What if Code Pink is Right?
Question: What is the difference between the picture on the left and the picture on the right?
Answer: Freedom.
Question: Who secured the freedom the women and children on the left enjoy?
Answer: Those willing to fight and die for it.
Question: Who ensures that the woman and child on the right have no freedom?
Answer: The people we are currently fighting.
I’m not going to call Code Pink ignorant; I’m going to call them innocent of the facts. I’m not going to call Code Pink ungrateful; I’m going to call them uneducated of the truth. I’m not going to call Code Pink radicals; I’m going to call them friends of radical Islamists.
In Berkeley, Code Pinkies are protesting a Marine Corps Officer Recruiting Station that they are “horrified is located so near a high school.” Never mind that high school… Read More