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Jon Fleischman

Rest In Peace, KTLA News

Any of our readers who grew up in the Los Angeles basin were used to the superior television news reporting from KTLA Channel 5. How many years did we all watch the team of Hal Fishman at the desk, and Stan Chambers in the field, bring us all of the details we wanted and craved whenever some sort of ‘breaking news’ would occur in the area? Of course both of these star players were supported by an outstanding group of co-anchors and fellow reporters.

I was blessed to be able to work a bit with Stan in my job as a media spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department for nearly six years. Well, apparently with the retirement of Chambers, and the passing of Fishman, Tribune Broadcasting, who also owns the Los Angeles Times, decided to make a big change — for the worse. For the past few days, who amongst us hasn’t been drawn to the television to watch, with rapt attention, the battle against the wildfires that are plaguing the Southland? Well, I can tell you,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR Welcomes Mindy Fletcher to our Blog Team!

I am very pleased to share with FR readers that Mindy Fletcher has joined the FlashReport team as a new statewide correspondent for our site. For those of you who do not know Mindy, she has a long history as a professional and an activist with the Republican Party. She played a key role in both the election and re-election of President Bush, serving as an official spokesman for the campaigns. Mindy also spent time working for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, with a stint as a Deputy Chief of Staff in the State Capitol, and as Deputy Campaign Manager for his re-election campaign.

I’ve know Mindy for years, and I am very excited to have her onboard. She’s conservative, smart, and has a good sense of humor, as well. She will provide a lot of great insight for us as she gets into the groove of blogging.

Please join me in welcoming Mindy. Her very first blog post is below…… Read More

Mindy Fletcher

A Woman President

No one in Great Britain would question whether a woman could be President. Point to Margaret Thatcher – the "Iron Lady" and ask if a woman can be the leader of a country. However, in America we are immersed in this debate.

This debate resurfaced on Tuesday when I attended the Governor and First Lady’s Conference on Women in Long Beach (which was terrific, by the way). There was alot of talk about Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and the potential to elect the first woman president. At a panel discussion that included the first female Governor of New Jersey Christine Whitman, the first female vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro and the first female White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers, I was struck by the dilemma facing me and most Republican women in this upcoming presidential election.

How can we be respectful of the fact that we finally have a woman running for president and at the same time oppose… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Day 3 From Downtown San Diego

It’s ‘raining’ ash downtown today. It leaves a disgusting film on you if you are outside for any period of time. Tourists, language students, and the homeless own the streets.

The homeless have actually gotten particularly aggresive… maybe because the ash and heat (it’s like 90 some odd degrees but no real sun) and maybe because the streets are pretty barren and they don’t feel restrained by crowds.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Target stores zeroing-in on signature gatherers

In a recent court filing that does not bode well for the initiative process and "expressive rights" in California, Target Stores is picking on an individual signature gatherer to obtain a court order against any such activity at Target Stores.

In a Complaint filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court in late August, and just recently served, Target Stores, represented by Morrison and Foerster (New York Mayor Bloomberg proclaimed yesterday "Morrison and Foerster" day in New York City), is suing an individual initiative signature gatherer and 100 Does for a permanent injunction and trespass to enforce Target’s blanket policy of "prohibiting all groups and individuals from using its property for expressive activity."

The lawsuit would bar all expressive activities, including signature gathering for initiative campaigns, in front of Target stores, to avoid "potential for congestion in front of entrances to Target stores" and the "potential for interference with business operations." Almost all the allegations in the Complaint are general in nature and no specific allegations or facts… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund on Reid, Garamendi and the Fires

From today’s WSJ Political Diary E-mail:


Politics famously no longer stops at the water’s edge. It also apparently no longer pauses to let victims cope with the immediate effects of a natural disaster.

Speaking to reporters yesterday about a pending energy bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared: "As you know, one reason that we have the fires burning in Southern California is global warming. One reason the Colorado Basin is going dry is because of global warming," the eminent scientist explained. But Mr. Reid apparently realized he had overstepped and was already revising his theories a few minutes, claiming to a reporter: "I didn’t… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: A Tragic Situation

Normally in this space we would have today’s political commentary. And there is plenty going on in the news on which to comment — a new redistricting proposal (that excludes redrawing U.S. House lines), the growing food fight between Speaker Fabian Nunez and the California Nurses Association, or Rep. Pete Starks’ apology after making an ass out of himself — to name a few. That said, these wildfires raging all over Southern California make it very difficult to just ‘dive in’ to political analysis, as if somehow today should be ‘business as usual’ for the FR. Like many, I have spent much time watching television, listening to the radio, and surfing the web, trying to stay up on what is going on, and where. I am overwhelmed with sympathy for people who are losing their homes, and awed by the bigger-than-life task of trying to manage and suppress all of these fires. It is clearly a testament to good firefighting skills that, given that well over 400,000 acres have burned (with over 900,000 people evacuated), that there has been so little loss of life. I know a significant number of people… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Mudslingers by Kerwin Swint

Kerwin Swint is a Professor of Political Science at Kennesaw State University . He wrote a book in 2006 called Mudslingers: The Top 25 Negative Political Campaigns of All Time.

California has two campaigns that make the list but the last one was in 1950.

This is an excellent book for political junkies. Some of these tactics that were used by these candidates even decades ago are pretty outrageous.

In California I actually see more hard hitting races in Democrat primaries. They seem to have no problem going for the jugular early on.

On the Republican side we have a couple races coming up in 2008 that could certainly make the list and at least one in 2010 that has great possibility.

In Mudslingers the races that rose to the top of the list usually involved race and accusations of extra martial affairs.… Read More