are now more comfortable with Hillary. Ultimately, they point out that Clinton is ahead of Obama. That’s the lead story !

Patrick McDonnell writes glowingly of a new Stalinesque statue of serial murderer Che Guevara in Marxist Bolivia. He reports that " Socialism is in, the Cubans are on the march, and Che is the defiant embodiment of it all." McDonnell is not quoting anyone. He is quoting himself.He probably wouldn’t pass high school journalist with that.

Another front page obligatory story interviews… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…78th AD, Guess the Mayor, and More

McCann the Man in the 78th?… On Friday, the Union-Trib focused on the efforts by GOP leadership to clearthe termed-out Shirley Horton seat for David Bejarano (the article washi-lited on the FRmain pageas well). On Red County/San Diego, "Hiram Johnson" also provides some amusing insights as to the ongoings, or not.

Since Bejarano has decided not to enter the race, some criticism has followed by those saying, in effect, "You know, you maywant to check to make surea candidate actually wants to run before selling them as the next best thing since sliced bread." By some accounts, Bejarano was absolutely planning a run, but an illness in his family changed things. To those who haveraised his lack of commitment to a hard fight as the real reason behind the change-of-heart, my response is simple…

Perhaps so-called family-values conservatives should give thebenefit of the… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Today’s Commentary: Middle Class, my….fanny

Because I live outside of Sacramento, most of the people I spend my days around don’t have much personal interaction with state government, beyond a trip to the DMV or filing for disability during maternity leave. Most have never had any personal interaction with legislators and assume that all legislators are arrogant and out of touch. I try to tell them otherwise, citing examples of legislators I have known over the years who are honest, hard working, average Californians.

But then along comes Fabian Nunez. Arrogant and out of touch seems like a pretty apt description of him right now. Oh, and he’s the guy who thinks we should be extending the term limits of our legislators.

In case you missed it, the Los Angeles Times broke a story on Friday that detailed some pretty outrageous… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Middle Class, my….fanny

Because I live outside of Sacramento, most of the people I spend my days around don’t have much personal interaction with state government, beyond a trip to the DMV or filing for disability during maternity leave. Most have never had any personal interaction with legislators and assume that all legislators are arrogant and out of touch. I try to tell them otherwise, citing examples of legislators I have known over the years who are honest, hard working, average Californians.

But then along comes Fabian Nunez. Arrogant and out of touch seems like a pretty apt description of him right now. Oh, and he’s the guy who thinks we should be extending the term limits of our legislators.

In case you missed it, the Los Angeles Times broke a story on Friday that detailed some pretty outrageous… Read More

Achievements Honored for Benoit Staff Member

As Assemblyman Benoit’s Chief of Staff, my greatest satisfaction comes when a member of our staff gets either, 1) a better job offer, or 2) recognition for their individual achievements. Both of these indicate that we are doing our part to brighten the workforce and serve the community. Of course, I prefer #2.

Darin Schemmer served as an intern with us his last year in college and joined our staff as our communications director. His writing is phenomenal. Darin was recognized last week by the Norco City Council for his long list of achievements – keep in mind he is all of 21 years old.

By the way, Norco’s nickname is Horsetown USA, a horseowner’s oasis in the middle of Southern California’s suburbia.Yousee in the picture that the Council takes that very seriously as Darin is way overdressed for theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Jerry “The King of Pork” Lewis Is Now Boehner’s Bane

In his syndicated weekly column published this morning, well known Washington D.C. political analyst Bob Novak reports about a secret meeting of the House Republican leadership at which discussions took place about whether California Republican Congressman Jerry Lewis should be stripped of his leadership role, that of being the top GOPer on the House Appropriations Committee, because federal authorities are in the midst of an investigation of Lewis and allegations of corruption surrounding one of the House’s most prolific pork-a-holic spenders (so much so that he has been dubbed, "The King of Pork"). Here is what Novak had to say:

In a secret meeting Wednesday of the House Republican leadership, Minority Leader John Boehner ruled that Rep. Jerry Lewis of California will continue as the party’s ranking member of theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Jerry “The King of Pork” Lewis Is Now Boehner’s Bane

In his syndicated weekly column published this morning, well known Washington D.C. political analyst Bob Novak reports about a secret meeting of the House Republican leadership at which discussions took place about whether California Republican Congressman Jerry Lewis should be stripped of his leadership role, that of being the top GOPer on the House Appropriations Committee, because federal authorities are in the midst of an investigation of Lewis and allegations of corruption surrounding one of the House’s most prolific pork-a-holic spenders (so much so that he has been dubbed, "The King of Pork"). Here is what Novak had to say:

In a secret meeting Wednesday of the House Republican leadership, Minority Leader John Boehner ruled that Rep. Jerry Lewis of California will continue as the party’s ranking member of theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Washington Post’s Cillizza ranks CD 4 (Doolittle) as most likely turnover seat…

Chris Cillizza is one of the more respected political analysts/pundits inside of the Beltway, writing his very high profile, The Fix, for the Washington Post.

Today he published a list of the top ten districts House Districts that he believes are most likely to switch from one party to another. You would think that topping this list would be one of many "Republican" districts that elected a Democrat last year since the GOP took a wholloping at the polls.

But from sea to sea, Cillizza looked at all of the seats, and has ranked California’s 4th District, currently held by Republican John Doolittle, as the most likely to turn over.

This highlights the challenge for the embattled incumbent. As the election approaches, the conventional wisdom is that he is too tarnished (in the court of public opinion) to defeat a strong campaign from Democrat Charlie Brown, who nearly beat him last go-around.

Here is what Cillizza says (read the whole column here):

1. California’s 4thRead More