GOP Moves for Aguirre Ouster over Ethics Breach
5:35 pm Union-Trib Update____________
The Union-Trib stunned the San Diego political establishment this morning by not only charging City Attorney Mike Aguirre with ethics violations for taking campaign contributions from employees, but also editorializing on how one would legally go about removing him from office.
Within a matter of hours, the GOP called a press conference for 3 pm today, to announce they would carry the water in the endeavor. Voice of SD has it as follows:
GOP Seeks Removal of Aguirre
The San Diego County Republican Party just announced that it will be filing an ethics complaint against City Attorney Mike Aguirre with the intent of having him removed from office.
A press conference is scheduled for 3 p.m. outside of City Hall.
The announcement comes on the heels of this… Read More