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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund – The Ballot War for California

Today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail has a California item: (two if you count the Quote of the Day below it):

The Ballot War for California

The race to put a controversial measure on California’s ballot that would end the state’s "winner take all" allocation of its 55 Electoral College votes is back on. A group of Republican political consultants announced yesterday they will try to collect some 600,000 signatures by a November 13 filing deadline.

"Our budget is going to be whatever it takes to make the June ballot," said political strategist David Gilliard, who played a crucial role in getting the recall of then-Governor Gray Davis on the 2003 ballot. He will be aided by a campaign team that includes former Reagan political aide Ed Rollins and fundraiser Anne… Read More

Barry Jantz

San Diego County Update

WITCH FIRE: The latest update from CALFIRE reports the fire is now 145,000 acres and zero percent contained. The cause is under investigation.

600 structures have been destroyed (500 residences, 50 outbuildings, 100 commercial properties)

300 structures have been damaged (250 residences, 75 commercial properties and 50 outbuildings)

Seven injuries to firefighters; one civilian injury

The fire is threatening the communities of San Diego , Poway, Ramona, Escondido, Lakeside, Valley Center, San Marcos, Rancho Santa Fe. Currently, about 625 firefighters are battling the blaze using 89 engines, nine fire crews, ten dozers and two water tenders.

HARRIS FIRE: The Harris Fire has now burned 22,000 acres and is five percent contained. Some civilians have chosen not to evacuate and have created rescue problems as the fire impacts their community.

Five firefighters injured; one civilian fatality, six civilians injured

The cost to date to fight this fire is $1,300,000

The fire is threatening the communities of Potrero, Barrett Junction, Barrett Lake area, Engineer Springs, Dulzura, Deerhorn Valley… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Diana Ernst – Tax Hikes Will Not Fix California Health Care

*Today we ask all FR readers to take a moment and keep all of this immediately impacted by the expansive southland wildfires in their thoughts and prayers…*

We are pleased to present this outstanding commentary from Diana Ernst with the Pacific Research Institute.

The California legislature is in a special session on health care expected to last until mid-November, summoned by a governor who refuses to appreciate that tax hikes don’t equate with health reform. Thankfully, the governor recently vetoed Assembly Bill 8, which would have mandated that employers pay at least 7.5 percent of payroll towards health care, a tab that that many businesses find too expensive.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Diana Ernst – Tax Hikes Will Not Fix California Health Care

*Today we ask all FR readers to take a moment and keep all of this immediately impacted by the expansive southland wildfires in their thoughts and prayers…*

We are pleased to present this outstanding commentary from Diana Ernst with the Pacific Research Institute.

The California legislature is in a special session on health care expected to last until mid-November, summoned by a governor who refuses to appreciate that tax hikes don’t equate with health reform. Thankfully, the governor recently vetoed Assembly Bill 8, which would have mandated that employers pay at least 7.5 percent of payroll towards health care, a tab that that many businesses find too expensive.Read More

DISASTER UPDATE: State Law, County Assessors Can Assist Fire Victims

Although, at least at this point in time, it may amount to little comfort to those who have suffered severe damage or losses to their property, there is a provision in state tax code to assist property owners who have incurred losses as a result of a significant disaster. State law allows property owners to seek a reassessment of their property taxes when their property – homes, watercraft and airplanes, have been seriously affected by a calamity, such as this week’s devastating wildfires that have led to a state emergency declaration in eight California counties.

One of the areas most affected in Southern California is San Bernardino County. Several hundred structures have been reported lost and several hundred more are threatened by several wildfires that are still raging. Thousands of San Bernardino County residents have been placed under mandatory evacuation orders and many shelters have been established to deal with suddenly displaced property owners.

Things are tough now in San Bernardino, but with the coordinated emergency response organized by county law enforcement, fire, and first responders, we could… Read More

Jill Buck

Great Job, Congressman Hunter!

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you affected by the horrific fires today. I can’t turn the news off. Each time they mention another area ablaze, I can think of several of you that I know personally who live in those neighbors, and I’m really worried about you. Please take care, and check in when you can.

I saw Congressman Duncan Hunter on CNN today, announcing that he was able to get National Guard C-130’s dispatched to the state before the official State-to-White House request had even been processed. Now that’s what I call an advocate…way to go, Sir! (Of course, CNN praised him thoroughly…then swished him off the screen without ever mentioning that he is a Republican AND a Presidential candidate.) That’s alright, Congressman Hunter, you did a great job today, and I’m sure those air tankers are going to make a big difference; we’re proud of you!

Stay safe everyone. Many blessings.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Picture of the Week

It’s our own Tab Berg and Steve Maviglio, Deputy Chief of Staff to Fabian Nunez. Perhaps Tab will let us know how this photo came to be! … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Electoral College Reform Initiative Back On Track — With New Team In Place

Those liberal "wishful thinkers" out there who were quick to pronounce the proposed ballot measure to change the method of allocation of California Presidential Electors to a By-Congressional-District method will not be pleased with this news. I just got off of the phone with GOP strategist and consultant Dave Gilliard, and am pleased to tell you that as of today, the effort to place this initiative on the June, 2008 ballot is not only back, but is moving ahead at full speed. As a matter of fact, signature gatherers were out on the street all of last weekend, and will continue to collect signatures until the initiative qualifies! Here’s the scoop. As many of you may be aware, the initial effort on this effort was spearheaded by prominent political law attorney Tom Hiltachk. A couple of weeks ago, Hiltachk made a decision to pull the plug on his role with the qualification efforts — but made it clear that he was happy for someone to pick up the baton and keep on running with it. Well, the challenge has been met, and by quite a credible group of folks. Today the California Counts Committee was formed, and the… Read More