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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: So Far, The Governor Is Earning An “F” As He Signs 3, And Vetoes One Of This Year’s 20 Worst Bills

Respected Sacramento Bee Columnist Dan Weintraub, on his blog (sorry, you have to pay $$ to read it) reflected on FR’s annual Top Twenty Bills to Veto. Apparently Weintraub might have to join the ranks of those who think that Arnold is more conservative than he actually is — those ranks include many on this website (and a vast amount of those who worked hard on his election and re-election).. Weintraub, upon review of our list (compiled by State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, and yours truly) said this:

"I am going to go out on a limb here and say I think Schwarzenegger will veto at least 15 of the 20 bills this year, and perhaps as many as 18… Given everything that has been said and written about Schwarzenegger’s leftward tilt, it will be interestingRead More

Jon Fleischman

So Far, The Governor Is Earning An “F” As He Signs 3, And Vetoes One Of This Year’s 20 Worst Bills

Respected Sacramento Bee Columnist Dan Weintraub, on his blog (sorry, you have to pay $$ to read it) reflected on FR’s annual Top Twenty Bills to Veto. Apparently Weintraub might have to join the ranks of those who think that Arnold is more conservative than he actually is — those ranks include many on this website (and a vast amount of those who worked hard on his election and re-election).. Weintraub, upon review of our list (compiled by State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, and yours truly) said this:

"I am going to go out on a limb here and say I think Schwarzenegger will veto at least 15 of the 20 bills this year, and perhaps as many as 18… Given everything that has been said and written about Schwarzenegger’s leftward tilt, it will be interestingRead More

Jon Fleischman

Placer GOP does NOT censure Ted Gaines

Some brain surgeon on the Placer County GOP Central Committee introduced a resolution to… get this… “censure” Assemblyman Ted Gaines for opening an exploritory committee for a candidacy for Congress — challenging embattled incumbent John Doolittle for the GOP nomination in CD 4.

On this website we have reported about survey data that shows that Doolittle would lose handily to Democrat Charlie Brown next November…

So Doolittle has a short period of time to demostrate, objectively, that he can hold CD4 for the GOP. Until he can do that, who can really throw stones at other GOPers who want to run?

Apparently the elected members of the Placer County Central Committee agree, as they overwhelmingly rejected the proposed resolution.

Now the situation in CD4 is complex, to be sure. I have known John Doolittle for 20+ years, and I truly believe that he has committed no criminal wrongdoing. Still, no one “owns” a U.S. House seat. Doolittle should make his case to primary voters — and he will need to demonstrate an ability to defeat Brown…. But he has to… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Arnold Care: Patients Without Doctors

There is no better source documentation for the real disaster of Arnold Care than Fresno County’s own Dr. Linda Halderman. Her recent piece in the Fresno Bee is literally all you need to know about the issue. Not only is there no basis in freedom and capitalism in his approach, but the sheer numbers tell us this – if you put every uninsured person into the health care system tomorrow – it would collapse. There aren’t enough doctors – period.

There is nothing here to support. The entire plan is a lark.… Read More

Mike Spence

Does CRA support Arnold’s Health Care Plan?

The email I got today was simple. "CRA Press Release" It pointed out that CRA was supporting the Governor’s health plan.

I was a little surprised considering CRA has always been against more government control of health care and doesn’t think taxes should be raised to cover illegal aliens in the plan.

Here is the rest of the story.

The California Republican Assembly doesn’t support the plan, but the press release was from the California Retailer’s Association. Think about it. Your next 80-ounce soft drink purchase subsidizes the effort to create more government subsidies for health care.

No word on when the California Reading Association, California Restaurant Association, California Rehabilitation Association, California Redwood Association, California Rental Association or the California Redevelopment Association will send their releases out.… Read More

Barry Jantz

GOP Moves for Aguirre Ouster over Ethics Breach

5:35 pm Union-Trib Update____________

The Union-Trib stunned the San Diego political establishment this morning by not only charging City Attorney Mike Aguirre with ethics violations for taking campaign contributions from employees, but also editorializing on how one would legally go about removing him from office.

Within a matter of hours, the GOP called a press conference for 3 pm today, to announce they would carry the water in the endeavor. Voice of SD has it as follows:

GOP Seeks Removal of Aguirre

The San Diego County Republican Party just announced that it will be filing an ethics complaint against City Attorney Mike Aguirre with the intent of having him removed from office.

A press conference is scheduled for 3 p.m. outside of City Hall.

The announcement comes on the heels of thisRead More

Mike Spence

Which lawmakers are “really” pro-family?

Capitol Resource Family Impact (CRFI) released theirscorecard for the state legislature. They measured only social and family issues. Who got a perfect score? See it here. There were more Senators than Assembly members with perfect scores.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

ArnoldCare Makes Things Worse

I think that one of the challenges about addressing concerns about healthcare in California as a public policy question is figuring exactly what government can do to help the situation, versus big brother getting involved in a way that will ultimately make things much worse. Yesterday, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger introduced a health care plan that would represent a radical and extreme shift in California, moving us significantly down the path towards a government-run healthcare system. There are a whole slew of problems with his proposal, but the single biggest part of it is that it defies one of the most basic, fundamental principles of our American democracy — individual responsibility. Using fancy rhetoric (courtesy of the left-wing New America Foundation), the Governor has declared that the provision of health care coverage in California is no longer an individual responsibility, it is now a "shared" responsibility. Apparently "shared" responsibility sounds better than saying "taxpayer responsibility" or, to put it in longer form, that health care is no longer YOUR responsibility. This proposal marks a radical… Read More