Washington Post’s Cillizza ranks CD 4 (Doolittle) as most likely turnover seat…
Chris Cillizza is one of the more respected political analysts/pundits inside of the Beltway, writing his very high profile, The Fix, for the Washington Post.
Today he published a list of the top ten districts House Districts that he believes are most likely to switch from one party to another. You would think that topping this list would be one of many "Republican" districts that elected a Democrat last year since the GOP took a wholloping at the polls.
But from sea to sea, Cillizza looked at all of the seats, and has ranked California’s 4th District, currently held by Republican John Doolittle, as the most likely to turn over.
This highlights the challenge for the embattled incumbent. As the election approaches, the conventional wisdom is that he is too tarnished (in the court of public opinion) to defeat a strong campaign from Democrat Charlie Brown, who nearly beat him last go-around.
Here is what Cillizza says (read the whole column here):
1. California’s 4th… Read More