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Duane Dichiara

Jantz Appointed To Taxpayer Board

Hey they forgot blogger for Flashreport and Red County…

La Mesa resident Barry Jantz, CEO of the Grossmont Healthcare District, has been appointed to the San Diego County Taxpayers Association board. Jantz, who joined the district in 2004, served as a member of the La Mesa City Council for four terms from 1990 to 2006. He was chief of staff to former Assemblyman Jay La Suer and was a public affairs consultant. He previously worked for 18 years in the facilities development department for Kaiser Permanente.

Congratulations, Barry…… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Today’s Commentary: SD 23 – The Dem Primary

Senate District 23 is held by Senator Sheila Kuehl (pictured left). She is currently prevented from seeking re-election due to term limits.

The district is coastal stretching from Oxnard in Ventura County to Malibu and then down to UCLA. Half the population is in Los Angeles but also includes the entire cities of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Malibu, and West Hollywood. (See a map here.)

Governor Schwarzenegger won the seat in the 2003 recall but only tied Angelides last November. Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner came within three points of Bustamante in 2006 and is the only Republican to come close in the last decade. The Republican on the ballot here is less than a speed bump for the winner of the Democratic primary.… Read More

Matt Rexroad

SD 23 – The Dem Primary

Senate District 23 is held by Senator Sheila Kuehl (pictured left). She is currently prevented from seeking re-election due to term limits.

The district is coastal stretching from Oxnard in Ventura County to Malibu and then down to UCLA. Half the population is in Los Angeles but also includes the entire cities of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Malibu, and West Hollywood. (See a map here.)

Governor Schwarzenegger won the seat in the 2003 recall but only tied Angelides last November. Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner came within three points of Bustamante in 2006 and is the only Republican to come close in the last decade. The Republican on the ballot here is less than a speed bump for the winner of the Democratic primary.

This is not a district that is going to be electing someone like… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sanders Retains GOP Endorsement

In the wake of his change-of-heart on same-sex marriage, Mayor Jerry Sanders tonight held on to the SD County Republican Party’s previously given endorsement. Plenty of conjecture and comments at Red County San Diego:

So What is Going to Happen at the GOP Tonight?

Independent Report

Mayor WinsRead More

Jon Fleischman

No on 93 TV Ad (93 is the Perata/Nunez Term-Limits End Run)

Check out this KABC news footage about the unexplainable and lavish lifestyle enjoyed by Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, all at the expense of his campaign donors…

It you had any questions about why term-limits are a good thing, this would be it. Nunez has completely lost his sense of propriety in terms of prudent use of campaign funds.

The video is about two minutes long, but the best images are after the half-way point, with Nunez literally running away from the camera, as the reporter is asking him to explain all of his outrageous and lavish expenditures… (there is more below the video) "SE SALE POR LA COCINA" or, in Enlgish, "HE LEFT THROUGH THE KITCHEN"Read More

James V. Lacy

Tony Rackauckas to speak at Western CPAC

Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas has confirmed he will be a speakerthis Saturday evening, October 13, at the upcoming Western Conservative Political Action conference to be held at the Fairmont Hotel in Newport Beach.

Other speakers at the conference include conservative leaders Mike Reagan, U.S. Senator Sam Brownback, Congressman Duncan Hunter, State Senator Tom McClintock, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, and Reagan biographer Dinesh D’Souza, amongmany others.

There is still time to take advantage of the Fairmont’s discounted rate of $159 a night for conference registrants. Information about theconference and on-line registration is available at or by calling Tiffany Delepine at Schubert/Flint Public Affairs at 714-774-1741.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sanders Polling

H/T to Blog of SD’s Pat Flannery for having it first and to "Mighty Thor" at Red County SD for making it graphically user-friendly….here is some data from a McLaughlin and Associates poll on Mayor Jerry Sanders:

Much resulting fodder on Red County as to whether this constitutes the entire poll or not, who commissioned it (GOP?Steve Francis?Donna Frye?Labor Council?, yadda, yadda?) and just what is Pat Flannery’s agenda in publishing it.

As much as Flannery has against Sanders, that last one’s a laugh, unless folks are afraid of information. If the definition of a liberal is someone who posts information that Republicans don’t like, ok, count me as a liberal.

Yes, I too would’ve liked to see the results of a straight up question on the likely/potential… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: No Commentary Today

The offices of the FlashReport are closed today to celebrate the Columbus Day holiday. That said, we did get in early to make sure that the main page is updated, and includes an exclusive column from Congressman Kevin McCarthy, in addition to all of the political stories from California’s daily papers (such as they are on this quiet holiday).

Have a great day!

Jon Fleischman, Publisher

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More