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Jon Fleischman

Exclusive Interview With GOP Strategist Arnie Steinberg, Part I

I’ve known Arnold Steinberg for nearly twenty years, and he had been involved in political campaigns and causes long before we became aquainted, and developed our longtime friendship. Strategist Arnie Steinberg has been involved in virtually every phase of political and advertising campaigns. Also, he has created more than 1600 opinion survey projects and focus groups and has testified as an expert witness frequently on elections, public opinion, advertising, and related issues. For major litigation, he has helped develop legal strategy and jury profiles. Many years ago, he wrote two graduate textbooks on politics and media. He has served on various government and foundation boards. Currently, Steinberg provides strategic counsel and survey research to private clients and selected political clients.Read More

Shawn Steel

Electoral College Reform: Putting California in Play ; Paul Singer vs. Stephen Bing

What could be more important that electing a Republican to the White House in 2008?

The winner will likely serve as President until 2016. That’s a long time. Controlling foreign policy, fighting the War against Radical Islam, safeguarding America, supporting pro-growth economic policies and protecting the nuclear family is what is at stake.

Our friend, attorney Tom Hiltachk, submitted an Initiative proposal that absolutely rocks the Democrats. Squeals could be heard ranging from Howard Dean to every California Democrat elected official, crying about everything from disenfranchisement to "stealing" elections.

Everyone understands if proportional voting islegal in California in 2008, Democrats will not win the White House. By having each electoral vote based on the votes of each Congressional district, Republicans will win at least 19 electoral votes of California’s 55. California is 20% of what’s needed to win the 270 Electoral College votes nationwide.

Wasting no time Clinton, supporters instantly cried foul and created an outfit called Californians for Fair Election Reform. ClintonistaChris… Read More

Tab Berg

Giuliani wins 3rd CA Straw Poll

America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani wraps up an impressive run in California by winning the Straw poll at the National Federation of Republican Women’s recent convention.

This follows wins in straw polls at the California Republican Party State Convention (conducted by the Monterey County Republican CC) and at the California State Fair (conducted by the Sacramento County Republican CC).

The NFRW convention (they have 1,825 local clubs) was attended by GOP women activists from around the country – which indicates Rudy’s campaign is building momentum…

Now straw polls are not scientific, but Giuliani also leads all polls in California and nationally – across all demographic and philosophic profiles.

And, as FR contributor… Read More

Barry Jantz

Minuteman PAC Endorses Duncan D. Hunter for Dad’s Seat

Chris Simcox, Minuteman PAC Honorary Chairman and founder of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, announced this morning that the PAC has endorsed Duncan D. Hunter for Congress in his bid to succeed his father in California’s 52nd congressional district.

As Hunter is serving with his Marine unit in Afghanistan, his wife Margaret is keeping the campaign fires burning. "We are very happy to receive the endorsement of the Minutemen PAC, " she said. "The devastating impact of illegal immigration is probably the top issue in the 52ND congressional district, because we are on the front-lines. Duncan firmly believes that the federal government needs to do more to stem the flow of illegal immigration. He is committed to continuing the work started by his father to build the border fence and increase border security."

Attached is the full release.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

78th Assembly District

San Diego’s 78th Assembly District is one of the few remaining state legislative battlegrounds. For a pretty straight look at the Democrat candidates see this morning.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: With Ted Gaines running for Congress, Eric Hogue jumps in the GOP race for AD 4

**Preview: Coming tomorrow and Wednesday, I had an opportunity to conduct yet another insightful and provocative interview with well-known and well-respected veteran California pollster Arnie Steinberg. This interview with Steinberg is a two-parter, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading it as much as we spent bringing it your way. Look for Part I tomorrow! – Flash**

California 4th Assembly District is safe GOP territory. Currently represented by conservative Ted Gaines, the district lies to the East of Sacramento, taking in all or most of Placer, El Dorado and Alpine Counties, a portion of Sutter County and a small piece of Sacramento County. Here is a map.

Most notable about this legislative district these days is that it falls within California 4th Congressional District where the long-time incumbent, John Doolittle… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Ranked Voting

The Governor currently has a bill sitting on his desk that has not received a single Republican vote.

(Note: I stand corrected. Senator Tom McClintock voted for this bill. See vote here.)

When looking at the bill analysis it is easy to understand why. It is hard to agree with the City of Davis (I almost never do), Common Cause, Cal PIRG, and the California Democratic Party.

Despite the unsavory cast of characters supporting it (not including McClintock), the bill has merit. AB 1294 allows general law cities and counties to be able to use ranked voting (RV) systems if it passes by local initiative.

Local Control I actually believe in local control. As a former Mayor and current County Supervisor I think we even need to let cities and counties run their own systems. We don’t need Senator Battin, Assemblyman Smyth, Speaker Nunez or anyone else in Sacramento telling us what is good for Woodland.

Cities and counties should be able to be wrong. The City of San Diego… Read More

Jon Fleischman

With Ted Gaines running for Congress, Eric Hogue jumps in the GOP race for AD 4

**Preview: Coming tomorrow and Wednesday, I had an opportunity to conduct yet another insightful and provocative interview with well-known and well-respected veteran California pollster Arnie Steinberg. This interview with Steinberg is a two-parter, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading it as much as we spent bringing it your way. Look for Part I tomorrow! – Flash**

California 4th Assembly District is safe GOP territory. Currently represented by conservative Ted Gaines, the district lies to the East of Sacramento, taking in all or most of Placer, El Dorado and Alpine Counties, a portion of Sutter County and a small piece of Sacramento County. Here is a map.

Most notable about this legislative district these days is that it falls within California 4th Congressional District where the long-time incumbent, John Doolittle… Read More