Waste Watch – Misuse of Education Dollars is X-Rated
You don’t have to have a doctorate to know that serious waste is occurring in California higher education. In this latest snapshot of wasteful acts, not only are the numbers obscene, but so is the content – state computers, funded by taxpayers, have been used by employees to view pornography.
The Los Angeles Times (September 21, 2007) reported that “an official at Cal Poly Pomona used two different university computers to view Internet sites containing pornographic material, in violation of state law.” These perverted acts were revealed thanks to whistleblowers, who tipped off "state investigators [who subsequently] uncovered a raft of waste and misconduct in recent months….” The investigators got their information “thanks to a hotline on which state employees can report improper use of public resources without fear of retribution.” It’s likely that this official didn’t think that anyone would catch him (since he was sneaky enough to commit his acts on two different… Read More