Today’s Commentary: Pirates Seize The HMS Bieber On Halloween
We here at the FlashReport would like to wish all of our readers a Happy Halloween, our third since the FR went "live" in October of 2005. Last Saturday night, I had a chance to stop by a couple of great Halloween parties — one of them actually had guests "transported toa Carribbean Island circa the 17th century for some priate fun.
A jolly, rum-filled time was had by all at the home of my long-time friends Jim and Kellie Bieber. I don’t have words to describe the ornate invitation that was mailed out, complete with an "treasure map" on parchment with burnt edges, and a couple of weighty gold doubloons to pay for entry. The invite pointed to a cool website. (Since Jim creates and sends out direct mail for a living, he was able to prepare it all in-house.) The theme? Pirates of the Caribbean! A lot of Orange County politicos "boarded" the Bieber family home in San Clemente (the only one on the block… Read More