Dean Ken Starr Sets His Sights On Wine Deregulation
Last Sunday I was delighted to fly to San Francisco and meet with Pepperdine Law School Dean, former Solicitor General of the United States, and Independent Counsel investigator of President Bill Clinton, Ken Starr, to talk about…..wine deregulation!
As a Pepperdine Law graduate myself and fellow Reagan Administration alumni, I had a couple of other reasons to really enjoy our 2 hour meeting, but the main purpose of our discussion had to do with a project that is close to Dean Starr’s heart (and also good for it), namely, working to oppose prohibitionist-style laws that still exist in many states that bar the direct shipment of wine to consumers. These regulatory barriers, including barriers to direct purchase and shipment of wine over the internet, exist in large states such as Texas and New Jersey, and are highly discriminatory against smaller family wineries in California that produce high quality products but cannot get access to these states for sales through theoutmoted "three tier"… Read More