Today’s Commentary: Revenge of the Nerds
It is becoming increasingly clear that the Governor cares little about his relationship with Republicans, and the groups that count on Republicans to protect them from an intrusive government. Whether it is the business community, taxpayers, gunowners, or families, every recent Republican governor has at least understood that only way that Republicans could prevail is by keeping these groups somewhat happy. Even Pete Wilson, whose pro-choice position caused some consternation in conservative circles, took on education, tax, gun, and family battles so that those of us who were conservatives could honestly look at our constituents and say that they could support Wilson, and have a governor to be proud of. Schwarzenegger has abandoned that position.
He wasn’t always like that. When I met Schwarzenegger at the Mission Inn in Riverside in 2003 during the recall, he look at me and told me that conservatives would be proud of him as Governor. He would sign no new gun laws, he would never raise taxes, and though he could affect abortion as a Governor, he would appoint judges that would be strict constructionists. So much for campaign promises.
So, why is… Read More