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Jon Fleischman

Roll Call: GOP Leaders Trying to Push Doolittle Out

The following story appears in today’s Roll Call Newspaper on Capitol Hill:

GOP Leaders Trying to Push Doolittle Out By David M. Drucker Roll Call Staff October 16, 2007 With polls showing his presumed Democratic opponent beating him in 2008, embattled Rep. John Doolittle (R-Calif.) is under pressure from House Republican leaders to retire at the end of this term.Read More

Carl Fogliani

McNerney Numbers Posted

Jerry McNerney raised $234K in the third quarter and reported $757K cash on hand.… Read More

Governor Vetoes CalChamber’s ‘Job Killer’ Bills

In the flurry of the Governor’s bill signing and vetoing, Schwarzenegger vetoed all 12 of the CalChamber’s "Job Killer" bills. You can see the CalChamber’s press release here.

For the record, in 2006 he vetoed nine of 11; in 2005 he vetoed seven of eight; and 2004 he was a perfect 10 for 10. That’s a ninety-three percent kill rate since he has been in office.

In 2003, the last year Governor Davis was in office, 13 "job killer" bills made it to his desk and he signed all but two of them into law.… Read More

Mike Spence


CRFI files referendum to stop implementation of Sheila Kuehl’s SB 777.

Under the guise of promoting school safety, SB 777 would ban any teaching or activities in schools that “promote a discriminatory bias” against homosexuals, transgenders, bisexuals, and those with gender issues.

If SB 777 is not stopped, boys won’t need an excuse to get into the girls’ locker room—it is now state-sanctioned school policy.


Stay tuned………… Read More

Arnold turns sights on gun owners!

I am shocked. The Governor just signed into law two anti-gun pieces of legislation: The micro-stamping bill that would require all semi-automatic handguns sold in California to "stamp" the serial number of the gun onto each bullet as it leaves the chamber. He also signed the bill banning lead ammunition from being sold in California. When did this Governor decide to declare war on those of us who support the Second Amendment? Both of these pieces of legislation wrapped themselves around feel-good ideas, the former around the alleged benefits to our law enforcement community and the latter around being good environmentalists. And just like you would expect, neither is rooted in any substantive proof that they will accomplish their stated goals. What is certain, however, is that law-abiding gun owners now face another set of barriers to the protection of their right. The siege on theSecond Amendment by our liberal politicians is so insidious because it is death by a thousand paper cuts and each one is sold as a "modest" effort. I simply can’t believe Arnold went down this road. Let’s hope those who hold dear the Second… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Andal Reports Solid Numbers

Dean Andal reported on his FEC filings raising another $101,000 with a cash on hand of $351,118. Notable donations received were from Representatives Mary Bono and Wally Herger and a maxing out by the Lincoln Club of Northern California. These should be some of the strongest challenger numbers in the country. Now we will wait to see how much liberal D.C. money has been pumped into Jerry McNerney’s coffers in the third quarter.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Memo to Democrat Legislators — Hold onto your 50k…

Dear Democrat Legislators (well, actually just to those of you who prudently have not yet written a big fat check to Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez for his ill-fated Term-Limits weakening initiative): You have to give Fabian Nunez the "chutzpah" award for having the gall to push all of you guys around, trying to get you each to pony up $50,000 to help support his brazen effort to remain Speaker through 2012. Now I know that many of you are facing term-limits, and would like to see Proposition 93 pass — but it just isn’t going to happen. Speaker Nunez knew all along that it would be a challenge to pass the measure. That said, even with the treacherous and misleading Title and Summary written up by your fellow Democrat, Attorney General Jerry Brown, that misleads readers into thinking this measure imposed stricter term-limits, when it actually would result in you and your colleagues spending more time in office — a survey released today by the… Read More

Mike Spence

Upscale Real Estate Guide to Underperforming Schools

Do you live in a nice Republican area of Orange County, maybe Placer County or some place close to Fabian Nunez’s$1 million dollar house in Sacramento? Then the Upscale Real Estate Guide to Underperforming Schools is for you! The guide lists schools inareas with a High Median Home Price where over 50% of thestudents failed to meet the state standard in English or Math. The guide is part of new book written by my friends at the Pacific Research Institute. Lance Izumi, Vicki Murray and Rachel Chaney. Not As Good As You Think: Why the Middle Class Needs School Choice explains exactly what the title says it does, but the guide will give a quick reference.Read More