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Today’s Commentary: Bad Day For Career Politicians Looking To Extend Their Careers – Campaign Against Proposition 93 Expanding

Whose day was worse yesterday? The Boston Red Sox professional baseball team, a club that is one heartbreaking game away from losing another championship contest; or California’s professional political class? Not only are supporters of the term limits modification initiative, Proposition 93, reeling from poor public polling numbers released earlier this week, today they received another dose of depressing news: Bill Postmus, the immediate past chair of the San Bernardino County Republican Party, has joined the ranks of Assembly Republican leadership, grassroots activists, and thousands of Californians in an effort to defeat Prop 93.Proposition 93 aims to prolong the government service of career politicians who cannot seem to accept California’s longstanding support of legislative term limits for the state’s political class. Read the No On 93 Campaign’s … Read More

Bad Day For Career Politicians Looking To Extend Their Careers – Campaign Against Proposition 93 Expanding

Whose day was worse yesterday? The Boston Red Sox professional baseball team, a club that is one heartbreaking game away from losing another championship contest; or California’s professional political class? Not only are supporters of the term limits modification initiative, Proposition 93, reeling from poor public polling numbers released earlier this week, today they received another dose of depressing news: Bill Postmus, the immediate past chair of the San Bernardino County Republican Party, has joined the ranks of Assembly Republican leadership, grassroots activists, and thousands of Californians in an effort to defeat Prop 93.Proposition 93 aims to prolong the government service of career politicians who cannot seem to accept California’s longstanding support of legislative term limits for the state’s political class. Read the No On 93 Campaign’s … Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: No on 93 Ad – Starring Fabian Nunez!

The first of many, given that Don Perata and Fabian Nunez continue to be such a rich source for material on why neither of them should be granted more time in the legislature… (kudos to FR friend Greg Hill over at GBWA for his fine work on this.) … Read More

Jennifer Nelson

The gov & conservatives

Here’s a funny one from an editorial in yesterday’s North County Times (admittedly taken a bit out of context):

"…the governor broke some new ground, and turned his back on conservatives…"

As FR readers know, the governor’s had his back turned on conservatives for quite some time…Read More

Jill Buck

Veterans Unite Behind McCain!

I was on a call this morning with Veterans across the country and Senator McCain, or “The Cap’n”, as I like to think of him. He gave us an update, took questions, cracked jokes, and inspired each of us to charge the hill for him! He’s a dynamo, and smart as a whip on absolutely every subject…no “talking points” required. He stands alone in the field of candidates as the only one ready to hit the ground running on Day 1 of being Commander in Chief.

We can’t afford to elect a candidate who needs on-the-job training for being the leader of the free world. The dangers of our day should inspire every Republican voter to enthusiastically get out to the primary, and vote for the only man who is unparalleled in his preparations to lead this nation through troubled waters.

We can’t afford to elect a man who cannot beat Hillary… One who has dropped out of a race with her before… One who will leave the “family values” position completely in her hands… One who doesn’t have the work ethic to rival hers… One who flip flops on issues critical to the conservative base… One who takes positions on the sanctity of… Read More

Barry Jantz

Member Communications Protected

A great post by "Mighty Thor" yesterday on Red County/San Diego about the Governor’s signing of Assemblyman Martin Garrick’s AB 1430, as well as a reference back to GOP Chairman Ron Nehring’s July 12 column on these pages about the issue. From the RCSD post:

In short, the bill preserves free political speech rather than restrict it further. The Governor did the courageous thing because various ‘Ethics Commissions’ and newspaper editorial boards had grossly distorted the impact of the bill (five newspapers editorial boards attacked it, including the SDUT and the LA Times). But the Governor stood on principal and protected the First Amendment.

Next time you see Garrick thank him for protect your right to say whatever you want…Congratulations, Martin, for having the initiative to get this accomplished in your first year!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Stunned… Where’s Doolittle’s Dough?

I was stunned when I first read the campaign fundraising totals for this period reported by John Doolittle (h/t to Hank Shaw over at the Stockton Record).

I live far away from the 4th CD, in Orange County, but I know the kind of momentum you need to have going on to gear up to win a "battleground" U.S. House seat. It takes a staggering amount of money — and Doolittle’s anemic totals this year make Doolittle’s first and most important hurdle that much harder… According to published reports, Doolittle raised just over $50,000 to Democrat Charlie Brown’s impressive $212,000.

Looking at the fundraising numbers from neighboring CD 11, another "battleground" seat, the incumbent Congressman, Democrat Jerry McNerney, raised $234K in the third quarter and reported $757K cash on hand. A little different picture than that of the incumbent in CD 4. For those interested, Dean Andal, McNerney’s probably GOP opponent, raised $101,000 this period with a cash on hand of $351,118.

John Doolittle needs to be able to make… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Stunned… Where’s Doolittle’s Dough?

I was stunned when I first read the campaign fundraising totals for this period reported by John Doolittle (h/t to Hank Shaw over at the Stockton Record).

I live far away from the 4th CD, in Orange County, but I know the kind of momentum you need to have going on to gear up to win a "battleground" U.S. House seat. It takes a staggering amount of money — and Doolittle’s anemic totals this year make Doolittle’s first and most important hurdle that much harder… According to published reports, Doolittle raised just over $50,000 to Democrat Charlie Brown’s impressive $212,000.

Looking at the fundraising numbers from neighboring CD 11, another "battleground" seat, the incumbent Congressman, Democrat Jerry McNerney, raised $234K in the third quarter and reported $757K cash on hand. A little different picture than that of the incumbent in CD 4. For those interested, Dean Andal, McNerney’s probably GOP opponent, raised $101,000 this period with a cash on hand of $351,118.… Read More