Today’s Commentary: Bad Day For Career Politicians Looking To Extend Their Careers – Campaign Against Proposition 93 Expanding
Whose day was worse yesterday? The Boston Red Sox professional baseball team, a club that is one heartbreaking game away from losing another championship contest; or California’s professional political class? Not only are supporters of the term limits modification initiative, Proposition 93, reeling from poor public polling numbers released earlier this week, today they received another dose of depressing news: Bill Postmus, the immediate past chair of the San Bernardino County Republican Party, has joined the ranks of Assembly Republican leadership, grassroots activists, and thousands of Californians in an effort to defeat Prop 93.Proposition 93 aims to prolong the government service of career politicians who cannot seem to accept California’s longstanding support of legislative term limits for the state’s political class. Read the No On 93 Campaign’s … Read More